Gabriel Galhardo Juninho Pernambucano(capitão do Vasco): Assinou um contrato de risco por amor ao clube para ganhar R$600 reais por mês. Levou cerca de 3,6 mil reais do clube durante os 6 meses que ficou no clube. Seu time ganhou a copa do brasil, ficou em segundo lugar no brasileiro, garantiu duas vagas na libertadores na fase de grupos e chegou a semi-final da sulamericana.
Ronaldinho(capitão do Flamengo): Salário de quase 2 milhões, levou de cerca de 20 milhões do clube nos 11 meses que jogou. Seu time terminou em quarto no brasileiro e foi eliminado precocemente de forma vergonhosa das demais competições. Ronaldinho disse que irá se pronunciar oficialmente sobre o assunto via webcam.
Windy Du Trong 4 ngày tới mình sẽ phải dậy sớm (trước 8h sáng), ăn uống đầy đủ để uống hết chỗ thuốc hum nay Bác sĩ bảo: Tuyệt đối phải uống sau khi ăn sáng, ko phải sau khi ăn trưa đâu (6viên/lần) :((
Uống thuốc đã sợ rồi, dậy sớm còn sợ hơn :((((((((
Thuốc lần này ko đắng, nhưng mà cái mùi ợ lên thì thảm ko chịu đc :((((((((
Ôi, mình muốn khỏe mạnh cơ :((((((((((
Inong Aja ceritanya terLaLu seruu... Jd bLom ketauan siapa penjiLatnya....
<,'\/ Нɑ-Нɑ-Нɑº°˚˘˚°º
<,'\/ Нɑ-Нɑ-Нɑº°˚˘˚°º
Ellen Cristina Vou fazer bolo, *o*
Samantha Mcknight Happy one year and 7 months baby!!! Cant belive its been that long :o lol love you mucho babe :* 5/5/10 <3
Takeshi Sudo Keiichi Hasegawa氏の勧めで、facebookを英語表記にしたら、めっちゃかっこいいですfacebook。なんかオシャレな気分すら味わえますw
Luisa Pessanha Cauã: Tia Lu, eu sou o Rex MecanaForça e você é o unicórnio, tá!?
Thiago Oliveira Duarte Blatz Gente Lembrando que vai ter o Natal Do Espaço São Francisco de Assis em Aparecida de Goiânia /Go , Colabore , Pois que um dia ajuda outro dia será ajudado ! #ficaadica
Vijaya Parab आयुष्य इतकं स्वस्त आहे कां?
Posted by kb( काजू बर्फी ) on December 5, 2011 at 3:30pm
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काल वर्गात कॉम्प्युटरवर प्रॅक्टिस करत असताना एक विद्यार्थी वैतागून म्हणाला ,
`मॅम हा पी.सी. खूप slow चालतोय. मी format करू कां ?’ मी म्हंटले, `format कां
करायचा बरं ? तू troubleshooting कर नां. विचार कर की काय problem असेल ? पी.सी.
कां slow झाला आहे? virus आहे कां? garbage data आहे कां ? temperory files आहेत
कां? एखादा program जास्त memory वापरतोय कां? स्कॅन करून बघ…..काय problem आहे
ते शोधून काढ मग solution सापडेल .’ तो म्हणाला ,`ओ मॅम, खूप वेळ लागेल….
परत problem
नाही सापडला तर शेवटी format करावाच लागेल … त्यापेक्षा आत्ताच format करतो.’ ‘
अरे, format करणं हे solution नाही. ती पळवाट झाली . परत problem आला तर
परत format
करणार कां ?’ इति मी. नाखुशीनेच त्याने troubleshooting करून पाहिले. असे
लक्षात आले की एक प्रोसेस , कॉम्प्युटरची मेमरी फ्री करत नव्हती, त्यामुळे
कॉम्प्युटरवर बाकीचे प्रोग्राम लोड व्हायला उशीर लागत होता व तो slow झाला होता.
problem लक्षात आल्यावर solution सापडले…
आपल्या रोजच्या जीवनात पण असे होत असते . खूप अडचणी, संकटे येत असतात. आपण
तिथेच अडून राहून चालत नाही. त्यावर उपाय असतो तो फक्त शोधावा लागतो. आपण
बऱ्याचदा पेपरमध्ये ‘विद्यार्थ्यांच्या आत्महत्येबद्दल’ वाचतो… प्रत्येक वेळी
माझ्या मनात हाच विचार येतो … अडचणी, संकटे येतच असतात. पण त्यावर आत्महत्या
हा उपाय नाही. ती पळवाट झाली . शांत डोक्याने विचार केला तर लक्षात यईल की जी
काही अडचण आहे त्यावर मात करता येते. फक्त वेळ लागतो , निरनिराळे मार्ग
अभ्यासावे लागतात . संयम ठेवणे खूप महत्वाचे आहे. कधी कधी असं वाटतं की ‘संयम
ठेवणे’ ही tendency कमी होत चाललीय . त्याला कारणीभूत आजची परिस्थिती आहे. जर
प्रत्येक गोष्ट, एका क्लिक वर, एका sms वर , हाकेच्या अंतरावर मिळत असेल तर
वाट पाहणं, संयम ठेवणं हे वेळ वाया घालवण्यासारखं वाटतं. साधं उदाहरण घेऊ. पूर्वी
घरी इडली करून खायची असेल तर किमान १ दिवस वाट पहावी लागायची. (डाळ,तांदूळ
भिजवा, वाटा, ८-९ तास रुबवत ठेवा, मग इडली तयार करा. या process साठी १ दिवस
लागायचाच.) आता कोपर्यावरच्या वाण्याकडे इडलीचे तयार पीठ कधीही मिळते , जास्तीत
जास्त अर्ध्या तासात घरी इडली तयार होते. असंच प्रत्येक गोष्टीत होते… त्यामुळे
वाट पाहाणे हे मागासलेपणाचे वाटते. कमी मार्क मिळाले , हव्या त्या शाखेला
अॅडमिशन नाही मिळाली, मुलीनं प्रेम करायला नकार दिला… (ही लिस्ट बरी
वाढेल) थोडक्यात
हवे ते नाही मिळाले की कर आत्महत्या, संपवा आयुष्य!!! (पी.सी. हँग झाल ,
slow झाला, कर format ) हे इतकं सोपं असतं कां? आयुष्य इतकं स्वस्त आहे कां?
Joshua Craig Hunt 2000 bucks richer. o ya
Shari McCabe A friend of ours, daughter Samantha McNamara has been nominated as the Federation of Dance Competitions' ICON dancer! She is one of only 13 dancers nominated!!! The public decides the winner and Sam needs your help. Can you please take a moment to vote for her? she is in second by just a few votes.Thanks so much!
Voting instructions for Sam.
- Click this link -
- Select "Like" on the top o...f the Federation of Dance Competitions page if you haven't already liked it.
- Select the circle next to Samantha McNamara.
- Select "Vote for you favorite" button.
- Select the Allow button to allow your vote to be registered.
..See More
Federation of Dance Competitions | Poll
The Federation of Dance Competitions, The FDC, is a non profit 501c6 organization started in 2007. It is comprised of 13 competitions with a singular mission to recognize dance excellence in the competition world. The FDC is constantly searching for multiple ways to “give back” to the dance world, to help evolve competition elements, listen to the studio director’s needs, as well as reward the many who tirelessly inspire and empower young dancers to achieve their goals. The FDC exists for you!
Page: 6,283 like this..See More
Federation of Dance Competitions | Poll
The Federation of Dance Competitions, The FDC, is a non profit 501c6 organization started in 2007. It is comprised of 13 competitions with a singular mission to recognize dance excellence in the competition world. The FDC is constantly searching for multiple ways to “give back” to the dance world, to help evolve competition elements, listen to the studio director’s needs, as well as reward the many who tirelessly inspire and empower young dancers to achieve their goals. The FDC exists for you!
Page: 6,494 like this..
The Federation of Dance Competitions, The FDC, is a non profit 501c6 organization started in 2007. It is comprised of 13 competitions with a singular mission to recognize dance excellence in the competition world. The FDC is constantly searching for multiple ways to “give back” to the dance world, to help evolve competition elements, listen to the studio director’s needs, as well as reward the many who tirelessly inspire and empower young dancers to achieve their goals. The FDC exists for you!
Jacky Domenes Qual éé a semelhança de ver o rio tiete de perto e o Corinthians jogando?
Em ambos vse soh vê BOSTA correndo :D
Niyiade O. Abel Omo!!!! nah true o...Today is my Birthday o..
Jackie Neumann so its monday already. Were did the weekend goooo. gonna be a long week. Alex has 4 basketball games this week and glade 2 are home games so we can go. Girls are getting ready for there winter concert. Sarinna has a solo. So gonna be busy. And the days are goingt o fast christmas is going to be here befor i get my baking done:(
Pinuxer Bdt yang bisa translate ini : hadiah Blue Eagle Wing menanti
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Adir Ferreira Convidando as queridas Juliana Caldeira, Marcia de Andrade, Luciana Caldeira Zucchi, Helena Propheta, Renata Hotz e Sandra Centurione para o pocket show na quarta-feira, no Kaza Music Bar!
Carilu Torres "Momento No Saber" del 5: Tener un sueño y alcanzar una meta no es lo mismo. Tener un sueño es generar una visión. Tener un sueño es una experiencia mental y/o emocional. Ahora, para que un sueño se haga realidad, es imperativo que se convierta en una meta o una serie de metas en un determinado periodo de tiempo. Soñar requiere imaginación, introspecc ión y enfoque. Para que un sueño se convierta en una meta, requiere determinación, compromiso, recursividad, valentía, pasión, persistencia y el liderazgo para hacer que suceda! Sueña y ponle acción! "Jorge Melendez Life Coach"
Luqman Opeyemi Ibidapo I don't knw who 2 blame 4 dis strike o, shey na asu abi govt. Jona tym na bad expirience 4 naija.
Raphael Mendes Motta Saiba mais sobre essa maravilhosa religião, o pastafarianismo! Juntem-se ao Flying Spaghetti Monster também! :D
The first episode in the series of videos introducing His Noodliness—The Flying Spaghetti Monster—to the world. Created as a major project for my Bachelor of Design in Visual Communication. Huge thanks to the Reverend Dajaun Martineau for the music...
Priscilla Garrett thanking the man above 4 all my good and bad causes through it all i made it with him on my side. weeping may indure 4 a nite but my joy comes every mornimg o yeah km praising him . work flow with him rite that go god go
Jimie Arrington O BP u were more like a brother than a friend i will always remember the good times me,u and misty had. Miss you always..... Love chubs :)
Gabriel Silioni Que o Aloha abra minha mente. Porque 22 questoes especificas de legislação vão ferrar com minha vida...
Latrice Babiitsreal Stone DMV super FASTTTTT this morning =-O
Daniel Dale Tilton ~ put the Lord in remembrance of His promises ~
Isaiah 62:6-7 (amp)
6 I have set watchmen upon your walls, O Jerusalem, who will never hold their peace day or night; you who are His servants and by your prayers put the Lord in remembrance of His promises, keep not silence,
7 And give Him no rest until He establishes Jerusalem and makes her a praise in the earth.
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