Nicole Meyers Hmm...wish for the day: I wish I was a Muppet so I could travel by MAP.
Jason Stover Pooh with my Boo, her choice I wanted Smurfs.
Miles Nyanffor lil timmy and friends were playing football at field near a camp site . after a while in the game the ball flew into the forest everybody argued that timmy gets it he grew mad but went due to majority rules . when he came back from getting it he had a huge smile on his face .the game went on but each time the ball was lost timmy would now voulenteer to go get it and would always take a little longer to get it the 4h time the ball got lost he ran to his fathers trailer then sped off to get the ball his friends wonder why it was always taking so long so they followed they went through the bushes to see timmy knocking on the door of a house 3 girls opend the door and he produced a condom from his pocket.
Timmy:i dont want to eat poke or rub anything anymore until you keep your end of the deal and teach me how to use this
John Chauke I mic my gal alrdy i dnt thnk clng cn heal my quest
Juan A. Deleon Lms if u think I should have my ears pierced or my eyebrow pierced or both :)??
Fun-Raising Corp What an awesome group of volunteers we have, thank you all for helping out these kids in need, I am waiting to hear back from Melodys heart with information on another set of kids and what they need to help them have a Merry Christmas. We couldnt do this without all of you. Thank you for helping to make a difference. Merry Christmas
Marisol Perez Had a long weekend all this moving is driving me crazy i just need time for me relax time cnt wait until then......
Jose Barajas Wow I really missed this nice warm weather of California !
Uzoma Kingsley I knw i'm missing some1 so deeply, but dont really know ther person.....gosh'' what do i do now....
Ben Parr There's a reason why I have a whiteboard in my bedroom and two sketchpads in my apartment.
One of the things I've found myself carrying around these days is a sketchpad. The reason is simple: I have a lot of ideas, for both the companies I
Critten Fosler Lets talk about sex baby...lets talk about u n me...lets talk about bubbles in da tub...lets talk bout makin luv...lets talk about u on me goin down...said i wanna talk dirty ta ya baby...ON DA HOTLINE!!!
Ber Amber Fox Ahh i think im gonna watch breaking dawn and just chill for the day fukk itt.....
Angelina M. Vono Holy crap! I found the news not to long ago about the death of jeniviva horribly sad, but i just at this very moment realized who she was. I actually remember seeing her at the Beats Antique consert in NY a few months back....
Uznemireni moreplovci
Posejdon putuje
Egejskim morem
Okruzen svojim potomcima
Telija pozdravlja
Hestija docekuje
Posedase na prostirci
Od morske mahovine
Nimfa Klemena i Japet
Posluzuju bogatom trpezom
Lignje hobotnice
Skoljke meduze
Sipe ukusne alge
Razne ribe
Pice od bistre vode
Veselje je
Jenna'v Marque Rodriguez I really wanna go to the movies today ?
Giovane Crema Por que não encontro com uma dessas? \,,/
Edited the original video with some mild color fx and sound enhancement... Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad...
Louise Wells My letter is Q
Something i like- quolity sreets
Something i dont like- the queen
someone/something i love- i dont no x ♥
like and ill give you a letter
Dierdre Leboeuf I would love to take my baby girl to LaSalette and light a couple of candles for her grammy and her great grandmother. Also take a walk around the Taunton Green, since they are lighting the lights in Chrismas City.
Christi Kalbe Rose Apparently my right foot got used to vacation & is rebelling against working out & working, even though I'm hardly doing either. I'm having visions of it being run over by a steam roller, then pounded with a sledge hammer with every step I take
Daniel Metcalf Aside from the psycho driving, I think I like the city here better than Knoxville.
Jennifer Ann Fonseca I Hate when you get the "you're JUST a mom?" or "do you EVER work?" Uh, yes, I am a mom! That makes me an alarm clock, cook, maid, waitress, teacher, nurse, handyman, security officer, photographer, counselor, chauffeur, event planner, personal assistant, Atm, and I scare away the boogie man. I don't get holidays, sick pay, or days off. I work through the DAY and NIGHT. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life. And thats just my first job....BEING A MOM!! :) I may not be anything to you, but I am everything to someone ((My Baby)) Repost if you're a proud Mommy ♥
Mb Skelton I think Hey dude was better than Salute your shorts.
Zack Micou Hungry so eat everything I can find! Haha
Carlli Pruitt XD I just figured out my phone can read my text messages out loud in a monotone voice lmao WIN!! and apparently my phone is FEMALE!!! AHAHAHAHAAA!!
Sthabiso Dlomo Shuld i say ngphuphile? No, ngkhulile angisebenzi ngama easy target,cha ntombazane musa ukuyenza lento
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