Taylor SuchaSweetie Steinmetz Worthless ass bums seriously trying to steal pancake mix and movies then u fucking take a Wii I can't stand people..fake ass people
Otieno Ogada If u hve knowledge,let others ligth their candle at it.
Melissa Phirie unless ur name is google quit acting lyk u know evrythng!!
Mrplayifuwanna Fulcher U know how i do it ashante no mo mo
Courtney Wetter Byrd It's been weeks since I've heard from u. That's fine, do u, it just made my decision even easier!
Chersari Jones Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when u can, apologize when u should,and let go of what u can't change. Don't hate just be blessed!
Sllec Ndz Just don't say U LUV ME
Yung Swizzy #YungNiggasKillinBoutNuffin Dats Real Shit Doe,Its Only 2 Things U Ckan Do Either Go To Church Or Be A Gangsta On Da Block #RealNiggaRadio
Zolelwa Mabece U Noluyanda uright na bethuna?.....ayoshori yema!
Aaron Onoja u guyz should leave my dear Mr. President alone. He's takin us 2 a new level of economic breakthru. God be with him. Pls carry go, we're behind u sir. I'm loyal mr president
Anmol Gill Gudnite Frnzzzzzzzzz, hav a lovely Sleeeeeeep. luv u oll
Marshalee Hemmings when something bad happens u ave three choices, u can either let it define u, let it destroy u, r let it strengthens u, wats ur choice.
Valerie Sanchez I love u, u love me . . . All smiles!!
ThisIs Dmoney Prior to her cumin
i had to stick my thumb in
in her ass 1 time
smell my finger
it makes u vomit
Phumla Nkatshela Sum thngz u jst hv 2 gt ova n move on wit lyf or else ul liv in misery! *makin lemonade 4rm da lemons dat lyf threw @ me*
Andrea J Rodriguez A lot of ppl say family comes first well why is it that no matter how much u do 4 them its never good enough n when u ask 4 help its always sum bullshit runaround of drama! Guess that's cuz i let it happen fuck it not no more iam gona just keep doing me n minez n fuck what there going tro!
Missy Lancaster I miss my husband when he is out of town :( love u Jason
Samuel Gichaga Then i knw Lord its true u de answer 2 my troubls. Ave a safe nyt pals.
Wandile Tshabalala Its not hard 2 secrifice anything 4 sum1 u luv,,,,,bt its hard 2 find sum1 who deserves dat secrifice...
Murendeni Nemaguvhuni 2dy ndi musina bantam yo tangana nazwo my dad vhari mudifho u phanda andi thome ndi phase grade 12 eish i cnt wait
Crystal Indeedy Brower What do u say when an ugly person tells u that they "need some beauty sleep..?"... #awkward
Janet Cunanan Mendoza L0v u so much h0ney ko. Kaw lang s puso ko.mwaaa
James Kariuki James If u dnt ve goals u r jst like a goat, jst imagine footballers playing without goalposts???JIPANGE!
Johnny Hernandez Happy birthday to the most amazing wife ever. Mamas I thank u for the things u do for me n our wonderful lovely family. Even though we still fuss we get thru it bien papita. 6 years ago I lookd at us and nvr thought our love was ever so strong . I lost my mind tryna perfect myself for u to stay with me and as I see now we r just ment to be. Diosito nos a dado un gran regalo para acompaniar nuestro amor yea we wernt prepared for tht but it made our hearts and souls so much closer. I love u chingos y chingos mi amor mi vida!!!! Que diosito t de muchos anos mas y asi siguiremos compartiendo nuestra felizidad! MUAH!!!!
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