Becky A Fuentes Good Morning FB Family & Friends! I hope everyone had a good weekend! I feel so much better today! Just a lil cough but everything else is gone! I hope everyone has a blessed day!
Domi Flores still feeling meh. today I start my new work schedule as a full timer, 11am til 8pm. gonna miss leaving work when the sun was still out =/
Lisa Luvv “Being a sex symbol is a heavy load to carry, especially when one is tired, hurt and bewildered.”
― Marilyn Monroe
Connie Henley Miller I'm fixin' to tell you something about being from Oklahoma. Oklahoman doesn't mean that I'm not educated. I may say "ain't" and "y'all" and call you "Sweetie" or 'Honey" and I might "bless a lot of hearts" and I might even "piddle around". I'll greet you with a big "Howdy" or "Hey Y'all". All soda pop is "Coke" and if I ask for "sugar" it means I want a KISS. I'm polite and say "Ma'am..." and "Sir". And if you hear an Oklahoman say, "Oh, hell no!!" you'd better run. If you're proud to be an Oklahoman then click 'LIKE' tab on my status. Then go up yonder and copy & paste to your status. :-). And P.S. if you don't know where yonder is then you ain't from Oklahoma!!

Christina Webster Haughwout Yesterday was such a beautiful day! The weather was gorgeous, we spent the entire day outside hanging Christmas lights, yardwork and I even painted my mailbox! Topped off the weekend by going to Celebration to have ice cream and see the snow fall (okay, so it's just soap suds, but it was beautiful)
Chad Hubbard became a Great Uncle for the 2nd time.. Congrats to Jessica Thacker for having a healthy lil girl. Look forward to seeing pics...
Aide Puerto Sotres Buen Lunes Navideno.....Finalmente ayer pusimos el arbolito.... Quedo un poco tuti-fruti, pero lo bonito fue el momento q pasamos mis ninos, esposo y yo.... Que este ano prospero traiga bendiciones, union y salud a las familias.

Taimoor Mazher Khan Eik bar jo kehty mere ho soo bar ye Jaan luta deta.......
Tere bahoun k gheroun me lamhoun me umer beta deta......
Aa jata jo milne tu, to tera kya jata Zalim......
Main vasal k ik lamhy se umer ka hijjar chuppa deta.......
read more and for comment link is as under must read and comments
Poetry Competition
Slam friends
Must join poetry competition on "Udas Logon Se/...
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Slam , Fans my poetry is in this album must read and join my poetry groups "Udas Logon Se/اداس لوگوں سے Photos " and also invite your friends also links are as under : 1. "Udas Logon Se/اداس لوگوں سے" 2. "Udas Logon Se dil lagana mujay bhay to kia karon main to" 3. "love is a sweet poision"
Poetry Competition
Slam friends
Must join poetry competition on "Udas Logon Se/اداس لوگوں سے " on every Saturday night 8:00pm to 11:59pm must join and also invite your all friends and enjoy poetry.links are as under :
1. "Udas Logon Se/اداس لوگوں سے"
2. "Udas Logon Se dil lagana mujay bhay to kia karon main to"
3. "love is a sweet poision"
Eik bar jo kehty mere ho soo bar ye Jaan luta deta.......
Tere bahoun k gheroun me lamhoun me umer beta deta......
Aa jata jo milne tu, to tera kya jata Zalim......
Main vasal k ik lamhy se umer ka hijjar chuppa deta.......
Tujhy aana tha na aya mera Dil bohat dukhaya......
Behter tha jo mujh ko tu na aane ki Wajha bata deta......
Agar milna hota tu ne mujhy to milne ki Umeed pe.......
Do din kya main intazar me Do Saddiyan bhi sada deta.....
Aa jata jo SAJID wo tu Dil usy Dua deta......
translate in" ROMAN URDU" by
"Sumaira Imran"
Slam ,
Fans my poetry is in this album must read and join my poetry groups "Udas Logon Se/اداس لوگوں سے Photos " and also invite your friends also
links are as under :
1. "Udas Logon Se/اداس لوگوں سے"
2. "Udas Logon Se dil lagana mujay bhay to kia karon main to"
3. "love is a sweet poision"

Jasmine Perry I can't help but laugh at how stupid you look, lmfao. You're falling for his liess & guess what, he's gunna do it againnnn ! Once a cheater, always a cheater.
Ant Verta ╬╬ϱϱ˚°˚╬╬ϱϱ˚°˚╬╬ϱϱ˚°˚╬╬ϱϱ
•ђåª........:.✿.a.:* Tuink.:*´¨`*:.Tuink☆:*´¨`*Tuink.:* *.:*(◕‿-) ˜*•. ˜”
Neysa Root Everyone i need yall to keep me in your prayers today have a meeting at work may not be good for my coworkers an i! Thanx an yall will kno the outcome cuz ill b pissed or happy
Kenzlei Hobbs please pray for my daddy michael hickman he had a heart attack yesterday and is still in hospital aslo my grandads brother dad last night so keep my grandad and his family in your prayers please
Tushar Gupta a poem.. Jst casually...
I look for an innocence in evry smile
Sipping every sip of my coffee; meanwhile
I wanna be the warmth in this cold
Want the bright sunshine to be al my gold
Walking casually arnd with sm frnd,
Not worring abt this world's trend..
Whnevr m free,, n sit alone..
I wish carefreeness,, shall be all tht i own,,
it be al that i own...
Becki Allmond Francis As bad as things get sometimes I think it's important to know that things can always get a lot worse. And sometimes that's hard to remember. Very thankful for all my blessings in this life!
Craig Harper Salvation is not putting a man into Heaven, but putting Heaven into man.
- Maltbie D. Babcock
Kegg Flloyd Kante guyz..wer is makatswa ke go bona motho a eapere afta many yearz..

Sean O'Hanlon ALL GUYS NEED TO READ THIS. -When she pulls away, pull her back. -When you see her start crying, just hold her and don't say a word. -When you see her walking, sneak up and hug her waist from behind. -When she's scared, protect her. -When she steals your favorite Hoodie, let her wear it. -When she says that she loves you, she really does mean it. -When she grabs at your hands, hold hers -When she .........tells you a secret, keep it safe and untold. -When she looks at you in your eyes, don't look away until she does. -When she re-posts this bulletin, she wants you to read it. When she's mad, hug her tight and don't let go. -When she says she's okay, don't believe it. -Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her. -Treat her like she's all that matters to you. -Watch her favorite movie with her even if you think it's stupid. -Don't talk about other girls around her. -Kiss her in the pouring rain. -When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is: "Whose butt am I kicking, baby?" Guys: re-post this if you will do this. Girls: re-post this if you would love a guy who does this.

Gisela Harriott Lewis on the way to pittsburgh to take my daughter in law to her ob appointment and get a sonogram to ya get to see my grandson quinton then january some time will get to hold him it is so exciting he will be my 9th grandchild love it!! I will be a oma again which is german for grandma for those who dont know!!
Nisar Ganai Hazrat Hussain (Raziallahu Amit) gave SHAHADAT in KARBALA because the TAGOOT of that time YAZEED changed KHILAFAT into KINGSHIP. This a practical explination of The DAWAT/MISSION of PROPHET MUHAMMAD (sallallahu aliahi wassalam) of 23 yrs. This IS A CLEAR LESSON AND TEACHING FOR WE ALL MUSLIMS WHICH WE HAVE TO FOLLOW IN PRESENT TAGOOT.
Janice Wilson Howard Thanks for the birthday wishes, I had a great day! Started with hockey, saw a movie and Brian bought me a beautiful bracelet. It was a good day.:)
Jr Monilar The thought of you is constantly occupying my mind, but when I turn around looking for you, you’re never found. I love you and that’s a thing I can’t deny, I think of you and a tear drops in my eye.
Kiran Chaudhary I want to make a Facebook account and the name will be Nobody so when I see stupid crap people post, I can Like it. And it will say Nobody Likes This.
Dts ma attitude:§
Sabrinuh Leslie Confidence in an unfaithful man in the time of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint.....if your enemy is hungry give him bread to eat if he is thirsty give him water to drink.
Angie LaMarsh BREAKING NEWS: The Supreme Court rules NO nativity scene in U.S. Capitol this Christmas season!! This isn't for any religious reason. They simply have not been able to find 3 Wise Men in the Nation's Capitol (a search for a Virgin continues). There was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable. Click LIKE if this gave you a chuckle and please SHARE with your friends!
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