Keenan Jones Today has been a good day.
Efrain Hernandez Si a si tu lo kieres ya q
Video Official Porque Te Vas Remix si la quieren bajar aqui esta el link
Evelyn Ward Dear Santa, I don't want anything for Christmas, I just want the person reading this to be happy. Friends are the fruit cake of life --- some nutty, some soaked in alcohol, some sweet, but mix them together and they're my friends. At Christmas you always hear people talking about what they want & bought. This is what I want: I want people who are sick with no cure to be able to be cured. I want children with no families to be adopted. I want people to never have to worry about food, shelter & heat. I want peace and love for everyone! Now, let's see how many people re-post this.... I have a feeling I am gonna see almost no re-posts. PLEASE prove me WRONG
Christopher Agee I saw a standind still tornadoe in Prichard by Vigor a few years back .... I know Bra saw it but I know he wasnt going close to it ......... DAMn I wish I could see another one I A GO HOME :( BITCH !!!!!!!! I refuse to goto a grave or die like others ................
Kobie Kaasjager These are a bunch of photos for my children. All of you. love you lots.
Mark Driscoll Thomas Nelson's blogger program has 200 copies of Real Marriage for free for bloggers. Sign up to get a copy to review
Wolfy Wolf That police officer that you called a jerk for writing you a ticket, just spent 3 hours on the scene of a wreck where a drunk driver killed a family of four. Those firefighters that you're pissed at for shutting down the road, just pulled a grandfather out of a burning house. Those paramedics and emts that you think are driving too fast, are doing CPR on a two year old that didn't make it. We work hurt, sick, hungry, and tired. We are continuously asked to do more with less and we do it with a smile on our face. Why? Because we love what we do but most importantly, because we care. Think about that before you bash your public safety members. We are here for you
Chris Vandyke "Think of an attractive girl. The sexiest one you can think of. Picture her butt naked, and glistening with sweat. Got it? Now consider that fact that she poops. A lot." - Brock Obama
Emilee Joy Bristol Why do a lot of girls call their boyfriend 'bear'? Clearly, they aren't bears. If they were, you wouldn't be dating them. If you tried, they'd eat you.
On a side note, my house is warm and I love Christmas.
Lyrical Lovakid Tazzy Itz rainin great for cuddlen!! Juz need some1 to hold like a teddy bear :)
Gabriella Michelle Martinez Carter IF U HAD A GREAT DAY ((((((((LMS))))))))))
Franco Montes It shouldn't be this hard to find a good girl.
Nicholas Colglazier Boulder County Farmers' ability to farm is being attacked. Please lend them your voice and support by signing this petition encouraging the Boulder County Commissioners to support a cropland policy that encourages coexistence among farmers. Please re-post and send anyone you can!
This is petition for Coexistence in Boulder County. Join the movement! Sign now!
Ariel A. Diccion last Jan 2011, i bought a Great Wall of China Calendar and posted it on my cabinet.
on Feb 2012, i am going to Beijing for work.
so now i'm planning to buy a Piolo Pascual Calendar for 2012. #hopeful
Jake Tunay Take away, take away my eyes
Sometimes I'd rather be blind
Break a heart, break a heart of stone
Open it up but don't you leave it alone
Amber Letsgobears Tidwell i aint gona take to many more slick ass comments bout the bears suckn w/ a smile yeah thyr a lil messed up rite now becuz of injuries to key players but thy r far frm suckn so neone thinkn tht needs to think again check ther stats!!!!...thy was gud till this shit w/ cutler n forte!!! shut it up haters ur talkin out the side of ur neck!!!! n u luk stupid cuz ur wrong...thanks:)
Shane Lunceford finally home from work and the in-laws what a wild day
Mike Connors Guess it says something about my days that I'm excited to answer a telephone survey. :)
Kim Myatt The tradition of Christmas tinsel is based on a legend about spiders whose webs turned into silver when spun on a Christmas tree. See, there are morbid sides of Christmas for people like us friends ;)
Jaade Drake aw bored so inbox a # & illllL comment on dis w. a date or pasSs *
Monica Moore-Hax Just so everyone knows, I have a CHRISTMAS TREE in my living room (not a holiday tree), my kids are getting CHRISTMAS PRESENTS (not holiday gifts) and we will eat CHRISTMAS DINNER (not a holiday meal), and I will attend a CHRISTMAS PARTY (not a holiday party). I will also very cheerfully wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS! (not... happy holidays). By the way, if you want to have a Happy Hanukkah , by all means do, I respect that. If you want to have a Blessed Kwanzaa, I also respect that. I want to have a Merry Christmas, so I ask YOU to respect that! Re-post if you agree!!!
Jonathan Isai Galvan Well ladies and gents, it's that time of day again! You know what really grinds my gears? When people post their problems on facebook. I mean, if we really wanted to know what was wrong with you, we would simply walk up to you in private and ask you what's on your mind but instead we see a bunch of these statuses "Ugh" or "fml" and my favorite one "why can't I stop crying?". Any one of these little things will then set off a chain of comments asking you whats wrong and how we can help. You want my advice? Here it is; STOP POSTING IT ON FACEBOOK AND GO SOLVE THE DAMN PROBLEM! What in the blue hell are you doing sitting behind your computer reading what people say? Do you thrive off the attention? Do you love to swim in a pool of self-pity? I mean if I was crying, you can bet that I wouldn't be on Facebook. Heck, that's the last place that would come to mind. Facebook can't give you a hug or a kiss to tell you that everything is gonna be alright so go find a real friend that can actually help you. Oh, and keep in mind that you are dealing with first world problems. "OMG my boyfriend of 2 days broke up with me". Really? Really?! One person whom didn't have that much affect on your life has caused you to break down? Or "ugh I've got an 8 hour shift! I hate working!". You do realize there are people all over the world that have to work up to 22 hours a day to provide some gorram crumbs for their family to eat? And I'm not talking about being a hostess or a dishwasher, I'm talking about working on the fields, working deep down in a mine or digging for diamonds the size of a grain of salt! Your life could always be so much worse. Be thankful for what you have you degenerate scum! You have the opportunity to make whatever you want out of your life and instead you waste time by complaining about it to people who couldn't care less. You have been granted the opportunity-- nay, the privilege, of living in a country where there are thousands of opportunities and you are taking them for granted. You are crying over a broken cellphone and halfway across the world children weep for the mothers they never got to meet. You scratched the side of the car your parents bought you and you feel like complaining? Someone in a third world country just lost their only child in a street war. You have enclosed yourself in your own little world and as soon as one little thing seems to go wrong, you try to drown yourself in a glass of water. Let me finish with this; this world does not revolve around you and Facebook, will not solve your problems and posting your pathetic trivial issues on here will not make anything better either. Nothing in this life should be so bad for you that you need your entire friends list (and lets be honest you probably don't know half of them and you sure as hell don't like the majority that's left).
This rant was done per request! Leave me any suggestions you guys want in the comments below or inbox me something! I'm doing one of these a day unless I think that an extra cup of rage will do this place some good!
Jordan Lawlis Yess I Argue With A Seven Year Old And A Five Year About Who's The Princess :D
Ma' Cee when people come to about he said she said, i notice the words they claim came out of the person damn well don't sound like anything they would say, its a set up d.a. People are quick to point fingers to anything but their mirror.
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