John Zmirak Up to now, as most of you know, my role model has been my beagle, Susie. But I think I've found a new hero:
Joseph Herscher builds Rube Goldberg machines in Williamnsburg, Brooklyn. In this video he constructs his newest contraption called “Page Turner.”
Dulce Alatriste i hate when u confront a bitch about fucking with ur man and they denied it talking about 'no i got a boyfriend were just friends' but than she calling him asking him she wants to see him lol thats some bitch shit
Amy-Louise Hughes Well that was definitely a long day.. 8.45 - 5 then 6-1.. Time for bed I think.. Just thinking of the money :)
Travis Okelly I just want to thank who ever came to my house today and rearranged my patio so that I cant get my back door... when I drag my table back the glass shattered and now I need a new freakin table thanks a lot assholes
Monique Claville Hoez do da most stop talkn
Shit on fb tired of da bullshit I don't my nigga leave dat up to da yung hoe b I'm a women mines don't. Do kinn newayz rns lastime I checked I had a man now as now back to da money stay tune lil hoe
Nazeef M Bature I'm in 2 u, lyk u naver knw, I. Fallng 4 u baby, I need a pressured, nw tell me wht u lyk, I lyk wht u tell me, is too late evry finish line is d begnng ov d new race!!!
Vannessa Guera Borboa I think I will spend the last of my day off playing video games
Diane N Dave Somers Thank you for the prayers my friends - Dave and I are home now and are waiting for the results of the medical test he was asked to take today. Thank you Lord for all you do.
Alfie Lee I might start posting some 'alternative' criticism on soundcloud tracks to try bring some balance to the opinions that are left on there, see if it catches on...
Amber Gurney just split my nail (bad) opening a bottle of wine - guess I was a little over-eager! TGIF
Lori Adams And once again, the reason why I can't wait to move out of this neighborhood!
Suspected burglars were stopped by police after neighbors in College Stations spotted them breaking into homes.
Authentic LeTrice Ragland I want to talk, but I'm too pissed to do so!!!
David Acevedo I miss my dog.................
Jessica Lovingmeforme Sammons This is a smile tht I think imma be able to keep for a while .....
Joshaun StillBless Massenburg I was RAISED; I didn't just grow up. I was taught to speak when I enter a room, to say please & thank you, to have respect for my elders, lend a helping hand to those in need, hold the door for the person behind me, say excuse me when it's needed, & to love people for who they are, not for what you can get from them! I was also taught to treat people the way I want to be treated! If you were raised this way too, re-post this. sadly, many won't because they weren't, and it shows
Heidi Nicole Croft So sad I can't go see the devil inside tonight cause I'm working until 10. Oh well maybe tomorrow night.
Gabrielle Bertloff I love the desert. I love intelect. I love any experience that leaves you with an adrenocryptocotrophic feeling. I love my son. I love my chosen family. Hatred is so last year.
Jesse Hine Sooooooooo Battery dead in my car.. AGAIN after I replaced my battery and alternator at that shitty gas depo in Freddy. Bet they did some quality work. FML
Damien Prejeant If anyone needs a oil change i only charge 15$ u have to buy oil and filter hmu 504-390-2017
Latrice Carter o-o but i wont be neer a swamp
Brent Adams so sick of people and there lies im doing good and people still talk bad about me lol but what would life be without the haters ? They give me what i need to see that im doing the right thing with the best girl i have ever been with and going to stay with ! Baby dont let these bitchs bring u down cause u know what im doing your with me 24/7 so u know the real i love u so much your my word
Gawayne Stockton Confession#2 : Imma bout to open Christmas presents . I get 2 Christmas' every year
Cyndi Coffee-Melton OK, so i have a situation!!!! brianna is actually feeling her contractions now....she has been dilated to 5 for a week now, what do i do? i dont want to be a nervous nelly, but i really dont want to have this baby at home!!!! i dont think that would be the best thing for braedyn, lol....any suggestions????? from a nervous memaw!!!!
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