50 Cent - Dont Wanna Talk About it Dont wanna Talk About it - 50 Cent From The NEW G Unit Mixtape, Evil Empire The Unit Remains Supreme 50 Cent - Dont Wanna ...
Matty Christensen Ok Karma, let me make it through this week of finals and I promise Goods deed ill be abundant! Thanks
North Brevard Photos I just had to pass this shared link - what a beautiful tribute to our many brave servicemen and women - keeping us living in the land of the brave and the free - God Bless to ALL of YOU, and Godspeed to getting you all back to our homeland, safe and soon, very soon I hope - enjoy!
Rebeccah Minaj Bands and rock artists i cant live without there music:The script, The fray, Coldplay, Incubus, Cranberries, Kings of Leon, 30 seconds to mars, Avril Lavigne,Paramore, Pink, Adele, Adam Lambert,Blue october, Simple plan, Boys like girls, Foster the people, Daughtry, Deep blue something , Red hot chilli peppers,Florence and the machine dogs, Googoo dolls, Hinder,Jonas brothers, Katy Perry, Kelly Clarkson, Michelle Branch,Maroon 5 , Matchbox 20 , Nicleback, One republic, Plain white ts taylor swift, The click five, Vannessa Carlton,The all american rejects, The band Perry,Sara Bareilles, The smashing pumpkins.. Like this status if u luv rock!
Ishaaq Ahamed Borham tell me can you take your heart out & say m sory its my fault for al diz suffering ..& I should leave you now because i dont want to give you more pain .....
Marie Salter Farmer I believe it was Winston Churchill who opined that " . . . the biggest argument against democracy is a 5-minute conversation with the average voter . . ."
Raff Shai Sarry Now dat i dey search i no dey get y
Senorjuanjohn Antonioreyes Muriangoski I LOVE YOU TOO. I love 2 please YOU I love 2 make YOU smile I love 2 honor YOU I love 2 worship YOU I love 2 serve YOU I love 2 LOVE YOU.
Mumba Paul Kasanda Am the bachelor zo ona,home alon.nyway 4 any ocasion o event jst hala i gat venue nachipampa
Lindora Hughes Hate when you get the "You're JUST a mom?" or "Do you work?" Uhhh yes, I am a Mom! That makes me an alarm clock, cook, maid, waitress, teacher, nurse, handyman, security officer, photographer, counselor, chauffeur, event planner, referee, personal assistant, ATM & I scare away the boogie man. I don't get holidays, sick pay or days off. I work through the DAY ... & NIGHT. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life. And that's just my first job... BEING A MOM!! :) I may not be anything to you but I am everything to someone! Re-post if you are a PROUD Mom
Yolanda Munoz Fukk on a mission to rowland heights i thnk im jus guna call in sik lol
Lhaie Cerina nyt nyt n mama Thess Hurtado phinga n din po kyo zzzzzzzzzzz") i know sleep kn luv u mama....
nyt nyt n guysssssss aga pa tom
tanxs God for wonderful day sana bukas ulit
Petrescu Marcian In aceasta seara pe www.radiolynx.ro, de la ora 21:00, in cadrul emisiunii POVESTILE BLUESULUI, sub titulatura ROCKIN' BOOGIE PARTY, o sa puteti asculta doua albume de mare antren si voie buna ! ROD PIAZZA, muzicuta si trupa sa plina de nerv ne aduc albumul HARPBURN, iar excelentul chitarist KENNY WAYNE SHEPERD vine cu cel mai recent album al sau HOW I GO.
Aşa cum spuneam acum câteva zile, am fost la premiera spectacolului de teatru acrobatic Omul Pescăruş, la Grand Cinema Digiplex (mulţumesc pentru invitaţie). Şi mi-a plăcut, pentru că a fost suficient de relaxant cât să compenseze o zi plin?... Citeste mai departe >
Belinda Wood im not sure if any of youse watching boardwalk empire but WTF on jimmys mom running the train on him, bahahahahahaha lol wow and dexter last night. wtf professor gellar. wow i really need social interaction!
Obey Dolly Doll -Doin' Ma Hair For Skewl ; Idnt Wanna Go But I Have Too. ! Lisenin' Too Oldies. ! :D <3
Vicki Ohmer Happy Birthday Dylan! I hope you have a GREAT DAY! Love ya Grandma
Hannah Ogle Howell I need the sun to come out!! I just can't get going this morning!
Sarah Kochersperger So my Mom lovvvves tote bags. Without exaggeration, she probably has at least 25.... She likes the "green" bags that you get at the grocery stores or mesh beach bag types... Whatever carries stuff - she can't pass it up. Don't ask me what she's "toting" around- she's kind of sketchy so it's very possible she's stuffing bricks of cocaine in them .... Right next to her yarn and painting supplies - but anyway - today I went to publix to get some fruit for breakfast and they had very cute Christmas bags. So I picked one and the cashier said "those are free if you donate $5 to st. Jude's hospital... I asked "well how much are they if I don't?" -- reallyyyyyy Sarah?? So I can support my moms habit but not if it means helping kids with cancer. I'm legit going to hell.
Riva Jackson I WANNA GO SUM WERE!!
Mrhello Jackson Hopefully i go shopping for josiah stuff i love my son. . . Daddy loves u josiah. . . . .:)
Raiza Ricki I'm very miss u baby.......n today I cry for u teat pong
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Kamaro Marie Enser About to go to Bjs house in a few mins here, but 1st let me tell everyone to be careful while out today because all the Weridos and Crazys are out today. 1st I saw a Tony Little look alike with his 2 poodles driving a Pick up truck and listening to Hendricks, Then while getting gas I watched a man pull in with his truck and flat tire and with out fixing the hole he decided to fill it with air like it was magicly gonna hold it somehow and that was just the start of today!!!!
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