Heart touchin story
a prince was cursed by a witch dat
he cud speak only 1 word per
yearnd if he doesnt he cud
save the word for the next year
1 day he saw
Heart touchin story.....!!!!
a prince was cursed by a witch dat
he cud speak only 1 word per
year..............nd if he doesnt, he cud
save the word for the next year.......
1 day he saw a pretty princess and
fell in luv wth her............., he waited
for 10 years 2 say......." Darling I LUV
U, i wuld lyk to marry u" ..........and
guess wht d princess replied.......
kya bola.? jara wapas bol....!!! :P :D
Porfirio Benavidez iam behind schedual,i need 2 lab assistances.todays production of ferro fluid(magnetic liquid) and buckminster fullerines(molecular ballbearings)needs to be stepped up.anyone with even a little understanding of this ,contact me asap.
Bulla Sha I still believe you are on the way to find me among the living dead of this world, one day on a crossroad of this harsh land you and I shall meet, I still believe.
Jai Hind... :-))
Eric Downey PUT THIS ON YOUR STATUS AND SEE WHAT PEOPLE RATE YOU !!!! (1) Crazy . (2) I'd marry you . (3) I'd date you . (4) Sarcastic . (5) I miss you . (6) I'd kiss you . (7) Beautiful . (8) Smart . (9) Imaginative . (10) Random . (11) Jerk . (12) Funny . (13) Funny as crap . (14) Amazing . (15) Tough . (16) Cute . (17) I love you . (18) Weirdo. you can choose more than one :)
Alleyne's NextGeneration Renovations Contact Alleyne's NextGeneration Renovations for any interior work you, your family, friends, and/or co-workers need. I renovate floors, cabinets, windows, and doors and do sheetrock, and painting, just to name a few, for your living room, dining room, den, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, basement and attic. Just take a look at some of my photos, give me a call at 917-450-8609 or inbox me, and I'll come to you and give you a free estimate.
Jeffrey Hill Okay so earlier this week in my dream it was Taylor Swift...& last night I was playing football with Tim Tebow...
Laureen Weber GM TO my family & friends on FB i hope u all have a good day, God bless u all and cherish every moment u have with family & friends, miss u guys
Pam Setliff I love a sweet dog!!!! They love you unconditionally always!!
Jane Esther "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." Matthew16.19.
You don't need an intermediary, for you have an unobstructed access to God.With that access come all the resources you need to face any circumstance.
Robin Shepard ~ T’hilim 128 ~
I Walk the World
I walk the world of zevach (slaughter). Stumbling and falling in wreckage. Surrounded by the fear of מוות death, and eyes, which gaze at me in silence. The eyes of martyred saints for those who are martyred for the Lord האלוהים are all saints and our brothers and sisters. Our Fathers and Mothers, our Sons and Daughters of hunted, harried, persecuted souls who never had a choice, who’ve huddled all together in the corner and press each other closer still and quake. And let us say Amen
Marla Sperry I want to be like Santa Claus. He believes in everyone having a job and working toward a common goal. He gets excited for the hardest work he will do all year. He chooses to give hope to good people. He listens intently to wishes, hopes and dreams. He is into making many of these dreams reality. He is able to see into the hearts of people. He believes in miracles. He is fat AND popular. I think he is fabulous. :D
Monica Naron Not sure why, but I could use a Bud Light, one of these trucks and a mudhole right about now..!! Yep..!!
Sammer Verma एक लड़का एक लड़की को बहुत चाहता था, लड़के ने लड़की को प्रपोस किया लड़की बोली --- तेरे एक महीने की पोकेट-मनी मेरा रोज का खर्चा है, I can't love you....
फिर भी वो उसको चाहता रहा
और १० साल बाद, वो दोनों एक माल में मिले,
लड़की ने कहा मेरा पति एक बहुत बड़ी कंपनी में जॉब करता है उसकी salary 1,00,000/ - per month है वो बहुत होशियार है, लड़के की आँख में आंसु आ गये
थोड़ी देर में लड़की का husband आया और उसकी नज़र उस लड़के पर पड़ी और कहा सर आप यहाँ???
उसने अपनी wife से कहा ये मेरी company के मालिक है और 1 साल का 2,000/- करोड़ का टर्नओवर है
और कहा - सर एक लड़की को चाहते है इसलिए आज तक सर ने शादी नहीं की... It's True Love...!
जिन्दगी बस एक पल की मोहताज़ नहीं होती बस वक़्त उसे मोहताज बना देता है........
Feel The True Love.
Kristina Walls Thanksgiving weekend was a blast!!! Wishing I could rewind;)
Tommy McGuire "When I'm tired, I get gangster." - @mollyfae26 #740istooearly
30th November 2011
TEMPLE OF BALANCE ORACLE CARDS daily intuitive guidance:
You are moving into a new level of expression. It is safe for you to express your truth as openly as possible. Welcome this new vibration of communication into your life, which in turn will increase your creative expression and thus opening your heart to deeper levels. Express from your heart.
Keywords: Expression. Communication. Manifestation. Truth. Open. New. Creative. Heart.
Extra Guidance: Allow your TRUTH to rise up from your belly, flow through your heart and be expressed from there. Whether these are words, thoughts or actions it doesnt matter - take your time to pause and ALIGN with your truth before you express today! There is great power within your expression, and I feel it may have the momentum to be very helpful or very hurtful, and that you may either be on either end of this stick!
Clearly express your requests to the Universe, be aware of any doubts, fears or blocks you have connected with these requests and let them go... Your Beliefs and requests must match in vibration or conflict is created which doesnt lead to the manifestation of your request!
It's time to be as REAL as possible in EVERY area of your life, and allow this truth to flow through your expression! ~ Lee-Anne
♥ Lee-Anne
Temple of Balance Oracle Cards ~ Guidance from our friends in spirit! Available now! http://oraclecards.templeofbalance.com
2 days to go!! Temple of Balance Oracle Cards - World wide Launch! HERE on our facebook page! 10hrs of giveaways, gifts, readings, meditations, video blogs, live streaming and lots of FUN!
Please note: I will now be drawing these cards when I have time and am intuitively guided to... hopefully each day, however it may be every couple if I am busy.... Much LOVE
Due to changes in the tagging rules... and the way fb now allows us to tag, I am UNABLE to tag everyone at once, so I will be rotating the list... feel free to TAG yourself in these posts... Much LOVE Lee-Anne
Temple of Balance Oracle Cards - Guidance from our friends in spirit!
44 hand drawn cards, with guidebook and box.
Available around Oct / Nov 2011
Created by / artist: Lee-Anne Peters
Available Soon Worldwide.
To help support these cards, please yourself or share on your wall.
Learn more about Temple of Balance Oracle Cards here: http://oraclecards.templeofbalance.com/
Email Lee-Anne: mail@templeofbalance.com
Please feel free to TAG yourself for cards you resonate with. Thank you. x
LaTrone McNae Join me tonight at Cherries for a funfilled show with Whitney Paige hosting. Showtime is at 10:30 so don't b late. I gotta make some money to pay for these parking tickets I got! lol
Paige Goodin It feels like something crawled into my throat and died while I was sleeping. I thought medicine was supposed to make you feel better?
Danay Gottaluvme Dixon Its 5 oclock in the mornin convosation got boring you said you was goin to bed soon so i snuck up to your bedroom ;) . Love this song !
Ernestine Fishsticks Bowie Am I the only perosn who thinks the girls on Jerseylicious look like trash I mean really I dont think their look is put together
Amiya Dutta Kolaveri IT Version :)
White-u skinu clientu clientu
Clientu heartu Blacku
Issue u Issue u meet u meet u
... My appraisal darku
Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
” Ok. Maama.. now tune change.. uh?”
Kaila Mouse u(Di:”illa illa only English huh”)
Hand-la mouse uu Mouse la code u
Code u fulla error uu
Empty lifeu project come u
Life reverse u gear u
Bug bug u. Oh my bug u
U showed me BOW u
Beer u beer u.. Holy beer u
I want you here now u
God I am dying now u
PM happy how u
This song is for IT guys u
We don’t have choice u
Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
Why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri..di
via Abhik Mitra
Dean Moten-Photography Ok, it's ur B-day & i'm ur Personal Paparazzi. In comes ur My friend from out of town that say she was gonna make it to ur 50 B-day. "She Lied". U can't hold back the tears....don't worry I got the pic. Get da picture. So ur bustiz a Move on da Dance floor.. I mean u got DOWN WITH UR BADSELF 50 YEAR OLD SELF.. I got da pic.
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