Daniel Akpokona Lagos tins o...
Sandeep Dhiman o teri p3n di yaa...barf hi barf ho gae.chita ho gya sara kuch.....
Mexico Vivo Aupio Jioptaze o mikros mou o Ioannis mou, Xponnia Polla!
Torence Hatch o yea i no how to dance a lil bit and i no how to shuffle good enough...
Sara Wright http://youtu.be/44XwPmZM1mw
Edgar- O single from the unreleased Mixtape. Official Facebook Page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Edgar-O-Music/132769100104932?sk=app_178091127385 Official ...
Heather Johnson Im so ready for this shit to b over with. Im ready to try me some cherry flavor drink nxt thursday ;) mix it with pepsi it taste like cherry pepsi o boy im excited
Owolabbi Maniwiz Alabi GÓD pls save me 4rm 1 girl o
Jacob Sean Spencer stayed up for 18+ hours last night playing Dead Island with Tommy Phung and Adian Eakins! and im still not tired! :O
Essence CaShmoney Aranda - 4 Hours Till Ma Birthday o._.O
Jordan Lagimodiere .... :O damn dairy products!!!
ACu Cii JayCee ......___________________
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Mohit Trivedi ***G*O*O*D***
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Jago FRIENDS jago.
Vairon Hart Tongue kiss her unda tongue...skeet skeet skeet watergun! O my gosh becky look @ her butt TUNECHI!!!
Stacy Lai Hien Thach, i missed you. Wanna take me on a movie date tonight? My favorite kind of movie is coming out today. I'll bring us some food in my big-o-bag??? hahhaha! come on, one time for the team.
Tim Tiedeman o how i wish i could change things lol.
Johnathan Sida O shit wtf?!?! My ps3 turned on by itself ahhhh
Thiago Vieira Eu acho que o direto pra tocar na perna da azul vai precisar de tomar um chá vermelho cheio de felicidade para continuar sofrendo
Jonah Rissa Villaflor may mga tao talaga na walang delikadesa..,kahit alam na nila na may gf o bf na ang isang tao..ginagawa parin ang lahat para mapansin lng..anong klase yang mga tao?..yan ba ang taong may pinag -aralan?..how poor naman..kaya mo yan ate.don't 4get na my kapatid kang handa makipag-away sa iba..susuportahan kita
Like · · See Friendship · a few seconds ago ·
Elizabeth Liz Voorhies O vodka, how I have missed u!!! :-) lol hmu
Letícia Sola Na casa da Letícia com o Daniel, Phillipe, Katherine, Rafa e Enrico =D
Monicke Caroline Vieira Mascarenhas Adoro que me invejem e me odeiem pois ninguem inveja o feio nem odeia o fraco!!!
Paulina Bobb Andrade i caught My Sister Singing This Song in The Shower !! :o Haha
Betty Lovell ..."OWWWWWWWWWE!!!..." ;o)
High Quality Video...I enhanced it a lil bit...
Erin ERock Kiffel Well I would like everyone to pray for me that every thing how my way on Monday . O have everything I need . Things are starting to look up I'm so excited!!!!
Victor Perez O need for Jesus Is greater than everything on this Earth... But except one Thing that its not greater than..... It may come close though... But the LoVe that Jesus Had for me And You is Far Greater than anything...... .
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