Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Good morning all had a late start today; no coffee so I'm running on E It feels like I need one of them Calgon commercials I usually dont feel the

Sharon Culver-Bullock
Sharon Culver-Bullock Good morning all had a late start today; no coffee so I'm running on E... It feels like I need one of them Calgon commercials. I usually dont feel the hump in Hump day but today I'm feeling it. Enjoy your day and be blessed... Linda two more days and counting, partying Friday and paintballing Saturday a very interesting weekend planned...Drama free of course!
Cecilia Huang
Cecilia Huang precise!
【給天蠍座的1封信】 天蠍座討厭虛偽討厭謊言討厭欺騙。其實天蠍經常硬撐即使一百個委屈都習慣用自己的方式獨自一人承擔。真正痛苦的時候 其實沒人看得見。他很注重公平凡事都會分得清清楚楚不會去佔別人便宜。他非常重感情只要他真心認定的朋友都會真心對待。 天蠍不愛發短信也不愛打電話懶蛋一個。對特別的人會例外自尊心很強強過金錢強過事業也強過愛情。天蠍座需要慢慢相處因為天蠍座是個被動的星座慢熱的星座放不開的星座一見鍾情很難發生在天蠍座身上天蠍的愛需要時間。他們會喜歡很多人卻很難愛上一個人。 對愛蝎子的賭注總是壓得很大如果能贏那麼他將成為這個世界上最幸福的人所有其他的都可以不在乎了。可一旦輸了那份痛將使得再次關閉他的心扉從此不再對任何人打開因為在他的生命中已經承受不起第二次這樣的打擊了。也許他還會笑用笑去掩蓋那流血的傷口。 有人說天蠍心狠說他會很快忘記過去而如果有人走進了天蠍的心裡他會很難轉身捨不得轉身即使帶給他的會是傷痛。天蠍把自己小小的包裹起來其實天蠍很怕寂寞。 他很怕自己心愛的那個人消失怕自己太依賴那個人也許會覺得他冷漠其實天蠍會在心裡每天想千遍萬遍。 天蠍不喜歡爭吵大多數情況下會用沉默來代替內心的不良情緒。但若遇到十分氣惱的情況他會發威結果是口不擇言不用費勁地說世界上最惡毒的語言說出來給對方聽中傷對方。但過不了兩天天蠍自己會主動反省為自己的言語感到失態和後悔。 天蠍座的人不大會接受別人的意見即便是他人不停地規勸表面上點點頭心裡還是有自己的一套。天蠍不大懂得察言觀色如果愛人情緒有變化天蠍會胡思亂想許多認為會是自己哪裡做錯了。然後就會招來愛人的不滿!事實上天蠍並不想這樣只是性格缺陷TA容易想太多。 蝎子沒事喜歡胡思亂想。性格與脾氣都比較極端嗜睡摯愛音樂易被感動喜歡跟喜歡的人身體接觸恨不得把身體揉進去那種。有些悲觀支配欲有較強的依賴感偏執苛求完美雙重性格一般很抗拒有人走近不喜歡聽見周圍有人不停交談經常表現出對什麼都不在乎。 天蠍有時候令人難以揣摩日常生活中他們的思維方式甚至會讓你痴迷。他們不僅性感無比而且還賦有精力他們對其他任何異性都會冷酷到底而對自己的老婆則是溫情綿綿。而且蝎子其實很好哄的只要你的手機時時為他們開著不要不接他們的電話出去聚會願意帶著他們那麼蝎子絕對是最棒的伴侶。 當天蠍和自己的戀人鬧彆扭時開始的時候他們會很堅決大有一種決不首先向對方妥協的勢氣。時間一久天蠍就開始想對方的好了於是自己主動找上門和戀人和好如初就像什麼都沒有發生過。雖然蝎子的內心是有些氣的但一見到戀人就又“傻”過去了這就是我所了解的天蠍自我矛盾加自我折磨的天蠍。 天蠍生性渴望理解卻不奢求理解安於孤獨更樂於孤獨。天蠍的優勢在於對於別有用心的人能夠一眼看穿並完全做到視若無睹。也許當你自鳴得意時天蠍想的正是不和這頭牲口一般見識。看天蠍就是這樣的心態清高地忍讓憂鬱地承受卻酷得乾脆利落。只要你不觸動他的底線一切都好。 天蠍座的人酷愛權力喜歡有自己的思想方法。錢和物質對你是不可缺少的但從不用它來束縛自己的手腳你對那些對自己的事業工作有過幫助的人總是念念不忘肯為你們慷慨解囊。天蠍座的人需要經常不斷地處於忙碌之中喜歡親自動手去做喜歡改善自己的工作和生活環境喜歡更新自己的想法。 天蠍座談戀愛時容易胡思亂想不能忍受被忽略忽視的感覺一點點也不能如果另一半不理他 他就會自己胡思亂想一堆鑽進死胡同後出不來。然後另一半一個電話又瓦解了所有了胡思亂想。想要控制 卻又下不了決心。天蠍座表面堅強內心軟弱想要佔有卻又怕太過火不停地自信與自卑交雜。 天蠍不會輕易付出愛她們會保護自己。如果能經受住天蠍百般的考驗和魔鬼式的訓練那麼他會幸運的成為她的愛她們怕太認真怕她們太強烈不愛的時候冷的像冰愛的時候熱情似火讓你很能適從。她們的思想是比較偏激的要么愛要么徹底的不愛。所以天蠍的愛永遠都是轟轟烈烈的。
轉貼至"十二星座宝宝" 我改成繁體=) 喜歡就分享吧~~


Cecilia Huang鋁釨釩
Il Gobbi
Il Gobbi e le giornate mestruo-catartiche, seguite dalla ripresa in mano della propria esistenza e futuro.
Adriana Valencia
Adriana Valencia Tamales for sale now until Saturday $15 doz. Green and red $ goes toward childrens Christmas party in south Tucson If ya want to donate or buy some txt me, msg or e-mail or comment. Thanks for your support
Chikondi Faisnar Mkwamba
Chikondi Faisnar Mkwamba I Surrender~Flame...<3 é song so much.


Victor G Makuti
Mann Lavjeet Singh Rajpurohit
Mann Lavjeet Singh Rajpurohit The best lines of a Lover...!! "Kuch pana chahta hoon magar Kuch khone se darta hu, Ye ahsaas kuch aisa hai is ahsaas ke hone se darta hu. ... Kehna to chahta hu bahut kuch tumse, Magar tere labo ki khamosiyon se darta hu, Chahta hu nazro se nazre milana, Magar tere aankho ki madhosiyon se darta hu, Du jamane bhar ki muskurahte tuje, Ashk teri aankhon ke bahne se darta hu, Kar du izhar-e-mohabat tujhse, Teri berukhi tere inkar se darta hu, Chaht hoon jikr-e-mohabat tujse, Magar teri masumiyat ki badnami se darta hu, Chahoon tuje umar bhar ke liye pana, Magar tere kisi Or ke hone se darta hu....!!!!
Aleli Macapaz
Aleli Macapaz C B-B C-O-L-E T-O-H♥
Shownudebee Chey'riff Horpeyeahme
Shownudebee Chey'riff Horpeyeahme met mah long tym fwend Ademola Samson,we use to be team mates @ Ikenne Community High School.nice 1 mah homie.....luking 4ward 2 meeting so many odaz...lanre okusanya,oshomuwe sule,segun balogun,opeyemi adejumo,abiodun kayode,hamdalat shobowale,maxwell illoh,sile sule......wo e tie ti poju!
Grácio Manhique
Grácio Manhique Beijo também é cultura. Através dele, conhecemos várias línguas.
Manik Malhotra
Manik Malhotra A poor boy loved a rich girl....on e day d boy proposed her...!! then d girl said, "listen, ur monthly salary is my daily hand expenses.. ...will I be involved with u...?!!!!! could u thought that??!!!. ....i could never love forget me and engaged with someone else of ur level." but d boy could not forget her...!! ... after 10 years, one day.... they became face to face in a shopping center.... the lady said, "hey; you !! r you? w i'm married... u know how much my husband's salary is?!!....2 lac per month!!.....can u imagine !!.....and he is also so smart..... understand ..!!" d guy's eyes got wet with tear by hearing these words....! ! after sometime, her husband came...... before the lady had said something, her husband started to say by seeing the guy......" sir; you here!!" then he said to her wife, "I'm going to assist a project of sir, which is of 200 crore.... nd do u know a fact !!.....sir loved a girl.....but he didn't get her.....that's why still he is unmarried!! much lucky d girl is, isn't it !!......wh o can love like this.....! !" Moral: -♥ life is not so short..... don't be so proud of yourself and damn others.... ..situations change with time...... so every one should respect other's love.....
Anamika Singh
Anamika Singh Facebook Helps you Get Free Recharge on Any Indian Mobile Operator Listed Below and Help u to Call and Text any one For free to people in your life. Just visit :
Judy Pollard-Licklider
Judy Pollard-Licklider I have your e-mail address! Sorry for any inconvenience!
Pari Bawazir
Pari Bawazir Khoon se deen ka charag jalaya hussain nai,rasma e wafa ko khub nibhaya hussain nai, khud to ek bund pani na peya, karbala ko khoon pelaya hussain nai.
Bhavesh K Raicha
Bhavesh K Raicha Baadal e pu6yu sagar ne"varsu tara par k kem?", sagar e pu6yu ret ne"bhinjvu tane k kem?", ret man ma radi padi"aam kai pu6i pu6i ne thato hase PREM.!"
Cecilia Scatena
Cecilia Scatena "As pessoas entram em nossa vida por acaso, mas não é por acaso que elas permanecem." Cada pessoa que passa em nossa vida, passa sozinha, é porque cada pessoa é única e nenhuma substitui a outra! Cada pessoa que passa em nossa vida passa sozinha e não nos deixa só porque deixa um pouco de si e leva um pouquinho de nós. Essa é a mais bela responsabilidade da vida e a prova de que as pessoas não se encontram por acaso. Adoroo Cada um de vcs! Tenham um dia abençoado!!!


Cecilia Scatena
Rajeesh VK
STROKE: Remember The 1st Three Letters... S.T..R ... My friend sent this to me and encouraged me to post it and spread the word. I agree. If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks. STROKE IDENTIFICATION: During a party, a friend stumbled and took a little fall - she assured everyone that she was fine and just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes. (they offered to call ambulance) They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food - while she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening. Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00pm , Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the party . Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die. They end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead. It only takes a minute to read this... STROKE IDENTIFICATION: A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. RECOGNIZING A STROKE Remember the '3' steps, STR . Read and Learn! Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions : S * Ask the individual to SMILE .. T * = TALK. Ask the person to SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (eg 'It is sunny out today'). R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS . If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call the ambulance and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. NOTE : Another 'sign' of a stroke is 1. Ask the person to 'stick' out their tongue. 2. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other that is also an indication of a stroke. A prominent cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.
Onkar Singh Matharoo


PrEet HaRmanNavdeep Singh
DarkDragon PublishingCo
DarkDragon PublishingCo Announcement! (Please pass on the info!) For the duration of the winter holidays Karen Dales' award winning paranormal series "The Chosen Chronicles" are now $.99 each on Kindle and Smashwords
Visit's Karen Dales Page and shop for all Karen Dales books and other Karen Dales related products (DVD, CDs, Apparel). Check out pictures, bibliography, biography and community discussions about Karen Dales


Robert Craven
Refiloe Mokoena
Refiloe Mokoena nka busetsang ho Jehova hobane melemo yohle ya hae e honna.gud aftanoon ma lovely frnds
Thabitha Mposula
Thabitha Mposula Yaz akbukeki umuntu wesimame usemile e-rank, uyaxhafuza uyakhuluma ngala, mmhhh...sis!
Claudio Pikadj Rebolho
Robert Tasinschi
Robert Tasinschi Un om a venit de la munca tarziu,obosit si nervos,gasindu-si baiatul de 5 ani asteptand la usa. -Tati, pot sa te intreb ceva? -Da sigur,despre ce e vorba? -Tati,cati bani castigi pe ora? -Asta nu e treaba ta. De ce ma intrebi astfel de lucruri,spuse omul nervos. -Doar vreau sa stiu.Te rog spune-mi,cat castigi pe ora? -Daca trebuie sa stii,castig 50$ pe ora. -Ah,a raspuns micutul,cu capul plecat. -Tati,imi imprumuti te rog 25$? Tatal s-a infuriat. -Daca singurul motiv pentru care m-ai intrebat asta este ca sa imi ceri niste bani sa iti cumperi o jucarie prosteasca sau alte porcarii,atunci du-te direct in camera ta la culcare.Gandeste-te de ce esti asa egoist.Nu lucrez din greu in fiecare zi pentru asa copilarii Micutul a mers in liniste in camera si a inchis usa. Omul s-a enervat si mai tare pe intrebarile baiatului.Cum a putut sa puna asa intrebari doar pentru a cere bani. Dupa o ora,omul s-a calmat si a inceput sa gandeasca: Poate chiar era ceva de care chiar avea nevoie sa cumpere cu 25$ si chiar nu mi-a cerut bani des.Omul a mers la usa baiatului si a deschis-o - Dormi? - Nu tati,sunt treaz. - M-am gandit,poate am fost prea dur mai devreme.Uite aici25$ Micutul a sarit,zambind. - Multumesc tati.Dupa aceea a scos un pumn de bani. Omul a vazut ca baiatul avea deja bani si s-a enervat din nou.Micutul si-a numarat incet banii si s-a uitat catre tatal sau -De ce vrei mai multi bani daca deja ai? -Pentru ca nu am avut destul, dar acum am, a replicat baiatul -Tati, am 50$. Pot sa cumpar o ora cu tine???? Te rog sa vii mai repede acasa maine . Vreau sa mananc cu tine. Tatal a fost distrus. Si-a luat baiatul in brate si l-a implorat sa il ierte. Este doar o reamintire pentru toti ce lucreaza din greu in viata. Nu ar trebui sa lasam timpul sa treaca printre degete fara sa petrecem timp cu cei care chiar conteaza pentru noi, aceia apropiati de inimile noastre. Sa ne amintim sa impartim cei 50$ din timpul nostru cu cineva pe care iubim.


Sanda GherasimRobert Tasinschi
Waqas Ahmed
Waqas Ahmed Hum ne Tu Apni zindagi say yahi seekha jal jao kari dhoop main khamoshi say lakin. ---WIKI--- Apno say kabhi sayya-e-dewaar na Mango.
Majharul Islam Piash
Majharul Islam Piash Net e porlam MS Dhoni islam grohon krse !!! Allah e jane misa na hasa....


Sajin Rahman
Suhail Khan
Suhail Khan yaarab zamaana mujhko mitaata hai kis liye loh-e-jahaan pe harf-e-muqarrar naheen hoon main


Khalid Gurkoo

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