Lora Antibullshitt Coleman WHAT R U TRYING TO DOOO WHAT POINT R U PROVING WHO U WANT TO B HURT ...LIKE 4real power of that D.. Early am drama n im still thanking GOD HE KNOWS MEE BEST
Jay Jay Simbeya Tamara dopson ,am just wondaring why u do what u do,hun ok its a girls thing i guess i just have 2 accept that,but dont change your mind if its good it has 2 last.we are compartable 4 each other or is my imagination making me feel this way nope.
Macdonald Maggah Mauye Jus don rush to gr8tness,u only hev one chance to b a gr8t god!
Mayibongwe Sibanda Hv u ever settled down and thought of hw u luv,live and sherish ur life.ummmm!!!! then after tht u think hw u love and cherish ur galluver/boyluver after tht u thnk abt God !!!! da thngz tht he has done 4 u.Thn after everything u receive a 4ne call and tell ur galluver/boyluver tht u luv them DONT U THINK U WIll BE LYING TO THEM??????
Akeju Ahmeed Presence,they say,strengthens love while absence is d biggest headache of love.
Who will disagree with dis? Love is a mystery but people take it simple. Its gives much and expects much. Presence is like food for love-love feeds on it to survive.
[ in fact, i care not where u be,just as long as it's with me.]
Love takes ur time,ur strength,ur all. For u to be able to make ur partner feel loved,u must always make out time to stay with him or her.
Presence increases each other's energy. The presence we give to our partner helps our relationship to develop into a friendly one. Sometimes i think about God's Word: "it is not good for a man to be alone." Even when help is not needed,aloneness is not good. In a relationship where presense is denied, d feelings of abandonement set in. Only when u give ur partner ur presence will there be true and effective communication. There are times to talk,time to feel u and share things in common.
Your partner deserve more of ur time if u are going to be soul mates and develop dis intimacy. Your presence means more than d gold u send as a gifts.
Thins woman would never have cried out if she had d presence of her husband. Being presence means spending quality.
Consider dis cry of an abandoned wife:
"it is u dat I long for,not ur gifts.
It is ur presence dat I need,not ur phone calls.
It is u dat I married,not d furniture.
It is u I long 2 take care of,not only d children.
It is in u I came 2 be,not in d house."
time with ur partner. The time u spend creates intimacy.when u spemd time 2gether,u blend,live happily and understand each other on a deeper level.
Presence,when denied,makes u stranger to ur partner. You need 2 really understand a person b/4 u can say, "i know u".without adequate time spent 2gether, adequate knowledge is difficult.
It advisable 2 spend time 2gether,talk,play,express yourselves and get 2 know each other better. At every point,u learn a new thing about ur partner.
"d beginning of divorce starts from denial of presnce."
At dis point,little problem can split a relationship.
Shuvam Choudhary luv me luv me say tht u luv me ** chris brown justin bieber ladies love me official song boy in ...
Fadire Bayo I'am posting dis on behave of d word of God, dat d world is moving to an end, pls pple on fb give ur life to God bcos a time is coming dat d saint wil rapturised into d skye and satan and is army wil overpower d sinners so am using dis moment to tell u dat acept Jesus as ur savior today!!! Tomorrow might be too late......
Edgardo Azarcon take care all of u guys,,,,;)
David Tikanye Gd m0rning h0p u have a g00d day
Manisha Butts Ok its wonderful wed .....R U READY?????????;)
Tink Sky-High heavnly father u have watched over me from up above and showed me the path of rightness u have kept harm out of my path and lord i thank u 4 haveing me as ur child amen.God is love as love us all have a blessful day fbf :) 4 me
Christine Mccaa just asking do they even like u anymore just saying
Victoria Washausen Need prayers so bad right now?! Hope someone cares. If u are my friend click the like button & then re-post. If I don't see your name, I'll understand. May I ask my "Facebook Family" wherever u may be to kindly copy, paste and share this status for one hour to give a prayer of support to all those who have family problems, struggles and worries and just need to know that someone cares. Do it for all of us for no-one is immune. I hope to see this on the walls of all my friends just for moral support. I know some will!! I did it for a friend and you can too. Share some faith and love for those in need. God works in strange ways..."
Krithika B Arch If u really wanna see the pain inside ur heart....walk in d rain nd try to dintinguish btwn the 2 wrld of drops nd tears
Annajoy Ritualo everybody deserves a second chance.. ,if u want that..make an effort.:)..
Tish Santos Goodmorning FB not feeling it today ;( bad dreams lastnight so ill c u guys im taking a break from u guys try not to miss me k c ya..... Muah!
Plymouth Row OtisCutts Bitch u cant even catch the grey hound the cheapiest route ever now that broke it aint shit but lik 50 dollars im broke cause i didnt snd u no money bitch u better sell sum pussy....lmfao
Kwesi Q. Osei thank u jah mi wake up dis morning... god's blessings to u all! GM earthlings...#peace4dat
Simon Ngenyi Whats do u hate most?
Kat Sobremente Even bitches can't break us apart. I <3 u
Salvatore Martelli the way ya body be bangin i swear u gotta be drinkin ery bottle in the club, wake up wit a story to tell im jus tryna hav some fun nd i aint lookin for love
Goldenboy Banks i thnk u should move 2 de left coz u might catch a hot 1
Misty Lewis God gave me u for the ups and downs, God gave me u for the days of doubt... I love that country song!!... #blake shelton
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