Luis Felipe Gaspar Me pregunto yo, TELEVISA agarrara a PEÑA NIETO, como chiste toda la semana o apoyara la imagen del PRI mejor no haciendo olas?
Katherine Robinson Walked in class it was empty
Me: Hey what's up what happen to class
Prof: "Oh yea sit down and let me give you the notes
Excited me grabs notebook sit down turn to a neat page
Me: ok I'm ready
Prof looks at me " Yeah the Final is o Wed. good luck" he started to pack up remider this class is at least 2hours long
Me: That's it! like that's today lecture
Prof while walking out " Yeap I got a plane to catch Dueces"
Me: I'm f-n tight
Estell Brewster C - Commitment
O - Offer assistance
A - Avoid overlooking
C - Create trust
H - Help others succeed
Caito Lanhoso Martins Poderiamos fazer aqui uma Campanha da Coerencia: Sr. João Salame, se o sr não é um puxa saco, e quer amenizar sua deslealdade, entrega a vice liderança do governo e os inumeros ( e não são puocs) cargos que o sr nomeou.
Amigos do não, vamos detonar esta Coerencia ! repassem
Roellen Pugh Wright YARD SALE THIS SATURDAY 12/10 at my house.
21400 Lake Sharon DR. Land O Lakes.
Luciane Targa Acordando agora,minhas horas de bela adormecida se acabaram. O jeito e ir trabalhar ne?
Larf Chhangte Dtx darthlalag akeh kn hlauh ag ciah hyn hmeicia te h dimdoih tr om nen jok lh chk lo jok annia...ka nupui cu ka duat mae2 agcu o:))
Ron Hobson Foreign Policy and the Military
Humanitarian aid is well and good, yet as we have poverty here that also needs caring for first, we should concentrate first at home. I understand the need for foreign relations, but how do relations include telling other nations how and what they should do. They should be allowed to stand and fall upon their own merits without outside influence beyond the UN seeing to the basic needs and rights of the people when necessary. I am all for member nations assigning specific units and equipment to full time UN Duty, training and working together. Provision for extra troop assignments can be made for times of extreme emergency. Our remaining troops should be used for national security and defense augmenting emergency relief efforts as needed after disasters through detached duty to the state in need’s governor as is the National Guard. Outside contracts from the military should be limited to contracted equipment and supply purchases only with each branch recruiting and training a complete order of battle to be self-sufficient to include maintenance of all sorts. Foreign military bases will only remain where we have been invited and the lands are donated without maintenance or terms. If we are attacked, the organization responsible will be identified and retaliation shall be swift and decisive even within the borders of other nations with these nations either supporting our right to retaliate or defending the actions of their citizens as a deliberate act of war against the United States of America. We do not negotiate with terrorists or hostage takers and military action will be authorized for retrieval when it is perpetrated by a known terrorist group.
The branches of the service need to be rebuilt in their original concepts with aircraft belonging to the Air Force, watercraft belonging to the Navy, and land craft belonging to the Army with assault duty belonging to the Marines with service in one of the other three branches mandatory before service in the Marines. The Army will be responsible for land based security while the marines will retain the honor of naval Security. The number of possible Marines will be increased from one hundred thousand to two hundred fifty thousand. All enlisted personnel will repeat basic training every four years intermixed with the raw recruits as a no rank raw recruit excluding only First Sergeants (E-9). All Officers will likewise repeat OCS every four years as a cadet excluding only Admirals and Generals (O-9). All jobs should be opened equally to men and women. No first enlistment personnel may be or become married, have children, or live off base/post and may not leave base/post without a written pass. A first enlistment may be used as an all or nothing option of choice to replace a jail sentence of up to four years or stage two and three of the 24 month drug rehab program and completion removes all criminal record. Should those choosing the military as their sentence commit an additional felony during this first enlistment they will be punished as having committed high treason with the death penalty used; all or nothing.
André Sposito Os caminhos de ventos quentes e de campos floridos que passavam por entre nossos corações agora são gelidos e sombrios, pq por ti o jarro cristalino da honestidade foi quebrado e a água da verdade foi desperdiçada em sacrificio a sua vontade, agora escorre por estas montanhas cheias de nebulas, nervuras e rancores. A nevoa gelada da madrugada castiga minha alma por falhas jamais cometidas, e por erros assim imaginados por vc, que dia após dia fez perecer nossos sentimentos. Gostaria de expressar o que sinto neste momento....mas é verdade que naum tenho palavras para o descreve-lo .
Olhe para as estrelas em um dia chuvoso e sabera de mim.
Por mim por ti e por todos
By André Sposito
Data ??/03/2008 ??
Javed Alam Please Vote Support & Dua for WASI AHMAD candidate of Presidentship,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Jalale aatishe barq O sahab paidakar,
Ajal bhi kanp uthe wo shabab paidakar,
Tu inqalab ki aamad ka intezar na kar,
Jo ho sake to khud hi inqalab paidakar,
BehLan Luf Sygnana view2 th mob uploads..mun asa2ny bminat
komen o inbox tia... Mcm2 brg kmi jual
tuu...ada dvd game
ps2,dvd2 ceta,bju2
ladies,mens,kids,mainan2,keyboard,brg2 len pun
da.. Bli byk dpt diskaun... Hepy shoping..:)
Afiq Hafiz saya cubit pipi awak (ˇ▽ˇ)-c<ˇ_ˇ)
awak pun tumbok saya (¬_¬)-o)*з*)
saya pun majuk and nangis (TT.TT) (TT.TT)
... ...
tapi awak baik, awak sanggup berjoget2 sebab nak pujuk saya balek ~(‾▿‾~)(~‾▿‾)~ ƪ(˘⌣˘)┐ ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ ┌(˘⌣˘)ʃ
then saya pun happy balek \(^.^)/ (^.^)V
Susan Marie' Cooper Beautifully performed!
Hey, everyone. This is a piece called Julie-O by Mark Summer. I took it and made a celloboxing arrangement! I hope you all enjoy it! Follow Me, Peoples!! Web...
Shuvo Orgins Sobai amr choto vi ar jnno doa kro...o khub sick...
Lucas Jampietro GALERIA DE FOTOS DO 2º encontro O QUE É ISSO de Dança!
Encontro O QUE É ISSO? de Dança's 2º encontro O QUE É ISSO de Dança set
Richard Axell dneska mam nejakou sdileci. tady, reference k veci kterou jsme nakonec nedelali. tak se s vama aspon podelim o video. na co vsechno by to mohla byt reklama? :)
3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and almost a terabyte of footage... all to turn 3 ambitious linear concepts based on movement, learning and food ....into 3 beautiful and hopefully compelling...
Abegail Facurib Lahat tayo,mnsang ngng tanga.ANG mahalaga,ngbago na ba tau ngaun sa pgpili ng mahaln. ?
Si mR.RIght na ba ang kasama q0h ngaun o nagsesettle ka parn ky mr.wr0ng?
TANDAAN:wALang lalakng perfect.ANg mer0n lg ay ung lalakng goOD En0ugh at xa c mr.rIght. .
0ne m0re trait,mr right is the man wh0 is mr.right 4 GoD. .
Jeston Carter Last week in this class, ima get my cert... N my check then im gettin back to business ... But I can't keep my fuckin eyes open ;O) help me please lol
Bun-Bun NioLe buat UCIL FRAME.. q ikut berduka cita ats mningglx 'emak' smoga amal ibdh almh. d trima o/ Allah & kluarga d beri ksbrn
Mark Goldenboy Love is like a Coffee it's sweet but also bitter
Love is Like a Smoke it can be addictive and you also don't know if you try it you'll get used to it but in the end you will never know if you'll get hurt or not ^o^
Pedro Cedeno comiendo pasteles Boricua,ya empeso la navidad,tienen un sabor a los tamales Ecua para mi jente que nunca lo an probado,son echo de platano o yuca,con lecho o pescado por dentro,envuelto en oja de platano.uuuummmmm
每位傳送這郵件 , 女嬰父母就可得到 3 分錢 (美金 )贊助 !
她是14 個月大的女嬰, 一埸大火的生還者 , 毀了半個臉 .... 現每位傳送這郵件 , 女嬰父母就可得到 3 分錢 (美金 )贊助
CF 陽光基金會for燒傷朋友請讓愛傳出去
Myrul Asyraf banyak nye aku post :O
Cyssa Silva bom dia gnt bonita do face, aki no cntro na ksa da mana jogando ps km meu kunhadinhoooo, ôô jogao o di ontem hein...mengao sempre jogando bm.. mais tarde to indo a maternidade ver minhaa maninha q nasceu...
Kálio Barbosa Eliomar Junior, vc comentou estar assistindo Caverna do Dragão (Dungeons and Dragons) e estou aqui assistindo um episódio que acho o mais irado. Dá aí uma olhada e parece q tem o filme também hein? - O portal do amanhecer - parte 1 (Caverna do Dragão)
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