Chris Singh So i might be getting a honda civic then the mustang :)
Andrea Alexis Teran You know what I love best? The smell of freshly cut fart. When the pungent odor gets to your nose, and you take that first big wiff; the stench is incredible. In short, I like farts, and I am a cochina.
El Salvador Sc Adelaide Invitación Para compartir el espíritu navideño y de solidaridad con personas damnificadas por las lluvias en El Salvador. Miles de familias están sin un techo y sin saber que van a dar de comer a sus hijos. Navidad es época de compartir razón por la cual les estamos invitando a participar de la actividad que se llevara a cabo este sabado11 de Diciembre.
Un grupo de voluntarios trabajando junto con el Consulado salvadoreño de Melbourne esta haciéndoles la atenta invitación para que compre pupusas este sábado 11 de diciembre a partir de las 3pm en la casa numero 209 Burton Rd, Paralowie, puede hacer sus pedidos para llevar o saborear las ricas pupusas allí con un chocolatito caliente o una bebida refréscate. Puede hacer sus pedidos a partir de las 2 pm el día sábado a los teléfonos 81851001 o 04118645645
Participe, compre, saboree las ricas pupusas y ayude a llevar el espíritu de amor y navidad a nuestros hermanos salvadoreños en esta navidad.
Para mayor información se puede contactar los siguetees teléfonos:
Sonia Garcia 0400079763
Orlando Ramirez 0411864565
Recuerde este sábado 11 de diciembre a partir de las 3pm en 209 Burton Rd Paralowie
AutismSolutions ForKids Learn the skills to be a good friend, ways to increase meaningful and engaing conversations, and build quality friendships! Join ASK PEERs for Teens group in Jan 2012: click link for info...
We asked our readers what it takes to be a good friend. The responses poured in — more than 5,000 of you shared your thoughts on friendship...
Termaine Day im am gay I butt fuck a man last night but i fucked him hard in the as
Sarah Hewkin Corey just woke me up petrified 'cos he had a bad dream. I ask him what he dreamt about but he says i was in something and then gets scared and doesn't want to talk about it. Finaly he told me he dreamt i stopped moving. He is really freaked it. He just wants me to cuddle him and not fall alseep. He keeps checkin im awake, bless him :(
Mikhail Wright dam people is realy money hungry right na go get a job r sum fuck broke ass
Hemanth Bhat Wife is pregnant, the husband says:
'Honey,if d baby looks like u it wil b wndrful.'
Wife replies
'Well,if it looks like u it will be a miracle!'
Beau Clem Asked randomly by a couple of customers last night at the shop. "is an olive a fruit or a vegetable"? My answer, "anything in kingdom plantae that is not an animal, microbial or fungal life is a vegetable. Not including lichens that are symbiotic between two kingdoms. Fruit just refers to the fleshy endosperm surrounding a seed. So yes. it is both. But considering its stone and how it grows on a tree, an olive is most likely technically a drupe; like an almond or cherry." They didn't like that answer at all
Krissy Christian 1. Sets the tree on fire: Jenna Kate Thomas
2. Eats all the cookies that are left out for Santa: Alex Chinery
3. Tells every little kid they see that Santa isn't real: Caleb Baltimore
4. Steals all the candy: Tyler J. Bishop
5. Tries to capture Santa: Amber Holzschuh
6. Leaves the fireplace lit: Emily Diane Presnell
7. Still believes in Santa: Michelle Leann Ireson
8. Found a lump of coal in their stocking: Donna Robinson-Hill
9. Burns Christmas dinner: Carlee Shepherd
10. Passes out in the snow: Madison Presnell
Crystal Storm Hahaha damn about to roll in a mini van hahaah wow never thought id say that hahah damn this shits crazy wtf mini van time with alex hahahahaha! Wtf! Ghee
Jordan Vanover Lms;
Best Feature
[] Your eyes
[] Your lips
[] Your voice
[] Your SWAGG
[] Your personality
[] Your body
[] Your butt
[] Your smile
[] your hair
[] nothing
[] i like you more than a friend
[] I love you
[] friends
[] best friends
[] stranger
[] i don't know you , but change that
[] strangers & we will stay
[] i have no feelings
[] why not
[] yes
[] nope
[] maybe
[] idk
[] already am
[] blah . don’t know you ..
[] absolutely not
[] stop being a stranger
[] text me right now .
[] kiss me
[] be mine
[] nothing , idc .
[] inbox me
[] marry me on FB
[] make this your status so i Can like it
Liz Johnson Baby Beetle is in the shop overnight. Catalytic converter. Oh joy. And the driver's side window motor needs replacing. The window is sluggish when it goes up. So, now I need to figure out a way to work tomorrow.
Talya Cacchione Haven't you heard??? it's a Michael Buble' Christmas!
GCs Giveaways #giveaway Giveaway: Win Our New Year's Eve Prize Pack With A Spa Set, Party Kit And More
Laura Ramdhanie Maybe time found away to keep balance by keeping traffic moving ahead allowed for those moments where it seems like time slowed down or everything moved in slow motion for example a car accident
Barbara Jeanne Belanger If I had a star for every time my beautiful daughter has made me smile I'd have a whole night sky in my hands. Love you ♥
Jerry Mei LMS for a rate
Larisse Oliveira ...tumtumtum
a ligação sempre cai na melhor hora
Raia Oznolam Camara gudmorning..Salamat poh s lhat ng nkaalala ng birthday qoh...Salamat ng marami s mga bumati....Sa mga greetings en gifts..tnx poh ulit...Take a lot of Care..Godbless guys
Tee Postell Q ; Rate and would you date me ?
A ; 8 & we never really talked so i cant answer that . . .
Sincere Al Cunningham What's a good day I had today! I just got finished talking to my son on the phone. Time to unwind. Waiting for my lady to get out of school. I did the chores now its time to cook dinner for us, Italian Sausage with onions, peppers and potatoes on it on a long roll and then kick back and chill! I am just enjoying the good life!:)-
Colin Peterson this would be a dream come true....
Thrasher Magazine - skateboarding news videos photos clothing skateparks events music and more
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