Just a reminder of the way our country is being lead....keep sharing this. Is this how you want YOUR President to lead?
Alesia Bond "You're gonna catch a cold from the ice inside your soul."
EeLin Choong ;
『 小的时候 』
我 ; 妈咪,你去到哪里都见到朋友的? :O
妈咪 ; 唉呀,很正常而已啦。 :P
『 现在 』
妈咪 ; 女女啊~你去到哪里都见到朋友的?-.-!
我 ; 唉呀,很正常而已啦。 :P
Rachel Turner It makes me want to cry thinking about having to get out in the snow without a heater in the jeep. Its going to be so cold!
Ciara Marie Its gonna b a long day, i must make a decision smh but foreal foreal its a no brainer :-X
Seth Galina So if Bama beats LSU on a neutral field, we get to play them again in Baton Rouge, right?
Billie Edwards My back is killn me again..didn't help sleeping on the couch last night b/c Aliyah decided to be up half the night lol so I was a nice fiance & let daddy sleep since he gets up @ 5 love my family so much!
Matshediso Portia When ppl hurt u over and over again thnk dem like a SANDPAPER you may b scratched, but you end up POLISHED and they end USELESS.
Taryn Miller I can cosign on many things one being why do people lie? If you always keep it 100 even though someone may get hurt in the end you get what is best for both you and the other person involved. If you can't keep God, honesty, trust, and respect in a relationship there is HONESTLY no point in having one.
Eric Holmgren Christmas shows coming up !!! All my country music friends in MA Here we go!!
Wed. night dec. 21st 8pm TBA
Thurs. night dec. 22nd 7pm at The Corner Pub Athol, MA
Fri. night dec. 23rd 8pm at The Red Onion main street Otter River, MA (This is going to be a popular event so don't miss out, there are already tones of people marking their calendar to be there and you don't wanna be the only one who didn't!!
Ahasanul Habib Tonmoy "At the age of 24, I was a Bus Conductor"
- Rajnikanth
"I didn't even complete my University
- Bill Gates
"I was the one who served in Hotels"
- Oberoi
"In my childhood days, I Stitched Shoes"
- Abraham Lincoln
"I worked in a Petrol Pump"
- Dhiru Bhai Ambani
"I Failed in the 10th Standard"
- Sachin Tendulkar
"Education Drop-Out & initially a Keyboard
- A. R. Rahman
"I Slept On a Bench For A week and
borrowed Rs. 20
Everyday from a friend to travel to filmcity"
- Shahrukh Khan
"I used to Serve Tea at a Shop to support
my Football Training"
- Lionel Messi
-> Life is not about what you couldn't do so
Its about what you STILL CAN !!! =)
Iman Beatrice we as people expect change, but change isn't always guaranteed in a situation or an individual #thatslife
Yourfavorite Rapper Bout to roll me a spaceship with my list of regrets
Derrick Dabossiel Lemelle Good morn fb fam thnkn God for wakin me up dis am an sn another wonderful day now I'm on my way to work # toblessedtobstressed I also wanna thnk him for sending me on my journey to a better future ahead of me
Prîñçë RK Bûñtý Every boyZ wish:
I m Nt a Princes, But Ma Life Partner Should Be A Princess........!!
But Ma Wish:
Ma Life Partner May Nt Be a Princess But I Promise I'll Treat Her Like a Princess......!!
Ladiesslovelee Tornes In a reatioship with a nigga so wacc y u wanna do that
Corey Smith every1 ready for a new year........?
Susan Bayerle "Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement." - Henry Ford
Daniel Lawson ♥ Never had sex
♥ Never smoked
♥ Never done drugs
♥ Never drank alcahol
♥ Never broke the law
♥ Never got in a fight
Put this as your status and whoever likes it thinks you're lying;)
Donna AuntBunny's Sartin Loved with everlasting love, Led by grace that love to know spirit, breathing from above, Thou hast taught me it is so! Nothing is more powerful than God's love. Have a love filled life
Terie Ramos Gracias Señor porque Tu Fidelidad es Grande, Incomparable Es. No hay Nada como Tu en La Vida, No hay Nada como Servirte para Bendecir a Otros. I Love U Jesus. Thank Uuuuuu. Te Alabare y te Adorare por Siempre. Amen!
Darlene Bush "Set a guard, O Lord, before my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips."
Acewaran Dinesh Put this as your status and see what color people give you !
Black-I want a relationship with you .
Green -I'm falling for you .
Purple -I miss you .
Orange -I really like you .
Pink -I love you .
Red -I miss how we were .
Yellow -You're amazing.
Blue -You're friendly .
Grey -We need to talk more .
Silver -I want your number .
Gold -I hate you .
White - You're pretty/handsome/cute:D
Rainbow -You're my everything ♥
Shelly Njagi *a LOVE my lyfe.!!.*..me lurv ma lyf..
Cindy Martell I will be back in a while have to go to work for a little while and get a few people into the office and change their lives. help them get closer to getting out of debt.
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