Sanny Kog Naninuneno Ngumpul ma kluarga lebih afduuuwol ujan2 gni.. Kgen ortu di bpp.. I miss u n i luop u.. Sooo muccch..
Moyz Indy Moyzmoza bthe,,, FB.and lola MZ sand nu nqa lz na Lola
Vi'in Lesoeng Piphi i^m single
Yan Yan Ali Ikhbal I love monday,,
Endless Love AlhaMdULiLLah dah NyaMpai di paLEMbaNg wlaWpUN s4 MaCEt saNgat paNjaNg brKat ridhO ALLah,rEstU KLUarga&gaK KaLah pNtiNgNya bUat sMUa yG sdah MNdOaKaN saya dLM prjaLaNaN..TriMaKasih ALL SMGa yG MNdOaKaN saya MNdpt pahaLa brLiMpah..aMiEN...-):
Eviyanti Rahayu Love like a wind i cant see it but i feel it.....hahayyyyy
IceMocca Luppypulpel Swetaswety Takan bisa brPaling darimu. . .
I will always say. . . "love you saritem". . .
Hendri D'rainbow Acara d'rmh, 25 hari my mom mninggal.
I miss u my mom...
Qonita Azizah how can i move on when i'm still in love with you?
Yenni Monaliza This one’s for you and me, living out our dreams... We’re all right where we should be... Lift my arms out wide I open my eyes... And now all I wanna see... Is a sky full of lighters... A sky full of lighters
Nurul Istiqlaliah SmashBlast I HATE TODAY
I HATE 04-12-2011
UE BENCI 04-12-2011
FounderClubkaos Joe Van Boston Bruno Mars had a Grenade, and Taio Cruz had Dynamite, so they both threw them at Katy Perry who exploded like a Firework.
The bang was so loud that the Black Eyed Peas forgot The Time, while Rihanna had memory loss and ran around saying Whats My Name.
Eminem looked around and said I`m Not Afraid, then Willow Smith began to Whip Her Hair, which started a Far East Movement.
They then crashed their G6 into a club and stopped Party Rocking. Luckily for Nelly it was all Just a Dream..
for Nelly it was all Just a Dream
Putra Andry Andrilansah Mana EMO.O............OO I MISS YOU
Thitie Bage Bintangkejora i lope u bibeh...
Dhaenq Aeiyumpenna I MITZZ CYUUU
@some one
Valeria Tifany Alexis Christmas..
»Coming Soon«
Nggak sabar nunggu Christmas dateng.. I will wait.. =D
Doyenk Ngelesi Jeglongan nungguk i uchok tru c,. .taek i....
dolen est....
PuTrie Cham Cham lwt status nie , qw ucapkn " i miss you (ka#k) " .. smga qm tau , tp gk mngkn !
Debi Fitriani qu bner2 minta mf sama kejadian kmrn",qu gak pernah ngerasa bosen untk cinta sama kamu,mf bnget ia skali lg,i love you..
To:duy satria..
Hendrik Jamil Tea c..i..n..t..aa
Ebbo' Chntwcii Vkertiebic msh skt tp dch pngn mncing lg . . .
- I Love U Mancing mania -
Margahayu raya
Puputz Cheputtz Chymuts @ pgen lht kmu mski cm bntr.. I..m..C.. I @
Jeckha Alfaricha bies cuci mt0r ma d0'i
cmbil basah2an..
Andrie D'blue Panda ...There was a time in my life...
There was a time in my life When I opened my eyes and there you are. You were more than a dream, I could reach out and touch you, Girl that was long ago. The...
Superboy Kon-El c●uld y●u be s●rry if i g● away fr●m y●u
f●r ever
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