Lanye Barnick So I am sitting in my chair, and I say out loud I am going to be 21 again! YAY Tomorrow is my birthday. Bryson says your not 21 momma your 22. Boy that little boy made my morning! :D
Kaiden Sixx I am finding out that maybe I was wrong..That I've fallen down and I can't do this alone. Stay with me, this is what I need, please? Sing us a song and I'll sing it back to you. I could sing our own But what would it be without you? I am nothing now and it's been so long. Since I've heard the sound, the sound of my only hope This time I will be listening.. My heart beats for only you...
Dakota Nichole Knight Dear Phone,
I Drop You.
I Say I Hate You.
I Throw You.
I Lose You.
I Forget About You, But...
I Couldn't Live Without You
Like This Status If You Love Your Cell Phone ♥
Joyce Rich doing work from A+ than doing my study guide for mrs. golf and read the rest of the story i was on. having a okay day so far, hope it stays tht way.
Butch William Threlkeld I am SO SAD about FOX4's loss........Weather in Kansas City will never be delivered from the enjoyable angle that it has been in this recent past.....I speak for myself and I say "THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS WEATHERMAN" My Prayers are with "Your Family" & "The FOX4 Family".........God Bless
Vita Love I born in this life is very wrong . Everything i want to do,i cant do and everything i need,i cant get too . why why hwy............................................ so i have only one choice is Die for next life . Everything always make me stress stress............................. forever . he he he he he he he........................ Good Luck Everyone . God Bless You . I wish all of you have everything good than my life . Bye bye .

!~ ♥ ~! A Speechless Message With Deep Feelings !~ ♥ ~!
Both Are Quiet,
But Have Hundreds Of Things Running In The Mind.. !!
Both Are Missing Each Other Badly,
But Want The Other One To Initiate The Conversation..!! =|
Both Want To B With Each Other, To Fight, To Argue, To Show Love,
But Would Pretend That They Are Fine Without Each Other..♥ =(
Both Want To Meet Each Other,
But Will Not Say Anything And Wait Silently..!!
They Would Send Each Other Silly Messages,
But Would Not Tell Them: 'Stupid I am Missing U.."
-This Is Love..♥
Sometimes We Miss Out On Most Loveable Moments,
Jst Bcoz We Want D Other One To Take D First Step..!! =/
Showing Love Might Improve The Situation,
But Showing Ego Definetely Ruins It.. ♥ !! =(
-Hit "Like" If you Agree and Liked It,
Tag Ur Maximum friends & Share It on your Wall..♥ =)
-> Shan

Frankie McKinney say what you will, but i prefer the grinch the way he was before , the little strange people changed him to conform to their society. christmas is the only time of the year where people smile before they kick you in the head, lol
I Love The Steelers! Do You Love The Steelers? Do You Have Steelers Fever? Prove It & Join The Steelers Fever Fan Club Today! Show Your Steelers Support! Go Steelers Go!!
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Whitney Peer Its Amazing The Things I Learn From The Back Of A Cereal Box.... :)
AnyyWayy...Cleaning, Then Lots & Lots Of HomeWork To Do.... <3
Aloysa Coin Last Sunday I got exceedingly mad at myself, and disturbed, and disappointed with who I have become:
When this emotional turbulence happened, I was watching 60 Minutes. I will go ahead and blame this show for my screwed up Sunday night. The show featured a story about homeless families living out of their cars. The adults shared their experience. But most importantly, the homeless children were int...
The winning post came from Dulcie Bartosz Legus! Thanks to all who participated and posted some really funny captions. Go to the first post to check them all out! This is so much fun, I am going to post one picture each day that you pick the captions for, so be watching!
Thomas Mizera Funny thing I found while searching Visa's
Who May NOT e-File Form I-140?
You are NOT eligible to e-File this form if:
You are applying for a waiver of the filing fee.
You are requesting that your case be expedited (does not include filing for Premium Processing)
You are a Soviet scientist
Scott Roote OOOOO how i love the look at that beautifulness outside, pure white nothing else!
Young Spiv you are in the presence of a champion
bout to get a condo that I can fit your mansion in
you always be calling her, she ain’t never answering
you ain’t figured out I am the reason that she canceling
I be at the parties where you stuck outside and can’t come in
Pamela Lopez Why is it in the morning I hear about the girls ailments? My head hurts, my ear hurts, my toe hurts, my hair hurts.. only three weeks until their Christmas break.. they are going I don't care what hurts! lol
Dave Marquardt All last night I was dreaming I was eating the muffler off of my truck. I woke up exhausted!
Ashley Pennewell While I was studying ALL night, I left my ipod on shuffle and didn't even change it ONCE! Unbelievable! 141 songs later...I am done studying for the night :P
Daryl Sparks Edgar Leroy Fitzgerald... aka Eddie the Elf made his debut yesterday at the Sparks house to check in on Hailey and Kate. HG wasn't so sure about him last night, but this morning when he magically left the mantle and was resting on the Christmas tree (I'm sure for a better vantage point) she was a true believer. Wish I could have videoed her reactions.
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