Kartika S Tarigan heyy i miss you Raden Januar Rajab :)
Lee Strong 9thanks to ALL of you that have supported me over the years....sorry to let you all down. i love ya!!! BIG LEE
Fang Sheng Lim LMFAO blow the Music Awards!
LMFAO performs Party Rock Anthem and Sexy And I Know It on the 2011 American Music Awards.
Elton Benjamin Its funny to me that the same ppl who were crying with snot bubbles "Lord please get me out of this and i will do right" Now saying there not going to church on christmas day. "CHRISTmas day are you serious" I guess thats what society is use to now. Oh how great is ME and my lil ragedy human lifestyle.
Minuteman Missile National Historic Site Today in Cold War History - November 30, 1981, the United States and U.S.S.R. opened talks to reduce intermediate-range nuclear forces. Representatives from the United States and the Soviet Union open talks to reduce their intermediate-range nuclear forces (INF) in Europe. The talks lasted until December 17, but ended inconclusively. SALT I (1972) and SALT II (1979) reduced the number of strategic nuclear weapons held by the two superpowers, but left unresolved the issue of the growing number of non-strategic weapons-the so-called intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe. By 1976, the Soviets began to update their INF systems with better SS-20 missiles. America's NATO allies called for a U.S. response, and the United States threatened to deploy cruise and Pershing II missiles by 1983 if no agreement could be reached with the Soviets concerning INFs. However, by 1981, the situation changed. No-nuke forces were gaining strength in western Europe and there was a growing fear that heated Cold War rhetoric by both superpowers would lead to a nuclear showdown with Europe as the battlefield. The United States and U.S.S.R. agreed to open talks on INFs in November 1981.
Lisa Temple What are some of the Blessings in your life????
Some of mine are: My Salvation (Thankyou Jesus), My Home, My Family, My Friends, My Health.(Just to name a few).I Am So Blessed....
Kimberly L Miller I want to start or participate in a youth group for teen girls and young women. People often ask me "Kim you love kids so much how come you only had one?" My answer, "Because I was not having more kids than I could afford to take care of by MYSELF " One never knows what their situation will be but you can prepare yourself as best you can for anything that comes your way by making good choices from the beginning. It saddens me to see so many youngwomen who repeatedly go into situations knowing from the beginning they will be on their own and they cant afford to take care of a child: Mentally, physically, emotionally or financially. Ladies you are selling yourself short when you use your body for a baby making machine and your head (brain) for nothing more than a hat rack. Wise up! With all the contraceptives available there is no reason for you to be in a situation that is less favorable for you or a child. More importantly, with all the diseases out there why is it so much unprotected sex going on! If anyone has a group or knows of one please inbox me...Thanks!
Samanda Reid Freshman year, with Casey Steele and Davia Smith! Fun times i tell u!
Bryan Fitzgerald Ready to get my new place fri..i have alot on my plate rite now but u know what ..im strong n i can dill with it just wish i could wrk this out n b happy with wat i want in my life but sum ppl have to b a ass about things..if its ment to b then it will happen soon...all i can do is just hope for tha best...G2G make all this $$$$..
Lizbeth Pagan Looking at my grades now, I should get at least a B in every class, I guess that's not bad for my first semester of college..
Maureen Dias Watson Dear Santa,
I don't want much for Christmas, I just want the person reading this to
be happy. Friends are the fruit cake of life --- some nutty, some soaked
in alcohol, some sweet but mix them together and they're my friends . At
Christmas you always hear people talking about what they want & bought.
... ... ... This is what I want: I want people who are sick with no cure, to be
cured. I want children with no families to be adopted. I want people to
never have to worry about food, shelter & heat. I want peace on earth,
goodwill and love for everyone! Now, let's see how many people forward
this. -- with love, shared from my friend Jacque Mazzola Frusetta♥See More
UnlikeLike · · 18 minutes ago · You like this..
via John T Brady
Pravesh Sharma I'm sexy And I know it.................
Follow me: @Biebermeetme (: American music awards
Kieta Stabley I know it's only 1030am but I'm ready for lunch..off to do a visit, get lunch and to buy a couple of lottery tickets...those of you "in the know" say a little prayer, cross your fingers and toes or whatever it takes..**8days**
Sarah Mitchell Frazer Emele has commandeered a pair of my heel boots and keeps walking around the house in them (surprised at how well she walks in heels... she's a natural!) This morning I looked at her and said, "Em! I love your boots! I have a pair JUST like them!" She looked down, looked up, looked at me and scampered away... a sign of a true thief. I think those are my boots! =P She needs to confess....
Beverly A Thomas Preparing for multiple networking events. It really feels good to get out and find out what others are up to. I thank God for the grace that is bearing us up after the love losses we have experienced. In reviewing some nutrition info shared with me, I realized that I have a Niacin deficiency. When I added just a small amount to my diet, the mood that I thought was lingering grief-lifted. Thank you Lord for bringing to me the use of a product I already had in my possession. I am grateful to each of you who support me with your prayer and kind thoughts. Thank you for allowing me to pray for you. Expect a great day, unless you have other plans.
Yb John Time couple ' BABY ' dah break ' BABI ' .
Time couple ' SAYANG ' dah break 'BANGANG ' .
Time couple ' I- YOU ' dah break ' WA - LU ' .
Time couple ' I LOVE YOU KBAII ' dah break ' I HATE YOU CIBAI ' .
Time couple ' HI DARLING ' dah break ' BYE ANJING ' .
... Time couple ' HANDSOMENYA ' dah break 'SAKAINYA' .
Time couple ' YOU LAWA LAH ' dah break ' EH SIAL LAH
Travis Holtzclaw See, I dont know why I liked you so much
I gave you all, of my trust
I told you, I loved you, now thats all down the drain
Ya put me through pain, I wanna let u know how I feel
Fuck what I said it dont mean shit now
Fuck the presents might as well throw em out
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack
Fuck you, you hoe, I dont want you back
Leonard Nolt I admire people who ride their bikes to and from work very day, so I did it too; 5.5 miles to work last evening and the same distance home in the morning and, like riding the bus, which is my usual transportation to work, biking is a vivid reminder that there are just far too many cars coagulating our cities and clogging up our lives.
It's called "CIVIL" rights for a reason. -Vet Asks "What Am I Fighting For?" No shit. his black generation is the crop from all single teen mothers without f...
Sherri Hoffman Amanda Hilleman-Kochel
Dear Santa This year for Christmas I'd like; no wait... Forget that. Get in your sleigh, go to Afghanista n, get our soldiers and bring them home. They deserve to be with their family's on Christmas. Post this as your status to show respect for the soldiers who wont be coming home for Christmas.
If you don't re-post, I understand. You cant spend 6 seconds of your life to support soldiers I get it, You're probably to busy chatting to someone
© 2011 WMG "When I Come Around" by Green Day from 'Dookie,' available now. Directed by Mark Kohr. Download on Itunes: http://wbr.fm/itungd Download on Amazon...
May Molon sori mam arlene nd mam she i cant make it tlga.i tried pwo im tired na!hehehehe nxt tym nlang...promise bawi me tlga..=)
Samantha Smith .. I need to start getting my christmas gifts now!!! I am definately going to be broke after haha :)
Jason Blanck http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYxJ5a2leWQ&feature=related
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