Gerald Manguino You the one that I dream about all da eh eh ey
You the one that I think about alwa eh e eys
You Are The One So I Make Sure I Beha eh eh ehve!
My love is your love, your love is my love
Lettie Tlaks Waitsi go rata motho a sena sepe le wena go bothoko mo go maswe. hw i wsh 2 luv nd b luvd
FeLi Rus Dacă o lovesti, se cheamă maltratarea soţiei. Dacă te pocneşte ea, e autoapărare. Dacă iei o decizie fără să o întrebi, eşti nesimţit. Dacă ea ia o decizie fără să te consulte, e femeie emancipată. Dacă-i ceri să facă ceva ce nu-i place, e dominare masculină. Daca te roagă ea, îţi face o favoare. Dacă apreciezi formele unei femei şi lenjeria sumară, eşti pervers. Dacă nu, esti homo. Dacă-i oferi flori, urmăreşti ceva. Dacă nu, eşti fraier. Dacă eşti mîndru de realizările tale, eşti plin de tine. Dacă nu, eşti lipsit de ambiţie. Dacă o doare capul, e obosită. Dacă te doare pe tine, n-o mai iubeşti. Dacă vrei să faci dragoste prea des, eşti obsedat. Dacă nu, ai pe altcineva.....
Ryan Friske I should really go to bed
Neroy N.Friday Kicking it with my sister Maria, always good to hang with a best Friend!! I loves ma gurl alot.... Yee Haw Ninja Cow Gurl!!! Lmao hahahaha.
Arltiks Geyrozaga I kn0w everything happens f0r a reason...buT s0metimes i wish i knew wat that reas0n is.....;)
Michael Sixtus My Media PC is malfunctioning at Boot-up :( Gonna have to throw money where Luke tells me, get a new one. Just gotta get the data off the old HDD's and I should be right. I don't want to lose countless hours of ripping of Fox and Paramount.
Sharon Mathews An 11 year old girl asks her Dad , "What are you going to get me for my 15th birthday Daddy ?" The father replied "Daughter , there' s much time left ." When the girl was 14 , she fainted and was rushed to the hospital . The doctor came out and told the father that she had a bad heart . When she's laying in the hospital bed , she asks her father "Daddy Have they told you im going to die ?" The father starts weeping and leaves. The girl is recovering . She reaches 15 and gets to come home, On her bed is a letter from her father. The letter said "My Dearest Daughter , if you're reading this it's because all went well as I was told . One day you asked me what I was gonna give you on your 15th birthday and I didn't have an answer but today The present is MY HEART." Her father donated his heart . "Happy Birthday ?" If you believe that God gave his only son to die for you , Repost this as your status . Remember , the bible says " Deny me in front of your friends and I will deny you in front of my Father.
Edgar Jr Lamug I've had so many chances to tell you how I feel about you. everytime,I think about all the amazing times we had together and I realize I'm scared you won't feel the same way. So I keep my mouth shut and continue to secretly love you.
Love Mary I thank God for today service. Happy sunday friends
Louise Hansen At 3 years old we say, ''Mommy I love you." At 10 we say, ''Mom, whatever." At 14 we say, "My Mom is so annoying!" At 16 we say, "I'm leaving this house." At 21 we say ''Mom you were right''. At 30 we say, "'I want to go to Mom's house." At 50 we say, ''I don't want to lose my Mom." At 70 we say, "I would give up everything to have my Mom here with me." You only have one Mom. Post this on your wall if you appreciate your Mom. Love my mommy to death.
Idowu Omoniyi First sunday in December God i give u tanks for keep me & my friends alive to see today
Jessica Ball Why do i even bother :L
Jayson Bugayong my day would not be complete without you in it Koreen Villanueva i miss you hugy ko.. no matter what happens your always be the one for me hugy ko i love you so much hugy ko.. hugytyt :)
Biancaimdoinme Clark just nw gettin off wrk. A hot shower and off to bed i go! All :-)'s on my end!
Nutty Mr-nyc Zondo I seriously feel like drinkin today its hard holdin myslf not to go to da mall.. Jameson on my mind
Marissa Blazin just waiting for the sun to come up then ill blaze dat shit lol inbox iam i bored to talk to or what?
Lee Junho I should be asleep D; Good thing it's the weekend n.n
Sukma Istikama Bismilah...i have to study hard to get high score
Dezza Albar When Ha Ni (Jung So Min) said that her and Seung Jo (Kim Hyun Joong) are strangers now, i cried...really!!
Brandi Marie oh hell no. uh-uh. i am way too sexy to be feeling this way.
Robert Bertie Bonnist If I hear "I don't wanna grow up, I wanna be a toys r us kid" once more, the TVs getting smashed
Leelee Brace I amv
Mando Ramon So 10:05 is the die line, if shit don't go as plane then,then down goes Hell from dare!!! I ain't even playing!!! 10:05 is the die line!!! N not a min later!!!!!
Ben Gear I say what I want to say and do what I want to do. There's no in between. People will either love you for it or hate you for it.
Hate Quotes from BrainyQuote, an extensive collection of quotations by famous authors, celebrities, and newsmakers.
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