Osazee Jessica The LORD gave this command to Joshua son of Nun: Be strong and courageous, for you will bring the Israelites into the land I promised them on oath, and I myself will be with you.
-Deuteronomy 31:23
Brenda Tuttle Had to take a break, up shopping early and home wrapping gifts, darn dogs even got me something, I woof them
Lakendra Soluvinme Edwards I recommend that you read the Bible daily, anytime, anywhere, for any reason, and as you respond to what God is saying to you, you’ll be amazed at the changes that happen in your life. I trust that you will be blessed with insights into life relationships that satisfy the deepest longings of your heart and soul!
Christopher Robins I hate dat rabbit!
Owuor Odhiambo Leon that was a great risk I took, oooh my misleading consience, bt a rear opportunity, thanx to fear factor
Amanda Sanchez Moreno Happy birthday to the best mom she os always there when I need her she is an amazing mother, grammy and daughter I know our family would be lost without her. Love you mom
Tiarra Scarborough I hate to leave gma but its for da best
Mark Watkins Is so proud that I have a family who dose not post their problems and personal woes all over the fucking Internet. God bless you. I never feel such resentment towards other humans as I do when I see some personal lamentation about how shitty someone's life has become due to their own decisions and actions. Deal with your shit at home out of the public eye like an Adult, good god.
Brittany Akridge "If you're married, and you really love your wife, is it good enough to only say to your wife 'I love her' the day you get married? Or should you tell her every single day when you wake up and every opportunity? My relationship with Jesus Christ is the most important thing in my life. So any time I get an opportunity to tell Him that I love Him or give an opportunity to shout Him out on national TV, I'm gonna take that opportunity." -Tim Tebow♥
Hellter Kellter Washington Thank god for waking me up... If it wasnt for the lord, I probably would be dead....
Dakota Cheyenne War purple Wednesday here I come!
Margaret Stewart Scott need prayers so bad right now.!!!! Hope someone cares. If u are my friend click the like button & then re-post. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "Facebook Family" wherever u may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family problems, struggles and worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us for no-one is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith and love for those in need. Life works in strange ways ..
Paritosh Giri fo sumdayz im out of fb nw ....soh guyz vl c ya back wen i think of cumin back haha
Liberty Gathering Place ATTENTION EVERYBODY!!! Great news! Although we did have a very small fire this morning, the fire marshall and health inspectors have been in and we are BACK IN BUSINESS!!! Come on in! I need my friends to come and help me celebrate the GREAT NEWS!!!
Layout 1
Benjamin STone I am FUCKING OFFENDED that Time Magazine had to feature something SERIOUS on our cover--THE POSSIBLE IMPENDING ECONOMIC COLLAPSE OF CHINA--for the October 31, 2011 edition, when all international covers featured the new TINTIN movie. ***OMG WE'RE ALL BEING MANIPULATED BY TIME "EUGENICS WEEKLY" MAGAZINE!*** Do research, people. Reject the confirmation bias inherent in us all. And if you don't know what the latter means, then do the former. Love, benjamin
TIME Magazine Table of Contents -- U.S. Edition -- October 31, 2011 Vol. 178 No. 17
Leanna Nicasy DeJonge Thomas L A Brittany Murrain Kimberlie George Bajantiguanese Ince i think i left my flashdrive in BIM :(
Rahul Rao Even in my heart I see
You're not bein' true to me
Deep within my soul I feel
Nothing's like it used to be
Sometimes I wish I could turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad, baby
Quit playin' games with my heart
Quit playin' games with my heart
Before you tear us apart (my heart)
Quit playin' games with my heart
I should've known from the start
You know you got to stop (from my heart)
You're tearing us apart (my heart)
Quit playin' games with my heart
I live my life the way
To keep you comin' back to me
Everything I do is for you
So what is it that you can't see
Sometimes I wish I could turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad, baby
You better quit playin' games with my heart
Baby, baby the love that we had was so strong
Don't leave me hangin' here forever
Oh baby, baby this is not right, let's stop this tonight
Baby, (oh) quit playin' games
Sometimes I wish I could
Turn back time, impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could so bad, baby
Quit playin' games with my heart
Quit playin' games with my heart
Quit playin' games with my heart
(my heart)
Baby (my heart)
With my heart
Evans Sarah Ugh I will be so glad when this therapy stuff is over with cause Lord knows i'm tired of going they make my leg hurt worse.
Nextplace Bargrill Does anyone out here have a phone from verizon that actualy lets you play your facebook games? I need to buy a new phone today since my useless blackberry has died. If you do, let me know so I buy one that does what I want it too. Thank you
Jeff Sherod Random thoughts on Christmas:For christmas I want Santa's list of naughty girls. Hallmark Card: "If I get only one thing for Christmas, I hope it's your sister."Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas.When you stop believing in Santa Claus is when you start getting clothes for Christmas!
Jennifer Hanlon Self-diagnosis for the day: I suffer from Lethologica, a serious, debilitating disorder by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung in 1913. The disease inhibits my ability to articulate my thoughts by temporarily forgetting key words, phrases or names in conversation. So when I spend 5 minutes trying to think of the word and can't, don't laugh, remember I have a serious problem of which there is no known cure or treatment.
Jeyr Avila I found my place in the world Could stare at your face for the rest of my days..
I don't own the music . i just uploaded this cause i really liked it ! :) SOMEDAY DREAM ROCKS ! BTW this band is a local Filipino band. lyrics: Let me be the...
Jody Hatton I want a (cell) phone that:
- has no touch-screen capability
- is not "smart" in any way
- has little to no Internet capability
- has physical red and green "call" and "hang up" buttons
- has a keyboard for easy texting
- has a pretty-good camera that's fast
Any recommendations (other than "get with the times, Jody")?
Sandi Buchanan (sharing...I think she has a hidden camera in my office right now...OOPS! PUSH PUSH PUSH me to Get BETTER BETTER BETTER...So I will PUSH PUSH PUSH YOU, To Go To the TOP!!) On Your Mark~Get Set~ GO!!
The better organized your workspace is; the less likely are you to waste time. Have your To Do list at the ready, and refer back to it often. Focus on staying focused. Use your working hours wisely so you'll have plenty of time later for the people that make all your hard work worth it.
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