NaeTy ItOo SheEty Anak maNa iAng tAk iNgin b'baKti pD k'2 Org tUa'a m'bhgiakn mReka,, hAti kEciL q pUn b'terIak iNgin rAsa'a aq m'Lihat mReka m'nAngis bhgIa m'Lihat aNak"a sUkses,, tApi aP lah dAya aq bLm bIsa sPrti iT,,,!!!
Ya Alloh bEriKan Umur pNjng bAgi k'2 Org tUa q bEri q k'sEm4'n m'bHgiakn'a wLwpn q tAk mUngkn mAmpu m'bLz s'mua'a kRna q tAk mUngkn sNg9up m'bLz pRjuangn beLiau,,, aq RINDU mReka >,<))..
Youcii Miiopoetih Teaa , lagii tp0nan d0nk ama c.ayah ..
,, ┣┫Ū┣┫Ū�┣┫�┣┫� ...
, miittyu .. :-*
Vincent Valentine um ngantok ou aqu.,
mao bo' dlo a..
Tha' all
mga mimpi indah yach...
Indah Grace Hahaha :D
Main krtu biar a saki.....
Serrruuu eh......
Chiela Ciciemothea apa swech makna dr! c!nta y9 sesun99uh'y,,,?
knpa dy bsa b!k!n manus!a menan9!s & trsenyum,,,?
Suhendi Lpu you're breaking my heart into a thousand piece. ..
Princess Ygcllu Dhautkmoe huh,,
Knpa cii, wkt q mw plg ja q nmu'n tu klnder smash..
Tp syang'a tko'a udh ttup, mna tgl 1 lg?. Pkok'a bsok q hrz dteng'n lg tko bku tu,a, mdh"an ja blum da yg bli..
Ukh,, pzti tar mlem gk bsa tdur neh kpkiran tu trz..
Icha Damarwulan men sekira a trpksa nny kx Q,, mending dk ush sma sekLi.
rajin2 brkca diri, pantes ap dk K ngomg cmtu kx org yg status a Lbh tggi dr K ..
smoga K cpt nydar diri.
Piyan Wahyudi Life is a journey not a destination.
Munajat Cinta SeribuSatu aduhh add raz!a gabUngan..
ketat eyy..
jd! ssah
Chimoetz Maniak'z Persib Sampai kpn Q mnggumu..
M'buka hatimu u/ Terima Cintaku..
Smpai kpn Rasa d Hati q mnanti Rasamu a/ menyambut Rasaku..
Izinkan Q m'buktikan tulus'y cintaku..!!
# UNGU "Beri Q waktu"
Bayu Bubblefill I was searching you were on a mission
Then our hearts combined like a neutron star collision
I have nothing left to lose
You took your time to choose
Then we told each other with no trace of fear that
Our love would be forever
And if we die, we die together
Well I, I said never
Cause our love would be forever
Aphroditha Maria Margaretha God is too wise that He created friends without "price tags" coz if He did, I can't afford to buy a luxalary expensive friend like "U" Karina Budiyanto
Nino Celonkkrabatkontrabankbret Temen baex hti mati"a d kbur hahahaha ???
Cipitz Loverzndaxlaekho Mmm mci mambco namo urang c d undangan ru a. . .
Namo wax n s dy blo kdibaco urang dlam undangan koo. . ? ? ?
Adhi Cmb Ninuku Ninuku Siang usaha ,
malem berd0'a . .,
Tri Vengeancy Yoso Replay
antlove sevenfold,bullet for your love,love of a down,love is dead,death love.
Nhaa Karlina di wktu bersamaku dya tax pdulikn aku ..
#hapeuk a....g
Cecem Oon What a pity!
Meliaa Lupph Bembenk kya pmbokat jja gw d suruh"....cpe tau am ortu gw jga lum prnah d surh"gni..pdhlinith udh mlm wkt"a gw istrahat....waduh...waduh.....
Fahmi Setiawan alhamdulillaah ya allah,, kau tlah memanjangkan umur kedua org tua ku,, sehingga aku masih bsa sempat berbakti n melakukan yg terbaik tuk kedua org tua ku ya ا لله
Joe Ardian seven day a gain
Umi Mokolanot
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Happy shopping sistah . :)
Clara Und�miel I do not like broccoli. And I haven�t liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. And I�m President of the United States and I�m not going to eat any more broccoli.
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