Summer Thompson wow 53 and sunny today, absolutely beautiful out. then i check the weather and there is a winter storm watch for up to 8 inches or so of snow tomorrow, id say only in wisconsin but this reminds me of weather in southern illinois too lol
Maryke Marais I'll always need my sisters, no matter what age I am. My sisters have made me laugh, made me proud, made me cry, hugged me tight, seen me fail, cheered me up, kept me on my toes and has driven me crazy at times..... BUT my sisters is a promise, that I will have FRIENDS forever! Put this as your status if you have beautiful sisters, that you love with all your heart.
Suleiman Mohammed .(what gamewould bring a dog and a tigertogether) what good advisewould you get from these spoilt brats).....Sanusi....agrandson of the emir and sonof a permanent secretary.....he was never as hungry as you were...You areeven an infidel where he isconcerned .....Your associationcan only mean trouble.......andthen Iweala........the daughterof a Professor and king in ogwashi ukwu and.....An IMFreturnee.......everybody
Jasmine Stayreadi West so many beautiful females running around hurt cryin..wonderin why they cant find a good nigah..smh..lil momma take it 4rm me, YU GTTA LOVE URSELF FIRST!!! an let that BLESSIN COME TOO YU.
#TRY..IT :)
Charne Schmahl I need oxygen to be injected into my brain... <3 maybe a kick up the ASS could work too... Either way, I dont think its normal to be this tired...
Silky Smooth if i was a stud dancer lms if u would come too my show....
Dianne Lobb A good day for cuddling up on the couch and watching the Green Lantern
Tamara Nicol LETS SEE WHO ACTUALLY READS MY and i are hancuffed together. Using ONLY 3words..what would you say to me? Note: if you comment you muct copy and paste this to your status so i can comment on yours as well. Be a good sport and play along.
It’s been a long time since sweet hound mix Chrissy came to us. A staff favorite, she is the total doggy package: loyal, fun-loving and affectionate. Yet, adopters consistently pass her by.
Jeremiah White For those of you who don't know, or just don't wanna listen. My statuses that people have a problem with because they are "sad" or angry", I am just venting with those. Its my way of screaming at the world. I appreciate everyone caring though

When one becomes aware of the fact that , all the three states are unreal on the base of the soul, which is the true self, than he becomes aware of the fact that, whatever seen, known, believed and experienced as reality within the waking experience as a person is mere mirage. Thus his experience of the world and belief of god is mere mirage on the standpoint of Atman or soul, the innermost self. Thus it is necessary to learn to view and judge the three states on the base of the Atman in order to realize the fact that all the three states are mere illusion. Only after realizing the three states are illusory one can say the world is illusion, not until then.
Religion, dogmatically assumes gods existence which is based on individual perception. One has to realize the fact that whatever is based on individuality is bound to be illusion. Thus the physical body and the experience of the world and belief of god are part of the illusion. In reality no second thing exist other then Atman. Atman is in the form of consciousness. Thus Atman or consciousness alone is reality which is formless substance and witness of the illusion [three states].
All the Gods appearance through vision is mere hallucination on the standpoint of the soul, which is the innermost self. Thus all the claims about appearance of god are not truthful on the base of Atman or consciousness as self. Even if god appeared to any one cannot be taken as real since the waking experience itself is unreal. Thus whatever is based on individual and the world is bound to be reality within the illusory waking experience. The waking experience is impermanent, which appear and disappears. The permanent is the formless substance and witness (Atman or consciousness) of the three states. --FORMLESS PATH

We stayed in one of your Earthship rentals in Taos on one of our road trips,and really enjoyed the experience.Very amazing way to build,loved it!!
A fellow New Mexican,
Kelly Stewart
Donna Kern Trexler Definately don't feel so great today so our anniversary lunch was a BK grilled chicken salad. I guess I was a cheap date!!
Sears Hometown Store - Buford Exclusive for our Shop Your Way Rewards Members! Spend $50 or more anytime starting this Friday, January 13 thru Tuesday, January 17 and you'll receive a $10 award card valid anytime from Wednesday, January 18 thru Thursday, January 26!
Simon Muhiu It's better to meet a mother bear robbed of her cubs than to meet some fools with a stupid project
Sears Hometown Store - Butte Exclusive for our Shop Your Way Rewards Members! Spend $50 or more anytime starting this Friday, January 13 thru Tuesday, January 17 and you'll receive a $10 award card valid anytime from Wednesday, January 18 thru Thursday, January 26!
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