Wednesday, December 7, 2011

mai pakat2 kita baca nisapa umat islam mai baca sampai habiskalau hampa xnak baca pon saya xpaksasapa yang baca allah SWT saja yang tahusubahanullahbaca maiiinsaflaa kawan2 sila bace sampai abezpting

Matsuyama Chiharu
Matsuyama Chiharu mai pakat2 kita baca ni....sapa umat islam mai baca sampai habis...kalau hampa xnak baca pon saya xpaksa....sapa yang baca allah S.W.T saja yang tahu.....subahanullah...baca maii...insaflaa kawan2 sila bace sampai abez....pting tuk umat islam..pastu fowardkn plz..... ni adalah benar... sila baca sehingga habis... dan tlg sebarkan kepada seberapa byk org Islam yg boleh... Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh ini adalah surat wasiat dari penjaga makam Nabi Muhammad SAW iaitu Sheikh Ahmad Maeine (Saudi Arabia). pada suatu malam ketika membaca Al-Quran di makam Rasulullah SAW. selepas membaca lalu hamba tertidur, dalam tidur hamba bermimpi didatangi Rasulullah SAW lalu bersabda kepada hamba, dalam 60 000 orang yang meninggal dunia di zaman ini tiada seorang pun yang matinya dalam keadaan beriman. (a)isteri tidak mendengar kata suami. (b)orang kaya tidak lagi bertimbang rasa. (c)orang tidak lagi berzakat dan tidak membuat kebajikan. Oleh itu wahai Sheikh Ahmad, hendaklah kamu menyedarkan kepada orang Islam ini supaya membuat kebajikan, kerana hari penghabisan(Qiamat) akan tiba di mana bintang akan terbit dari langit, sesudah itu matahari akan turun di atas kepala. PESANAN HAMBA INI (a) berselawat - untuk junjungan Nabi kita Muhammad SAW. (b) bertaubatlah - dengan segera sementara Pintu Taubat masih terbuka. (c) Bersembahyanglah (d) berzakat - jangan ditinggalkan. (e) Menunaikan Fardhu haji - bila berkemampuan. (f) Jangan menderhaka kepada kedua ibu bapa. UNTUK MAKLUMAN 1. seorang saudagar dari bombay telah menerima surat ini dan beliau telah mencatak sebanyak 20 salinan dan mengirimkan kepada orang lain, dia kemudiannya dianugerahi Allah dengan mendapat keuntungan yang besar dalam perniagaannya. 2. seorang hamba Allah telah menerima surat ini tetapi tidak mengendahkannya dan menganggap wasiat ini palsu, maka selang beberapa hari kemudian anaknya meninggal dunia. 3. Pada tahun 1977 Tun Dato Mustapha bekas Ketua Menteri Sabah menerima wasiat ini kemudian mengarahkan setiausahanya mencetak sebanyak 20 salinan dan menghantarnya kepada orang lain, maka selang beberapa hari kemudian dia telah mendapat hadiah dari kebajikan masyarakat di malaysia timur. 4. tan sri ghazali jawi, bekas menteri besar perak secara tidak langsung dipecat dari jawatannya kerana apabila beliau menerima wasiat ini beliau terlupa mencetak 20 salinan untuk disebarkan kepada orang lain tetapi beliau telah menyedari kesilapannya lalu beliau mencetak semula wasiat ini dan mengirimkannya kepada orang lain, beberapa hari kemudian beliau telah dilantik menteri Kabinet Perdana Menteri. 5. Zulfikar Ali Bhuno telah menerima surat wasiat ini dan tidak percaya akan kebenarannya juga menganggap palsu lalu membuangnya ke dalam tong sampah. seminggu kemudian beliau telah dijatuhkan hukuman pancung sampai mati. 6. di Terengganu, seorang pekerja bengkel kenderaan telah menerima wasiat ini dari pengirim yang tidak dikenali yang datangnya dari Perak lalu beliau membuat sebanyak 20 salinan seperti yang dituntut. Alhamdulillah dia dianugerahkan oleh Allah seorang gadis berakhlak mulia seperti yang dituntut oleh Islam. baginya anugerah ini paling agung dan tidak ada tandingannya. 7. Di Terengganu juga, seorang hamba Allah telah menerima surat ini dari orang yang tidak dikenali tetapi beliau tidak mengendahkannya dengan mengatakan ianya bohong belaka dan sengaja mengada-adakan untuk menakutkan orang yang membacanya. Beberapa hari kemudian dia telah mendapat penyakit ganjil dan penderitaanya amat menyedihkan. setelah tiga minggu mendapat rawatan rapi di hospital, penyatkitnya sukar juga diubati oleh doktor. Akhirnya beliau teringat akan wasiat ini dan mengedarkannya kepada orang lain. Semingu kemudian barulah beliau beransur sembuh sehingga sekarang. Banyak lagi contoh-contoh orang yang menerima wasiat ini tetapi tidak mempercayainya dan tidak mengedarkannya atau menyampaikan kepada orang lain. dimana mereka mendapat malapetaka. setelah kejadian yang menggembirakan dan menyakinkan ini anda jangan lupa menyampaikan 20 salinan wasiat dalam masa 96 jam dari masa anda menerimanya. InsyaAllah anda akan memperolehi sesuatu dari YANG MAHA KUASA dengan penuh keyakinan pasti ia akan menerangi hidup anda dengan nikmat kebahagiaan hidup. ISNYAALLAH. PERHATIAN setelah membaca wasiat ini hendaklah ditulis atau dicetak dan disampaikan kepda orang lain sebanyak 20 salinan. sekiranya telah dilakukan anda akan dianugerahkan sesuatu nikmat atau hajat anda akan dikabulkan oleh ALLah. kata sheikh ahmad lagi. jika apa yang hamba katakan ini tidak benar, biarlah hamba mati dalam kekufuran dan hamba tidak mendapat perlindungan dan syafaat Rasulullah SAW naaauzubillah. oleh itu hendaklah ditulis atau dicetak dan disampaikan kepada orang lain. insyaAllah dalam masa 2 minggu anda akan berolah kebahagiaan dan ingatlah lakukan ini dengan hati yang ikhlas dan janganlah diabaikan atau dibiarkan TLG SEBAR KAN KPD UMAT ISLAM.... SEBAR KAN 20"
Oliana Comparin
Oliana Comparin E se me achar esquisita, respeite também. até eu fui obrigada a me respeitar. Clarice Lispector
Ovic Chandrawinata
Ovic Chandrawinata Main Suruh" segala lg..•••* Emank Siapa Lo^e... aa,,???!!!


Ovic Chandrawinata
Armando Garzon
Armando Garzon Free e-book with very important information about losing weight
Marvin Skaterboi Maroon
Marvin Skaterboi Maroon just because im scared.. Carmen was 17 years old when her parents decided to move to Indiana. Her father had lost his job and the only way he could find new employment was by moving to a new state. The relocation caused a lot of problems for Carmen. She had to leave her friends behind and attend a whole new school in Indiana. Carmen had a hard time making friends when she changed schools. It was the middle of the school year and most of the students had no interest in befriending the new girl. Initially, she spent many days alone, walking from class to class without speaking to anyone, but she eventually started hanging around with a group of five other girls. Carmen thought these girls were her friends, but it wasn’t long before she discovered that they had been talking about her behind her back and spreading vile rumors. When she confronted them, the girls turned on her and began bullying her every day, making her life a misery. They started out calling her names, but then the bullying got much worse. One day, she left her school books in the classroom at break time. When shereturned, she found someone had taken a sharpie and written dirty words all over her books. Another day, she opened her bag and discovered someone had poured yoghurt all over the insides. Sometimes, she would come to school and find her locker had been vandalized. The final straw came when she put on her coat at recess and found that someone had stuffed dog poop in her pockets. There and then, Carmen decided that she couldn’t take the bullying any longer. She planned to stay behind, that evening, after school, and tell her teacher what had been happening. Unfortunately, her decision came too late to save her life. After lunch, her teacher announced that the school was holding a fire drill. When the alarm sounded, Carmen and the other students filed out of the classroom and assembled in the yard outside. As the teachers read out the roll call, the gang of five girls decided that this was a great opportunity to embarrass Carmen in front of the whole school during the fire drill. They moved over to where Carmen was standing, near a sewer drain, and began crowding the poorgirl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole. They pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Carmen’s name was called out, they shouted "She’s down in the sewer!" All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Carmen’s body lying at the bottom in the muck and the poop, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasn’t moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Carmen was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom. The police hauled Carmen’s body out of the sewer and sent her to the mortuary. Everyone had to stay behind after school while the police questioned all of Carmen’s classmates. The five girlslied to the police, saying they had witnessed Carmen falling down the sewer. The police believed the girls and Carmen Winstead’s death was ruled an accident and the case was closed. Everyone thought that was the last they would hear of Carmen Winstead, but they were wrong. Months later, Carmen’s classmates began receiving strange e-mails on their MySpaces. The e-mails were titled "They Pushed Her" and claimed that Carmen hadn’t really fallen down the sewer, she had been pushed. The e-mails also warned that the guilty people should own up and take responsibility for their crime. If they didn’t there would be horrible consequences. Most people dismissed the e-mails as a hoax, but others were not so sure. A few days later, one of the girls who pushed Carmen down the sewer was at home taking a shower, when she heard a strange cackling laugh. It seemed to be coming from the drain. The girl started to freak out and ran out of the bathroom. That night, the girl said goodnight to her mom and went to sleep. Five hours later, her mom was awoken in the middle of the night, by a loudnoise that resounded throughout the house. She ran into her daughter’s room, only to find it empty. There was no trace of the girl. The worried mother called the police and when they arrived, they conducted a search of the area. Eventually, they discovered the girl’s grisly remains. Her corpse was lying in the sewer, covered in muck and poop. Her neck was broken and her face missing. It had been completely torn off. One by one, all of the girls who pushed Carmen that day were found dead. They had all been killed in exactly the same way and were all found at exactly the same spot. In the sewer at the bottom of the same uncovered manhole where Carmen had met her doom. But the killing didn’t stop there. More and more of Carmen’s former classmates were found dead. It seemed that anyone who didn’t believe that Carmen had been pushed, was eventually found down in the sewer with their necks broken and their faces torn off. They say that Carmen’s ghost is still on the rampage, hunting down anyone who doesn’t believe herstory. According to the legend, Carmen will get you, whetherit’s from a toilet, a shower, a sink or a drain. When you go to sleep, you’ll wake up in the sewer, in complete darkness, paralyzed, unable to move, hearing cackling laughter all around you. Then, as you scream in horror, Carmen will come and tear your face off. So be careful who you bully, because you just might find yourself on the receiving end of the curse of Carmen Winstead. FACT: About two months later, 16-year-old David Gregory read this post and didn't repost it. When he went to take a shower, he heard laughter, started freaking out, and ran to his computer to repost it. He said goodnight to his mom and went to sleep, but five hours later, his mom woke up in the middle of the night from a loud noise and David was gone. A few hours later, the police found him in the sewer, with a broken neck and the skin on his face peeled off. Even Google her name - you'll find this to be true. If you don't repost this saying "They hurt her," then Carmen will get you, either from a sewer, the toilet, the shower, or when you go to sleep, you'll wake up in the sewer, in the dark,then Carmen will come and kill
Shinske Iwata
Shinske Iwata これが「賠償」?? 家賃さえ払えない人も少なくないだろうに! 以前TLを騒がした東電幹部が巨額の退職金をもらう話、あの話が片頭痛のように思い出される…。
Laurissa Hadrava
Laurissa Hadrava How Bullying killed her... There and then, Carmen decided that she couldn’t take the bullying any longer. She planned to stay behind, that evening, after school, and tell her teacher what had been happening. Unfortunately, her decision came too late to save her life. After lunch, her teacher announced that the school was holding a fire drill. When the alarm sounded, Carmen and the other students filed out of the classroom and assembled in the yard outside. As the teachers read out the roll call, the gang of five girls decided that this was a great opportunity to embarrass Carmen in front of the whole school during the fire drill. They moved over to where Carmen was standing, near a sewer drain, and began crowding the poor girl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole. They pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Carmen’s name was called out, they shouted "She’s down in the sewer!" All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Carmen’s body lying at the bottom in the muck and the poop, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasn’t moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Carmen was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom. The police hauled Carmen’s body out of the sewer and sent her to the mortuary. Everyone had to stay behind after school while the police questioned all of Carmen’s classmates. The five girls lied to the police, saying they had witnessed Carmen falling down the sewer. The police believed the girls and Carmen Winstead’s death was ruled an accident and the case was closed. Everyone thought that was the last they would hear of Carmen Winstead, but they were wrong. Months later, Carmen’s classmates began receiving strange e-mails on their MySpaces. The e-mails were titled "They Pushed Her" and claimed that Carmen hadn’t really fallen down the sewer, she had been pushed. The e-mails also warned that the guilty people should own up and take responsibility for their crime. If they didn’t there would be horrible consequences. Most people dismissed the e-mails as a hoax, but others were not so sure. A few days later, one of the girls who pushed Carmen down the sewer was at home taking a shower, when she heard a strange cackling laugh. It seemed to be coming from the drain. The girl started to freak out and ran out of the bathroom. That night, the girl said goodnight to her mom and went to sleep. Five hours later, her mom was awoken in the middle of the night, by a loud noise that resounded throughout the house. She ran into her daughter’s room, only to find it empty. There was no trace of the girl. The worried mother called the police and when they arrived, they conducted a search of the area. Eventually, they discovered the girl’s grisly remains. Her corpse was lying in the sewer, covered in muck and poop. Her neck was broken and her face missing. It had been completely torn off. One by one, all of the girls who pushed Carmen that day were found dead. They had all been killed in exactly the same way and were all found at exactly the same spot. In the sewer at the bottom of the same uncovered manhole where Carmen had met her doom. But the killing didn’t stop there. More and more of Carmen’s former classmates were found dead. It seemed that anyone who didn’t believe that Carmen had been pushed, was eventually found down in the sewer with their necks broken and their faces torn off. They say that Carmen’s ghost is still on the rampage, hunting down anyone who doesn’t believe her story. According to the legend, Carmen will get you, whether it’s from a toilet, a shower, a sink or a drain. When you go to sleep, you’ll wake up in the sewer, in complete darkness, paralyzed, unable to move, hearing cackling laughter all around you. Then, as you scream in horror, Carmen will come and tear your face off. So be careful who you bully, because you just might find yourself on the receiving end of the curse of Carmen Winstead. FACT: About two months later, 16-year-old David Gregory read this post and didn't repost it. When he went to take a shower, he heard laughter, started freaking out, and ran to his computer to repost it. He said goodnight to his mom and went to sleep, but five hours later, his mom woke up in the middle of the night from a loud noise and David was gone. A few hours later, the police found him in the sewer, with a broken neck and the skin on his face peeled off. -Even Google her name - you'll find this to be true. -Repost this if your against bullying.! Don't riskk it.:)
Justin Lee
Justin Lee Bullying killed her. There and then, Carmen decided that she couldn’t take the bullying any longer. She planned to stay behind, that evening, after school, and tell her teacher what had been happening. Unfortunately, her decision came too late to save her life. After lunch, her teacher announced that the school was holding a fire drill. When the alarm sounded, Carmen and the other students filed out of the classroom and assembled in the yard outside. As the teachers read out the roll call, the gang of five girls decided that this was a great opportunity to embarrass Carmen in front of the whole school during the fire drill. They moved over to where Carmen was standing, near a sewer drain, and began crowding the poorgirl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole. They pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Carmen’s name was called out, they shouted "She’s down in the sewer!" All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Carmen’s body lying at the bottom in the muck and the poop, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasn’t moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Carmen was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom. The police hauled Carmen’s body out of the sewer and sent her to the mortuary. Everyone had to stay behind after school while the police questioned all of Carmen’s classmates. The five girlslied to the police, saying they had witnessed Carmen falling down the sewer. The police believed the girls and Carmen Winstead’s death was ruled an accident and the case was closed. Everyone thought that was the last they would hear of Carmen Winstead, but they were wrong. Months later, Carmen’s classmates began receiving strange e-mails on their MySpaces. The e-mails were titled "They Pushed Her" and claimed that Carmen hadn’t really fallen down the sewer, she had been pushed. The e-mails also warned that the guilty people should own up and take responsibility for their crime. If they didn’t there would be horrible consequences. Most people dismissed the e-mails as a hoax, but others were not so sure. A few days later, one of the girls who pushed Carmen down the sewer was at home taking a shower, when she heard a strange cackling laugh. It seemed to be coming from the drain. The girl started to freak out and ran out of the bathroom. That night, the girl said goodnight to her mom and went to sleep. Five hours later, her mom was awoken in the middle of the night, by a loudnoise that resounded throughout the house. She ran into her daughter’s room, only to find it empty. There was no trace of the girl. The worried mother called the police and when they arrived, they conducted a search of the area. Eventually, they discovered the girl’s grisly remains. Her corpse was lying in the sewer, covered in muck and poop. Her neck was broken and her face missing. It had been completely torn off. One by one, all of the girls who pushed Carmen that day were found dead. They had all been killed in exactly the same way and were all found at exactly the same spot. In the sewer at the bottom of the same uncovered manhole where Carmen had met her doom. But the killing didn’t stop there. More and more of Carmen’s former classmates were found dead. It seemed that anyone who didn’t believe that Carmen had been pushed, was eventually found down in the sewer with their necks broken and their faces torn off. They say that Carmen’s ghost is still on the rampage, hunting down anyone who doesn’t believe herstory. According to the legend, Carmen will get you, whetherit’s from a toilet, a shower, a sink or a drain. When you go to sleep, you’ll wake up in the sewer, in complete darkness, paralyzed, unable to move, hearing cackling laughter all around you. Then, as you scream in horror, Carmen will come and tear your face off. So be careful who you bully, because you just might find yourself on the receiving end of the curse of Carmen Winstead.
Caca Seabra
Caca Seabra My new sounds:


Antonio Bernardo
Ilian Rachov
Ilian Rachov notte....domani e un altro giorno...migliore o peggiore.Chi lo sa?


Efisio Zedda
Renie Ferreira Zózimo
Renie Ferreira Zózimo Anunciar com fervor a mensagem de esperança e amor,proclamar sobre a cruz o envangelho do Senhor,é o nosso dever anunciar....


Débora Moura
Dirulislam Abdullah
Perfect for any occasion!
Nathalia Freitas
Nathalia Freitas mais um trabalho terminado e... cama!!! amanhã é cedo!!!
Juliana Machado
Juliana Machado Estou aceitando os fato de que algumas pessoas nasceram para serem amados e nao para amar =-/
Pietro Lunelli
Pietro Lunelli Eu e mais 12 amigos estamos usando o NOVO CarrascoMamata para descobrir TUDO que importa sobre os nossos professores! (publicação opcional)
Dennys Raffaele Dennys Raffaele
Dennys Raffaele Dennys Raffaele Eu e mais 51 amigos estamos usando o NOVO CarrascoMamata para descobrir TUDO que importa sobre os nossos professores! (publicação opcional)
Christopher B Wilson
Christopher B Wilson YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY thanks babes Joseph E Reeder, Thomas Anderson, Breeny Mahealani,and Michelle D. Kennedy for being here and helping out like good people are supposed to do for one another HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Markeea Ta'Shea
Markeea Ta'Shea After lunch, her teacher announced that the school was holding a fire drill. When the alarm sounded, Carmen and the other students filed out of the classroom and assembled in the yard outside. As the teachers read out the roll call, the gang of five girls decided that this was a great opportunity to embarrass Carmen in front of the whole school during the fire drill. They moved over to where Carmen was standing, near a sewer drain, and began crowding the poorgirl, getting in her face and nudging her towards the open manhole. They pushed her and she tripped over and fell head-first down the manhole. When they saw her falling, the girls started giggling and when Carmen’s name was called out, they shouted "She’s down in the sewer!" All of the other students began laughing. But when the teachers looked down the manhole and saw Carmen’s body lying at the bottom in the muck and the poop, the laughter abruptly stopped. Her head was twisted around at an odd angle and her face was covered in blood. Worse still, she wasn’t moving. There was nothing any of the teachers could do for her. Carmen was dead. When the police arrived and went down into the sewer, they determined that she had broken her neck. Her face had been torn off when she hit the ladder on the way down and her neck snapped when she landed on her head on the concrete at the bottom. The police hauled Carmen’s body out of the sewer and sent her to the mortuary. Everyone had to stay behind after school while the police questioned all of Carmen’s classmates. The five girlslied to the police, saying they had witnessed Carmen falling down the sewer. The police believed the girls and Carmen Winstead’s death was ruled an accident and the case was closed. Everyone thought that was the last they would hear of Carmen Winstead, but they were wrong. Months later, Carmen’s classmates began receiving strange e-mails on their MySpaces. The e-mails were titled "They Pushed Her" and claimed that Carmen hadn’t really fallen down the sewer, she had been pushed. The e-mails also warned that the guilty people should own up and take responsibility for their crime. If they didn’t there would be horrible consequences. Most people dismissed the e-mails as a hoax, but others were not so sure. A few days later, one of the girls who pushed Carmen down the sewer was at home taking a shower, when she heard a strange cackling laugh. It seemed to be coming from the drain. The girl started to freak out and ran out of the bathroom. That night, the girl said goodnight to her mom and went to sleep. Five hours later, her mom was awoken in the middle of the night, by a loudnoise that resounded throughout the house. She ran into her daughter’s room, only to find it empty. There was no trace of the girl. The worried mother called the police and when they arrived, they conducted a search of the area. Eventually, they discovered the girl’s grisly remains. Her corpse was lying in the sewer, covered in muck and poop. Her neck was broken and her face missing. It had been completely torn off. One by one, all of the girls who pushed Carmen that day were found dead. They had all been killed in exactly the same way and were all found at exactly the same spot. In the sewer at the bottom of the same uncovered manhole where Carmen had met her doom. But the killing didn’t stop there. More and more of Carmen’s former classmates were found dead. It seemed that anyone who didn’t believe that Carmen had been pushed, was eventually found down in the sewer with their necks broken and their faces torn off. They say that Carmen’s ghost is still on the rampage, hunting down anyone who doesn’t believe herstory. According to the legend, Carmen will get you, whetherit’s from a toilet, a shower, a sink or a drain. When you go to sleep, you’ll wake up in the sewer, in complete darkness, paralyzed, unable to move, hearing cackling laughter all around you. Then, as you scream in horror, Carmen will come and tear your face off. So be careful who you bully, because you just might find yourself on the receiving end of the curse of Carmen Winstead. FACT: About two months later, 16-year-old David Gregory read this post and didn't repost it. When he went to take a shower, he heard laughter, started freaking out, and ran to his computer to repost it. He said goodnight to his mom and went to sleep, but five hours later, his mom woke up in the middle of the night from a loud noise and David was gone. A few hours later, the police found him in the sewer, with a broken neck and the skin on his face peeled off. Even Google her name - you'll find this to be true. If you don't repost this saying "They hurt her," then Carmen will get you, either from a sewer, the toilet, the shower They hurt her
Thales Matheus Araújo
Thales Matheus Araújo Eu vou é dormri que essa dor de cabeça tá deliciosa!
Yin Wan Chang
Vinicius Ujs Guimarães
Vinicius Ujs Guimarães indo pra kza, com dor de kbca e grilado! n3 certeza em quimica, agora e estudar para prova de calculo amanha... vem ne mim integral!
Mes Magaspac
Mes Magaspac THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT. We would like to extend our gratitude to all of our supporters: The PARENTS, TRAINORS, FACULTY MEMBERS, PTCA, BRGY. OFFICIALS, STAKEHOLDERS, MES ALUMNI, GJC, BUENLAG & QUEZON E/S/ DR. HIMAYA BUMAGAT, MDM. LOURDES CORTEZ and of course to our young heroes - The Members of the Drum & Lyre Corps! A MILLION THANKS TO ALL!!! from: TMM


Noemi Fernandez Tubay

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