Betty Atkin Yippee i have lost another 1lb never seen so many starters makes you feel good though lol xx
Kearron Barlow Yall still screemin free c-ray hoes,kmsl half of yall might not even be here, when,cuz tuch down if he do I think he gone be gay
Kelly-Ray Demetrius W got work in a few hours what can i do till dat time
Miguel Tomas Jr. I don't know why and I didn't think I would feel like this for a while but since I met you,all I do is think about you to the point where I get distracted at work,idk what you did to me but you make my heart beat fast that goes by!! >.< <3
Alex Breitler Hey Delta College students: What are you doing to save money on textbooks this semester? I need ideas for an article!
Claire Obrien i HATE personal statements AAAAAHHHH
Melissa Roberts i just have to say some peeps and their advice to others is crackin me the fcuk up. not to mention has me making mental notes on who not to piss off. its not them its their plotting and planning friends that will get you.
yall keep on awesome.
Brady Nielsen "Excuse me Ms. librarian, I was wondering if you could help me find a book?"
"Is it a textbook?"
"Then there are computers upstairs, you can find it yourself!"
...I know I hate these dialog posts, but really??
Janet Avery DEMOTION SAGA PART 2: When my supervisor, the Deputy Director, discussed the changes with me she told me to think things over and provide feedback at a follow-up meeting. I met with her and the guy who would be my new supervisor last week. I provided my thoughts in the most positive way possible. My Executive Director met with me today. Bottom line - no demotion. No one has mentioned money but I'm going to be promoted. The only problem they have as a result of my input is coming up with a meaningful title to go with my new position.
Plattsburgh Housing Outlet Great new home out of our Titan facility, that might be the biggest refrigerator I have ever seen :)
Renee Cosby went to lunch with a good friend, awww i needed that
Imtiaz Jafri I want to make a Facebook account and the name will be Nobody,so when I see stupid crap people post, I can Like it. And it will say Nobody Likes This !!
Max Bradley I just cracked my iPhone hahaha.
Charity BlaqueBarbiee Lee Yall cuttin up today on over Roflmao....#gottaluvthabook Oan:i got my smile back....:-)
Ericka AwesumPossum Swiney I think I use the word "seriously" too seriously..
Zach Murray Please tell me you can hear me,
I'm expressing my love,
Won't stop til I get'cha,
I'm not letting up,
Imma run into your heart,
Like a kid in a store,
Take every ounce of Love and Beg You for More!
Mindy McCoy Gay A mother's work is never done! So much for relaxing today! Gettin it done, though! Ready for Caden Bug to get home so I can get my exercise in for today :o) Thanking the Lord that I'm too blessed to be stressed!
Tien Louie I dont know why anyone would support a company that openly broadcasts their sustainability. Everyone should know that sustainability helps reduce costs, but no one realizes they're paying the same price for products.
Sam Umejiego people i don't like to see keep appearing to me on fb, e.g. ones who retired from service having nothing to show for it
Janet Gurtler Working on revisions of WHO I KISSED! #housegettingmessyagain
Chaya Abramowitz-Morozow Mazel Tov to my dear brother upon completing his smicha!!!! Now I can say, "My brother, the Rabbi!" :)
Xiu Hui Neo i jus wan to say: anything pls text me. i will be busy so any other means probably cant get to me as efficient as the hp.
Terry Austin A Real Man is kind of man that when your feet hit the floor each morning the Devil says " On Crap, he's up!" Brothers, life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you riight, Forgive the ones who don't just because you can. Believe everything happens for a reason. if you get a a sesond chance, Grab it with both hands. if it changes your life, let it. Take a few minutes to think before you act when your mad. Forgive quickly, God never said it would be easy. He just promised it would be Worth it! Today is Brothers Day! To All the Brothers that have touched my Life..I say "Thank You!" TA
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