Ivana Ivanna http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trTE9SYxE30&feature=related
<3 <3 <3 <3
Videoclip C.I.A. - Unde e ea Single extras de pe albumul C.I.A. - "Universal" (in curand) Regia: whoisrikk http://www.cia-online.ro Rugam sa nu re-uploadati ...
Minori Minmin emg e d' reds maen ta.......
Mmacha Ikechukwu Guys.a true life story.happen 2 me.when i was rjpping in the stage.lyk dat.u knw .doing swag..stuff lyk dat.and i correct girl.beautifull.amazing.fanastic.and attractive.show 4 my face..guys suddenly my prick rise up.chai.everybody 4 new berries bar.scatter...naso e happen.
Tshidi Pearl Tjo m so flpng tird cnt evn thnk strait hai tjo le body yaka e bohloko, NEED A BODY MASSAGE!!!
Cleeidson Santos UM DIA
câncer e só lhe restava 24 horas de vida.
dia seguinte ela
foi a casa dele toda feliz por cumprir o desafio e
lágrimas caíram
do seu rosto quando o viu deitado com um bilhete
"Você conseguiu amor, agora
consegue fazer isso todo dia? TE AMO! "
Pare e reflita!
Muitas vezes não
damos valor a pessoa que está ao nosso
lado,reclamamos das ligações, do ciume
´besta´...vivemos pedindo ´´espaço´´
pode ter certeza essa pessoa não estará pra sempre ao seu lado!
Dê valor
enquanto tem porque depois não adianta chorar!!
Lennon Tavares Macho que é macho espirra com a mão no mouse sem mexer a setinha!
Mazhar Saleem Sajday se "Karbala" ko Bandagi mil gai
Sabar-e-HUSSAIN se Ummat ko Zindagi mil gai.
Ek Chaman Ujra "FATIMA" ka magar..
Saaray Islam ko Nai Zindagi mil gai!
Campusano Carmen siemple te e dado grasias mi dios pol aver confiado en mi y aver pesto bajo mis mano la responsavilida; tangrande kee son mis hijos e sido madre soltera pol dos ocasiones y eso no meda pena ni aflijilse tan poco lo contrario me yena de fuelsas para seguir luchando darle lo mejor de mi 'al final sable kee estoy ganando polke su amor y sus veso me ase olvidar el trago amargo; y ala vez me doy cuenta kee si se puede grasias mi dios;
Lerato Seransa perseverance givez birth 2 success..(mamello e tswala katleho)-so neva give up, stay conristant
Candy Ellis Karen Arnold Gregory
HERE WE GO!!!!! VIRUS COMING !!!! Hi All, I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for this virus! I checked Snopes, and it is for real. Get this E-mail message sent around to your contacts ASAP. PLEASE FORWARD THIS WARNING AMONG FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONTACTS! You should be alert during the next few days. Do not open any message with an attachment entitled POSTCARD FROM HALLMARK, regardless of who sent it. POSTING THIS FROM A FRIEND!
Guilherme Hool A maior cagada que a coca cola fez foi mudar essa maldita tampa da garrafa. Agora preciso de um maçarico pra abrir essa merda. E ainda fode a mão!
Tanveer Alam Goongi Ho Gayi Aaj Kuch Zuban Kehte Kehte,
Hichkicha Gaya Main Khud Ko Musalman Kehte Kehte.
Ye Baat Nahi K Mujh Ko Us Par Yaqeen Nahi,
Bas Dar Gaya Khud Ko Sahib-E-Imaan Kehte Kehte.
Taufeeq Na Hui Mujhe Ek Waqt Ki Namaz Ki,
Aur Chup Hua Moazzan Azaan Kehte Kehte.
Kisi Kafir Ne Jo Pucha K Ye Kya Hai Mahina,
Sharam Se Pani Hua Main “Ramzaan” Kehte Kehte.
Meri Almari Me Gard Se Ati Kitaab Ko Jo Poncha(wiped),
Main Garh Gaya Zameen Me “Quraan” Kehte Kehte.
Ye Sab Sun K Chuppi Saadh Li "IQBAL" Us Ne(Quraan ne),
Yun Laga Jaise Ruk Gaya Ho Mujhe ‘Haiwaan” Kehte Kehte.
James Sweetack I guarantee if you watch this whole video, that stupid song will be in your head ALL DAY
download: http://joverdose.bandcamp.com/track/chuck-e-cheese-for-my-birthday http://www.facebook.com/JoeJoFanPage http://www.facebook.com/joverdose http://jo...
Olusegun Ayodele Makurdi weather dey irritate me. E dey bite my body
Christiano Barretto É impressão minha ou o mundo está derretendo?
Patricia Gannon Bert SHOWING "THE GREEN" with Chris Bert at Grandma's house, on December 26, 2011 at 6:00pm. Pizza will be served - Please respond by Christmas Eve. Need 2 no so we can order correct amount of pizza. TO: john michael, devon, jillian, jack, brian, peter, joe-joe, jake, g, jaycee, jackbert, danny, cara, johnny, jenna, joseph, nicole, sam-e, niki, jason, maureen & jake ryan. Movie too adult 4 younger kids. i will lend cd 2 couples who cannot come. if i left u out & u want 2 come just let me know. PLEASE COME TO COUSINS CLUB as Caroline & Jaycee put it. Very much hope 2 c u. Again please let me know
Safia Shirazee The Azadari of Muharram was started by the family of Muhammad (the Ahl-ul-Bayt) after the death of Muhammad's grandson Husayn ibn Ali at the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD. Following the battle of Karbala, Muhammad's granddaughter Zaynab bint Ali and sister of Husayn, began mourning for the fallen and making speeches against Husayn ibn Ali's opponents: Ibn Ziyad and Yazid I. News of Husayn ibn Ali's death was also spread by Imam Zain-ul-Abideen, who succeeded Husayn as the Shia Imam, via sermons and speeches throughout Iraq, Syria and Hejaz.
Zainab and Zain-ul-Abideen informed the people that Yazid had martyred Imam Husayn and seventy-two of his companions including his six month old son Ali Asghar, and that their women and children were taken as prisoners to Syria. When word of mourning reached Yazid he decided to release the captive women and children from the prison in Damascus, out of fear of public revolt against his rule. He sent for Zain-ul-Abideen, informed him of the impending release and asked if he wished for anything further. Zain said he would consult with Zainab. She asked Yazid to provide a place where the people could mourn for Imam Husayn and others of Muhammad's household. A house was provided, and here Zaynab binte Ali held the first Majlis-e Aza of Husayn and started the Mourning of Muharram.
Rina Ina Lestari kayak e butuh refreshing,,,,,,
enak e nundi iki,,,,
Jonathan Nossiter Domani sera al cinema KINO (vino naturale e un cinema che cerca di seguirlo!):
il 6 dicembre 2011, IL KINO presenta:
cinema indie e vini naturali secondo Jonathan Nossiter, l'autore di Mondovino e RIO SEX COMEDY
Jonathan Nossiter nel 2004 è andato in concorso a Cannes con Mondovino, il film che ha cambiato per sempre il nostro modo di bere vino. E' una passione travolgente la sua, che non diventa fanatismo perché temperata dal cosmopolitismo razionale di chi ha visto il mondo: nato negli Stati Uniti, ha vissuto a lungo in Francia, poi in Grecia, Gran Bretagna, Italia. Dopo una lunga parentesi in Brasile (terra d'origine della moglie Paula, documentarista), da pochi mesi Jonathan, diventato cittadino brasiliano, si è trasferito a Roma. E all'Isola del Cinema ha presentato la sua ultima fatica, Rio Sex Comedy, commedia agrodolce con Charlotte Rampling, Bill Pullman e Irène Jacob. Il Kino, il cinemabistrot del Pigneto, il 6 dicembre prossimo ospita Nossiter per una discussione su cinema indipendente e vini naturali, aperta a tutti coloro che amano i film e il bere intelligente. La serata si aprirà alle 19.30 con una chiacchiera in sala bistrot, accompagnata dalla degustazione di tre vini naturali italiani scelti appositamente da Jonathan per la serata. Alle 21:15 in sala cinema ci sarà la proiezione di Rio Sex Comedy, film ancora inedito in Italia, e alle 23 sempre in sala cinema sarà il momento di Mondovino.
6 dicembre 2011
IL KINO - via Perugia 34, Roma.
ore 19:30 incontro con Jonathan Nossiter e aperitivo degustazione di vini naturali
ore 21:15 proiezione di RIO SEX COMEDY di Jonathan Nossiter, 2011
ore 23:00 proiezione di MONDOVINO di Jonathan Nossiter, 2004.
Ingresso libero soci Arci.
Ingresso film 4 €
Alba Sport Lajme http://www.alba-sport.com/futboll/502-proteste-nudo-ne-kiev-nuk-e-duam-euro-2012-en
Alba Sport - Lajme Sportive, Futboll, Basketboll, F1 - Motorra, Peshengritje, Lajme nga Vendi dhe Bota
Modeesa Ali iltamas e dua from all brothers and sisters...
Adriana Ciupe NOI FETELE :-X :
- daca nu gasesc ceva , gaseste mama : D
- avem un dulap plin de haine , dar niciodata nu stim ce sa punem pe noi
- in ore : cat e ceasuuuuuuuuuuuuullllllll ? ( nu se mai termina ora asta ) : - <
Moliehi Khubelu Herrr,pula ena e batla motho mothong.Ena mnate jong!
Saulo Ottoni Desisti da prova de física. GOGO Circuitos, Materiais, CircLab e Cálculo!
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