Dont Trust Dem Hazel how many of u knw bout the baby boy nigga snoop
il faut vraiment voir le film baby boy il est terrible
Ma Ernesto Pena oh how i love my beautiful wife and my lil princess cant wait to go home and see them i love u wife
Tianna Anderson A song writer declared u shouldnt let what u see to hender what u believe so therefore i believe in the power of prayer he came that we all might have life and life more abundantly.
Umb Bugz-bugs Matthew Jr. 107.9 tune in tonite.. Mennis releasing at 9pm...look out...u be de judge.
Myk Ê Situation Eva bin n tht momnt wer er1 z jus thnkn God bwt wts hapenin n their lyvs yet erthn z jus upsyd dwn 4 u?
BethNkaije Hyatt-Wilson youll been naughty and i didnt 4get. so all u get 4xmas is reindeer shit.... aint that rite heather? lol... :)
Ogunmoroti Bukola Elizabeth Baba God i thank u, i bles u, i worshp u, i exhalt u, i magnify ur name cuz u deserve al glory honour n adoratn. U have been so good to me in numerous wayz n al i cn say once again is Thank You Lord. Dady, m stil lukn up to u for more favour n blesing frm u. I'm believn n trustin in u.
Gbadegesin Busayo Lord, i extol u jst bcos of whom u a to meee, Hapy new Mnth Frends.
Haruki Likando Sinyinda Omg! That Livingstonians was 'pouring rain' we certainly nided that, tday's temperature must hav hit over 40 degrees,was stuck in dambwa north!! Thank u Lord
Henry Ugwumba in life let always bear this in mind that everybody is important and may be of help to let remove pride because it brings our down fall.i love u all
Okonkwo Ifeoma To all my friends who called,sent messages & gifts... Thank u all,aseyi samodun
Kia Stanfield Sooooo......u ask me if I speak Spanish..n I shook my head no..n u still proceded 2 speak 2 me n Spanish...heffa didnt I say no...uggghhh*blank stare*
Arnecteria Larryiana Mcpherson U- Underwear color: Cheater Print LOL
Trensa Davis Wow. Wat do u wont from me?
Denny Raw RIP dave n robel, dnt matter where u go we dere!!!!!!
-free the jectz
Ashlee Garcia U never no how much u miss/love someone/something until u no longer have it.
Zammie Lugo LMS:if u blaze it if u dnt comment something???
Kemp Wickizer Cherish the ones that you care about the most...because u never know which day could be their last.
Sha Monae He's so good an he knows how to love me
But so hood an hes so heavy in the streets
Hes my dude an u betta get used to things
And I don't care what you say about me
They say
Breena Willis Ya babi daddi lik me thats why u wanta fight me
Lashaye Williams Its my birthday I can cuss if I want to cuss if I want 2 u wud cuss two if it happeen to u lmafo!
Sinovia Smilèy Mendez I just wana live my life the best way i than u gt people who mess up ur life,im sorry im nt bothering myself wit u haters!
Yemi Alayo Egunfemi follow ur heart when it's calling on u.
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