Ivan Martinez Olivia said her first word!!! It was "DADDA" lol..... i think she loves me
Tahir Shafi I BASED EVERY THING ON ONE PHILOSOPHY,,,,REWRITE RULES. RETAIN VALUES,,,,,,,,,,, chase your dreams but don't compromise on your belief system,,,,,,
Shawndra L Higgins My 8 year old son and I BOTH wish that EVERY church taught like John Lynn lol
Wednesday, December 7 at 8:00pm
Roman G Roman I felt like I was in the mist driving to work
Tearney Bush Lol ppl r hilarious. I dont get why hoes talk shit when they know deep down inside yu doin 10x better, look 50x better, but still playin crazy like they cant just give yu yo props. But guess what ii dont need yo props bitch bcuz with or without im on my feet fuck yu mean. #grownwomanstatus.
Cortney Murray Dicicco -goes up stairs- " Why did I come up here?" -goes down stairs- " Oh yeah I remember now." -goes up stairs- " Dang it, I forgot again" yep one pot of coffee down and it's already been one of those mornings!
Keresha Johnson Happy Birthday to my brother Craig I love u n miss u everyday RNP!!!! :*
Teresa Russell The goodness of the Lord is all around me, so I must embrace it and let it have its way. Thank you Jesus
Florie Williams I wanted to call you today to say I love you, but your old number is no longer in service. I tried the operator she said 'sorry I have no number for you'. I tried to go to your house, but you don't live there anymore. The post office has no forwarding address. I guess heaven is just too far away. I Love You, I Miss You. You are in my heart always and forever. Copy and paste in remembrance of Loved ones gone but not forgotten. Merry Christmas to all those in heaven..LOVE YOU ALL
Krystal Jones Ahh to work i go again its never endind lol workin 12-9 #cashhfloww =) S/N: only 30days to go =D
Clive Parker The Big Country setlist has gone to a collector in Ireland, I'm a bit emotional about it going... but you can't hang onto these things forever can you?? Its something a Big Country fan will appreciate much more.. and it’ll go toward a new Stannah Stairlift for me !!! Us old rockers have to get up to the toilet somehow.. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.127061734055172.26781.100002540392187&type=3#!/photo.php?fbid=127061787388500&set=a.127061734055172.26781.100002540392187&type=3&theater
Big Country set-list from the first ever gig, Glen Pavilion 1982. Stuart Adamson wrote this set list. I guess I should put this up for sale for charity at some point - not sure how much interest there would be? … probably not loads, although I can’t see me using it in the near future! - will go back in a drawer somewhere. Do people buy this sort of thing?! I heard the band are gigging again, was puzzled without Stuart-is it BC? Perhaps I should donate it to the planned Stuart Adamson memorial in Dunfermline - should it leave England??, since Stuart was English - The Elgin Marbles of Rock ’n’ Roll !!!!??
Big Country and Big Country related picis / memorabilia
Denise Hargis I went out to my car to drive my daughter to school this morning and discovered that my car was broken into, and everything dumped on the seat from the glove compartment. The thieves removed the dome light and broke the holders next to it...all for less than $5.00 in change. Counting my blessings that nothing of value was in the car, and because it was 23*F outside~ I hope they froze!
Mary Charnin Happy belated birthday Claire ! Wow 9 years old already ! I know how proud your Mom and Dad are of you. Hope you had a wonderful day !
Mike Gingell i voted 4 stacey to win. I think she has a realy good chance.
James Schooley Note to school, you make me get up at 7:00 in the morning when I would love to be sleeping, so start later in the day
Warren S Rock That we ask of others, we must also ask of ourselves. We must be willing to do what we ask others to do.
My wife told our six year old not to smoke cigarettes when he gets old enough. His reply was, "I could, you always!" Life is REAL folks, not an illusion!!!
Ian Marlin Happy monday dudes and chicks Glad I left wolf creek when I did! Mas snow!! Now it's time for ski Santa to get theirs!!! Please god let this storm hit us And stop playing!
Gale Hamilton Mays Yep REALLY!!......wow life must be meesed up that what I do and who I talk to is still such a concern to some people.....what I do and who I talk to is no business of theirs....never really was even tho they tried to make it that way.....I guess like always my life is so much more intertaining to some people then their own.....saying hello to someone and checkin in to see how they have been is a crime....lmfao.....I am not the bad guy here.....never was!!.....people crack me up!......livin lovin and laughin.....(at people that make no damn sence)......don't like me or what I do then try this out stop lookin at my shit or the shit I comment on.....LOL....okay sorry guys....I'm better now....lmmfao!!!!!!!
Pam Owens If Obama Care is so wonderful then why are Politicians, Unions, and Federal workers exempt from it? Please would a politician, union member, or politician( Republican or Democrat) please step up and explain this to me. These people are NOTHING SPECIAL!!! I want someone to explain to me why they think this is fair and that they deserve it!!!! Please would love a good debate!
Jamie Richter If i ain't on your priority list you sure the fawk aint on mine. Dnt bother im on txtin and talkin strike!
Kpodza Francis I want to thank all those who sympathized with us during the final and funeral rites of my late uncle. May God richly bless all of you.
Tony Tone Bone Johnson God is tryin to tell me something or show me something!and i think i got it i just gotta leave! yea i understand
Sarah Wilhelmina i am so sorry my friends.. i can't do anything bout the declined..
it's his right to did that..
once again i am sorry..
Heather Sharpton *i know yu've been hurt by someone else!;
i can tell by the way yu carry yurself!;
if yu let me, here's what i'll do!;
i'll take care of yu!;
i've loved &i've lost!;