Amy Seupkhat Y u r not from thailand huh my love! if u from thailand then u never make my heart sore because I never live my pa my ma!!!
Nick Eddy Hey ladies if you're not dating a guy that you want to date, word of advice don't stalk his Facebook and flip on him every time he talks to another girl or another girl puts a post on his wall.... It won't help u.....ever
Sean Oyewusi i love my baby nd der is nothing u gals can do abt it *** wat a day to rem
Toni Pavlick feels like crud!! missn my friend and sme of my family.. really not diggin this "being an adult" thing.. i want my mama.. but still dont forgt to tell the ones u love that u love and give thanks and praise to God for all ur blessings even if u dnt see thm
Blessed ChiQk House ..* "LMS" if u going to the parade.. WtBs:: Chillin til' then!..
-hmph #beendoinme:)<3!..
Nicole Mack Awww my daughter made me so pRoud 2day,, she came home wit a A++ on her spelling test yay im> soo happy~ so momma got a suprise4 u.. KEEP UP THE GUD WORK NYEERA!!!!
Bridget Itegbe Obiozor THANK U JESUS
Odunmbaku Motunrayo Lizzy U can pour champaigne nw......ok
Jacob Ingram
Tha Ville Battle of Tha Twerk Teams part2 Dec 10th!...if u scared say u scared!
Anyimate Mba Can u see a man/woman of 18 /25years dat is still a virgin?
Tapiwa Harold I hate people who inflict fear in u when u ask them advice about marriege.such people need Dr Phil
Moses Odhiambo Thnk u lord.
Pulengza Baabua Dear God:thanx 4 all gud things u gave it 2 me.U brought me more happiness than a rich harvest of grain & grapes.I will celebrate & sing b'cause of u.AMEN!!! Gudnite.
Orapeleng Masokies Magano wait n murmur nt sefela 215 kreste kopelong aaah sing dis song with me, i'm i something 2 u.....
Aaron Begay When ur heart beating fast an hard for u to breath is it from lack of sleep kinda freakin me out
Jamie Taylor if u just put some effort into picking up the phone and calling me directly, this fb drama could be avoided, come on now, it's tacky, just call me, my number is posted, stalkers can figure it out i know u can too, thats how i know u just wanna start something, and create a show, i was simply singing a christmas song, are ya really that drunk? i hope so, otherwise there is NO excuse!
Ashley Bell Imma fuck ur Nigga til im Real Tired n leave my pussy jUices on his face So u can kiss Him
Indra Janual sekuat kuatnya mata kita bertahan u/blm tidur....
Selelah lelahnya badan akan beraktifitas seharian.....
Sepulas pulasnya tidur kita malam ini, mari sempatkan diri, PAKSAKAN diri untuk MAri bangkit dgn niat yang ikhlas untu menjalankan solat malam. Sebaik2 meminta kpd Alloh ada sepertiga malam.
Semoga bermanfaat.
Perla Ayon K@rm@s @ bitch....w@t goes @round comes @round^_^
Ja thought u knew chiquitito!!!!
Anaida Crumedy You knw ur luvd when u cant wait for biblestudy so u can b around real people that pack life =JESUS= i LUV U Abundant Life
Michael Stiffler^^Download Wands for FREE by clicking above^^Directed by Adam BartonCreated by The Midnight Beast WANDS I'm Gary potter, You haven...
Kim Gow Goin to spend the wkend with my family....were gonna have a blast!!!!!! xoxo talk to u fbook on monday....everybody enjoy ur wkend be safe!! Rip Walt...I miss u everyday 3
Emanda Cooper Like i said bitch i got 6 kids u dont know what i do or got just sit on yr fat ass and smoke weed like u do hoe
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