Rocky Dro Jookie Whr u at....?
Lorato Siti Once a cheat always a careful coz 1nce u start ul keep on going... & going!!!
Sihle Black Snow Zondo Bored! drinking alone missing ma babe,wish u were here show me some love
Risky Gomez thank u people for coming two ma show
Ashley Foxx Kruiz Hey haters I'm not afraid of u so when you talk behind my back all i say is wow! i have a fan club! So put that in your juice box and suck it!
Khanyoe Heavi Notez Binza "ima bleach u up so bad yaw ass wil itch..t cmz wt d b***nez"
Mary J Banda Imagin a guy tks ova a frnds grl frnd thnkin dat de guy z dead only 2 fnd dat de frnd z nt dead nd they wer about 2 gt maried...wat a dilema...!! Wat would u do?would u give up de grl or wat?
Ntobeko Gininda Athy nglale eksen kunjalo lv u zithandwa
Liadi Adedeji Sunday Hello my Gudpeeps i'm using dis time 2 tell u dat on d 4 December is my Birthday may God b wt us tin den. bye 4 now
Lionel Hughey Lms if u think i got a cute smile
Molliebell Elizabeth Guess I should log out for now on CASIE u tring to make me sound crazy
Roland Rubago i can see through u, see ur true colors, see to the real you
Dalton Roebuck LMS!
You Can Be My?
[]B A B Y ;) ♥
[]Boo (:
... ... ... ... [] Flirting Buddy
[] Friend [;
[] Brother/Sister
[] You Tell Me ?
[] I Don't Know Yet,
[] Wifey
-If You Snuck In My Room I'd ;
[] Fight. (; (and i'd win )
[] Tickle You. ;p
[] Let You Stay The Night. c:
[] Cuddle.
[] Nothing. -___-
[] Kick You Out!
-If You Kissed Me I'd ;
[] Kiss You Back , ♥ !
[] Be Surprised.. o:
[] Slap You. D:
[] ask why? :P
-If u asked me out ;
[] Yess ♥ !
[] maybe [;
[] No -.-
[] iDkk. ?
-You Should;
[] Marry Me on Fb ! ♥
[] text me ;3
[]nbox Me (:
[] Make This As Status So I Can Like It ? ;p
[] Call Me.! < 3 (:
[] Be Mine... ♥
Peris Dickson It doesnt matter u survived the storm,wat maters is hw u danced in th rain, 9t
April Koehler She felt sick for months with nausea, then she watched her feet swell & her skin stretch; she struggled to climb stairs, she got breathless quick; she suffered many sleepless nights. She then went through excruciating pain to bring me into this world. Then, she became my nurse, my chef, my maid, my chauffeur, my biggest fan, my teacher, & my best friend. She's struggled for me, cried over me, hoped the best for me, & prayed for me. Most of us take our mom for granted. Re-post if you love your mom, whether she is still on this earth or not ♥ LOVE U MOM!!!!!!!!
Tyrone Rife Why does people act like u dont exist but always wants u around when they need you?
Munzunney Walkz Money on my mind! U can check my MRI's
Brian Kupcheck I'm in the local news! (Among other amazing people like Renee Hagens and Jessica Earhart) Look under the roboto heading..
Britiny Lile God.....I need u right now! :( how I ever made it this far without u....Idk?
Tracey Marie- Im PROUD 2 see that yhu look at me as a competition. He's NOTHING worth fighting 4 rt. no money no goals NO INTENTIONS ON DOING ANYTHING IN LIFE. Sweety if u feel like he's worth fighting 4 then yhur just a hopeless young ass who doesn't know what the true meaning of life really is. GROW UP.
Rashad Elliott Now come ova here and tell daddy how u want it.
Mohammed Athman i love u!!
Kim Peace God gave u that job that house that car that money those children and everything else u can touch see feel smell or taste now put that under the Christmas Tree ...until ppl understand it wouldn't be going on if it wasn for him...smilz...
Mookie Bolding on my way bak ta da A.....bouta smke on dat siren shit.....BRW.....c u soon:)
Loriza Hernandez im ignoring you becuz if u really cared i wouldnt be getting ur voicemail.. Ttyl when u open ur eyes!
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