I have so many stories about Ronnie. I remember the time when I was leaving Ronnie & Wendy's house. At that time the Dio's had a house full of animals and me. There was Niji, the German Shepard, Sasha, the poodle, and Bruce, the cat. I also had my dog Santana, a Shelty collie. All the animals got along. I was leaving for a Rough Cutt rehearsal when all of the sudden there was this doberman trying to get in my car. Every time I would approach my car, he would come toward me. So I went back to the house to get Ronnie & Wendy's help.The dobie followed me to the front door, so I called out to Ronnie and he and Wendy came to the door. I said this dobie is following me every where I go, he wants to get in my car when I try to open my car door. So Ronnie and Wendy went back in the house and came out with a bunch of milk bones cookies. When I moved in with them Niji, the German Shepard, was a little nervous. She would snap at you if you got up to fast, or when people would come over they would put her in the bathroom until you sat down then they would let her out to check you out. So I was a little unsure of this dobie. But Ronnie & Wendy showed no fear and the Dobie came up to them and took the cookies. I remember the Dobie had a note on his collar written on a Wendy's hamburger receipt, it said "my name is buster, and I understand German". It was just like the Dio's to take in another stray with open arms. As they took in me and my dog.
God Bless Ronnie James Dio!!!
Paul Shortino

chuck norris a beira do bruce lee é um gatinho XD
Oziel Gonçalves Nossa! Como eu sou feliz por praticar essa arte que faz bem tanto p corpo, quanto p mente. Agradeço e lamento pelos negros escravos q sofreram, porem nos dxaram essa arte como sinônimo d superação. Viva a capoeira e diga não ao racismo.
Jeffrey Grabow Many have tried to be spiritual in their own strength or desire. All that is produced is an intuitive action which impersonates spirituality. The intuition is the gateway to the supernatural realm. It is unable to reach across the abyss into the spiritual realm. Initially, we can't get there on our own ability. It's a God thing.
Dee Stoj guna hav a hektic feed for maso Christmas :)
Gillian Latham off bed stalkin me fone ha is life tha boarin readin peoples shit nite all need a space book ad a good nite tho smashed an I like it
Elijah Kennedy Some question MY behavior but if they take just a llittle time to acknowledge THEIR behavior they'll know the reason for mine. #JUSTATHOUGHT#
Villamor R. Calventas There are so much to be done in a day that it seems it is a lifetime yet we all know that with the Lord's blessings and guidance we can do it well with love and care.
JV 8-12
9:30 am Pagudpud,Ilocos Norte, Philippines
Lupas Deva Twin over full bunk bed with a ladder. This bed took us three days to build. It is our first with pickets in this style. This bed has already been paid for.
Twin over full bunk bed with a ladder. This bed took us three days to build. It is our first with pickets in this style. This bed has already been paid ...
Mickey Goodman Came home with a shiny new MacBook Pro yesterday that ate up all the dates in my calendar. Scared to death to use it til the guy comes tomorrow to hook up and give me a lesson. I'll probably end up taking up residence at the Genius Bar!
Ensogo a Living Social Company offers a variety of best deals in the Philippines from up to 90% OFF. Avail the best online discount deals and discount voucher from travel packages, restaurants, hotels, spas, activities, health, beauty coupons, skin care treatment, salons, Events, food and drink cou...
Senghor Thlang NEW GAME NOTICE! Come check out the awesome new Bouncing Balls contest that is available, you could win a XBOX 360 with Kinect. Start playing: http://sups.us/523ed8
Zach Boyt Anyone who says "Jesus is going to save me so I'll just wait..." you are cheating yourselves and everyone else. Jesus wouldn't want you to sit on your thumbs, you know. I'm reminded of the story of the man in a flood who was sent a boat and a helicopter for rescue but refused help becase "God was going to save him. So he drowns, and then God is like, "I sent you a boat and a helicopter!" Maybe Jesus would want you to be the best you can be, instead of some sheep lining up for the slaughter!
Dwain Johnson very important to forgive and forget, never have a heavy heart against anyone. life will be the lesson for anyone who seek your downfall. life will deals with all that tries to cross the righteous path.
Yumey Dominguez Jente nesesita buscar una vida y dejar de meterse en la mia ago lo k se me da la gana en mi fb si nienes un prblema me lo dises a mi ok crese come mielda
Manilah Apawa @ Jazlee Hair Saloon doing my hair. My hair seems to be in a terrible state. Lol
Kim Jennings book an appt with me for anytime in January and get 15% off and a coupon for 2 dollars off eyebrow threading!!!!!!!
Michele Hynen night everbody lol four days shhhhh its a secret :D
Mark Endurance Love is a noble act of self-giving, offering trust, faith, and loyalty. The more you love, the more you lose a part of yourself, yet you don't become less of who you are; you end up being complete with your loved ones.
Sandeep Kumar Maturity is the ability to express one's own feelings and convictions balanced with consideration for the thoughts and feelings of other
...Good Morning and have a nice day....
Leslie Coprade Pascua Having fun watching and listening to my kids while playing keyboard. It's confirmed that music runs in our blood, they're born this way...it made me think of putting up a family band in the future... lol..just saying..SMH
Veronica Lomax Just sittin here deliberating on life i have 5 children and they have gotten older and im not wats happening any longer they are getting older and getting on with there own lives and it makes me sad becuz they are all ive ever had to look foward to but they are doing life like i did i just miss them i know im a parent for life but its so hard to let go i love them soooo much tyrell minnis, pretty chick markell,marshe edwards,jaquece m edwards ,marquece lomax! they are the best!!
Shevon Minor About to have a good time with one of my old friend....Letsgetboo
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