Quer ganhar uma HAVAIANAS dessa ? Basta curtir nossa página, compartilhar e colocar o número do seu pé no Mural da nossa página. Serão 50 peças sorteadas no mesmo dia. Então vamos curtir e compartilhar, Boa Sorte a todos.
Faltam apenas 18 dias.
Doug Watson have to look for a wide angle lens.... i do believe kaiser has some draft blood in him! bones are bigger than larado's
Anthony Riley Where My Female Artist at? I Want a Make a Strip Club Song & Want a Female Artist on it w/Me Lehgo!
Tim Justice Im cocking this duece duece and im squezing it off at the first burp, fart, sneeze, sniffle, or cough, get your arm chewed off like you was teasing a dog.
OvaDoo Tru-Nice I am craving a nice cold smooth jimbos chocolate shake right now
Luie C. Swaggon im bout to go in a few but ima tell you some info. did you know my real government name is Kendra?? KOOL right. lolz im a nut. peace yall.
Nickki Duden Don't need an angel on top of my tree. I already have a few in heaven looking down on me ♥.. Put this as your status if you have someone in heaven you wish could be here for Christmas
Joshua Samuel Pls my pipel I need a pretty girl
Vicki Voss Thanks all for letting me vent. If you ever want a great hometown bank, First Southern has been good to me. It's pretty sad when you have to refinance a vehicle to be able to walk without pain. And I know the irony in that is not lost.
Izzy Curious-Bunny Bobadilla Ugh I need a freakin job!!!!
Gideon Ian Freeman Kwani evry body iz a slp
Stacy Barrios Anyone willing to watch to little precious boys tonight for a few hours or so...? How much? Your place or mine? Til what time? I know it's a little last minute and all....
Indira Larisa Santos Vamos a tratar de dejar la kasa como un espejo
Juan Fluffer Gonzalez So Noemi Hdez admited to me that every girl at some point likes a bad boy in their life XD lmao
Jessil Padilla In 6th Period. We Have A Sub. \(^.^)/ With Cynthia P. Hernandez Garcia , Ehmm Gee Killz . Vigorous Adri Huicho
Lorrl Goode That nice please be pation, or you may just get a nasty gram whin I figure this stuff out hahahha
Mphesakathabo Mphesk Fanaly i got a key to her heart'hpy'
Raymond James what a shitty day
Venus Belle Masakowski Breaking news bulletin! Only 4 more days till Belle's 5th birthday! Whoo Hoo! Dec. 6, 2006 was the happiest day of our life, the day we went to the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter and brought home baby girl Belle! On her birthday she will get to go to Petco and pick out anything she wants! It will be a weeklong celebration!
Erica Range Is finally gonna put strings on the guitar. I still need a cord and a strap so I guess I'll be playing accoustically in the hated sitting position.
Luanne Gresham When you’re a plus size woman, people like to say "yeah, she's cute in the face", as if being full figured is such a disgrace. Honey, I’m cute in the face, and I’m thick in the waist. I look good whether I’m in… cotton, leather, or lace. I’m beautiful, vibrant and above all, smart! And there's more to me than my weight, I also have a heart. Yes my clothes maybe a bigger size, that just means you have access to a bigger prize. We all are not self-conscious about our weight, and we never have a problem getting a date. So don’t think your small frame gives you more pull, I’m a hot, sexy, curvy woman with a figure that's full---Repost if you agree...
Mohamed Tharwat اعرف شخصيتك من خلال حرفك
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Wright Tatenda Bote In lyfe there is a tyme 2 be happy,a tyme 2 be sad,a tym 2 meet a tym 2 part,a tym fo hello and a tym 2 sy our goodbyes i guess this is a tyme 2 sy gdnyt.gdnyt pipo
Jj Cuthbertson Christmas Thought For The Day:
Never mind giving a bag of coal to the naughty on your list. Better yet, consider giving them a bag of defective Solyndra solar cells. Coal is actually useful.
Brian Beardsley Dear Santa, i've been good all year! ok, most of the time. i mean once in a while. oh.... fuck it, i'll buy my own shit.....
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