Gabriela Menezes Nicolau Ai ai,duas provinhas hoje...Tenho que estudar mais,e cade o animo...:( Boa tarde facers...
Joseph Mason I want to send out a special thank you to Iowa State for granting me an early Christmas gift. I will be laughing at o-s-who the whole time I'll be watching Bama, "Roll Tide"
George Tsitsoulas eimaste etoimoi nomizw.....o Michalis Bakis edwse egkrish gia to Dream City ( DC ) Club - Rhodes By Night kai 10 gnwsta nyxterina magazia tis Rodou diorganwnoun avrio opws kathe xrono Το Party Θεσμός...
για 9ο χρόνο Rhodian Party in Athens με Tίτλο ❝Rhodes Βy Night❞ !!!..... Dimitris Vailas kai Giorgos Karidis on the dexx.... Nikos Moustakas stin ypodoxi.... kai emeis tha sas kalypsoume olo to event.... Alexandra Nizami Maria Antonis Papadopoulou Popi Siganou Andriana Ko ready ladies? tha perasoume super....
Tuesday, December 6 at 11:00pm, Dream City ( DC ) Club - Restaurant Athens
Jin Kolesnikov И снова не о политике:
Жена посылает мужа на рынок за улитками для косметического ухода за кожей. По дороге муж встречает друзей и на три дня попадает в запой, естественно, не приходя домой. Наконец на третий день вспоминает об улитках, идёт на рынок, покупает улиток и приходит домой. Думает, чтобы сказать жене, почему его так долго не было. Звонит в дверь, жена открывает, он высыпает улиток на пол и, подгоняя их руками, говорит:
- Ну вот, пришли! Заходим, заходим, заходим...
Via Anna Rayvich-Managadze
Shivam Sharma Kkr Gulaabi aankhen jo teri dekhi
Sharaabi yeh dil ho gaya
Sambhaalo mujhko o mere
yaaron Sambhalna mushkil ho gaya
Mitch Gaar Here is our Obama Infrastructure at work....:O/
This speaks for itself!
Consider this is a news story by ABC, not exactly a Tea Party conservative network. Diane Sawyer and Chris Cuomo did the story
Click here: U.S. Bridges, Roads Being Built by Chinese Firms | Video - ABC News
OK, if you like Obama, or don't like him, you should see this. Remember when he was going to rebuild America and put our workers back to work.. well, enjoy this voters....
Cities hire Chinese instead of American workers for building projects.
Carolina Perdigão Sou fanática, amo meu time, qual eu sou desde pequena. Nasci com o sangue azul na veia e com as 5 estrelas estampadas no peito, hoje eu digo, grito, vou zoar, vou badernar, até todos escutar, MEU TIME NUNCA CAIU! DESDE 1921 na serie A, me desculpa time do outro lado da lagoa. Se foi vendido teve liquidação de gols e com 1 gol de brinde, se vocês não querem aceitar pelo menos escute calado, porque a semana toda ouvi vocês falarem, que meu time ia cair, que a arrogância ia ser paga no domingo, que iam pregar o ultimo prego do caixão! AGORA ME FAZ UM FAVOR? ESCUTE OS DESABAFOS DE UMA NAÇÃO QUE NUNCA PASSOU POR ISSO, DIFERENTEMENTE DE VOCÊS QUE TODO ANO É ASSIM, LUTANDO PARA NÃO CAIR! A ultima coisa que eu digo, CHUPA.
Senzo Ntsele How is your Mood today?
1) Happy..
2) Sad :(
3) Upset :/
4) Feeling bored :
5) In a mood to joke :P
6) Laughing Mood :D
7) Confused
8) Scared :O.
9) In love ♥
10) WTF !
11) Heart Broken
12) Need someone next to you
14) Feel like Making Love.
15) Lonely
O Muslims! Please follow the Qur'an and Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAWW. "HB"
Bkote Ezra nupwen ai karan kuna enna inis mi ning a ven upwutiw ekiekumw non mekurei ie a mamarita o pwukujejene won pesekin ai tong ngonuk neeee waioooooo fansoun pwos pwe mi wor jon repwene niwin ngeni maniawe hawaii.
Ricardo Paoletti A revista Brasileiros - que, por admissão própria, cometeu uma chatice - seleciona os vinte mais chatos do ano. Só vinte? Tem mais, claro, mas da lista eu tiro o Suplicy. Ele não é chato, é divertido.
João Paulo Raia Campos ai, esse ano que não acaba! se o ano que vem for um décimo melhor do que esse ano, já tô no mega lucro. #sai2011
Brad Florescu Cineva are nevoie urgenta de sange grupa B. Daca poti dona, contacteaz-o pe Diana Cotoros
Jenna-Boo Morales actually up now snow is amazing i dont have school what lol good day...fb drama :) o well children will children ill let em play.....
Paulinho Tscherniak "O melhor lateral-direito do Campeonato Brasileiro, de acordo com a Placar, foi Mario Fernandes, do Grêmio, mas o jogador não pôde comparecer à cerimônia."
heuheiuheuiehiuehuieheiheuiheiueh da-lhe Mario!
Os melhores jogadores em cadea posição, de acordo com a revista, foram premiados nesta segunda, no Museu do Futebol
Aasim Arafat Alphabet 'O' stands for 'OPPORTUNITY'
Which is absent in YESTERDAY
Available once in T'O'DAY
Thrice in T'O'M'O'RR'O'W.
Never lose hope.
Jesse Babyswan Peveril Hilarious!
Watch CONAN @ - Triumph the Insult Comic Dog gives it to bankers, protestors and a bull.
Thomas Nyabonda Charmer: hello Sweetgal
Sweetgal: hi lover boy
Charmer: info about u please
Sweetgal: 15, female, curvaceous, cleavage, bootyliscious Bulawayo and you?
Charmer: mmmmmh, I am in love already. I'm 52, male, 6 pack, around
Sweetgal: Ijoo 52? O madala serious. Same age as my dad.
Charmer: I'm just so into fresh young beautiful girls.
Sweetgal: Do you have a wife?
Charmer: Yes, but not as sexy as you, I have a daughter she is in her
bedroom with her friend doing homework.
Sweetgal: Then why do you like young girls?
Charmer: I love them because they are beautiful not to mention sexy and
Sweetgal: I am also into older men with blackberries. cash and drive a
German machine.
Charmer: I can offer all of that and more.
Sweetgal: I think we should meet because you are in Bulawayo and I am also
in Bulawayo.
Charmer: That would be nice, where do I pick you up tomorrow with my German
machine sexy?
Sweetgal: Tomorrow I am going to school it won't be possible.
Charmer: Or maybe over the weekend, going to school is very important.
Sweetgal: While still chatting let me continue with my homework I don't want
my dad to know that I am on FACE BOOK, he will be mad at me.
Charmer: Which homework is that maybe I can assist you?
Sweetgal: Is a Life Orientation homework, my friend Thabang is assisting me.
Charmer: Haibo, your friend's name is Thabang? Exactly where in Bulawayo
are you?
Sweetgal: 25 Platinum Street, Sterk park and you?
Charmer: Sewela is that you?????????
Sweetgal: Papa is that you??????!!!!
Be careful guys next time you will be chatting with your daughters and
sisters unknowingly so................................
Awopetu Emmanuel Adesoji properties for sale, tastefully finished 2 nos 5 bedroom, detached @ magodo GRA shangisha. Facilities: serene environment, newly built, fitted kitchen, interlocking tiles, all rooms ensuite, pop ceiling, jacuzzi and security light, etc. Title: C of O. Price : 90m/unit, a bit negotiable. It's an hot cakes. For enquiries call:08060862149
Robin Blake ami chilam tai ...sho-hay gaylam ... valobashar a ki protidan ... baychay thakar moddy e jeno nahe mor pran ...
tobo o valobasha ... valobasha .. a ki khela ghor na ki mechay asha ... na ki bastobotar khelai harmanlam .....hehehehe
Nillie Bilal Burr s/o to my niggas doe. follow me on twitter @Nillie2Timez FOOL
Thabang SloPz nxa fucken pissd kore m2 o kwana leyena gore otla o mmona lekwana xap ka venue, kere mola ke fihlile ke mmotsa gore ke fihlile ampotsa gore ketle wonderpark. Nxa walwa o nagana gore ke tsamaya ka metse.
Aninha Soares ❝
No fundo, mesmo lendo tanto, pensando tanto e filosofando tanto, a gente gosta mesmo é de quem é simples e feliz. A gente não se apaixona por quem vive reclamando e amassando jornais contra a parede. A gente se apaixona por esses tipinhos banais que vivem rindo. E a gente se pergunta: que é que ele tem que brilha tanto? Que é que ele tem que quando chega ofusca todo o resto?
Bonnie Rantoa Abuti Enoa Eo Ke Lutseng Ka Mora Hae Ka Koloing Ena Ea Baeti O Tenne Under Wear E Pink.. Che Soka Bo Abuti Ba Maseru..tltltl
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