Krystal Kinney Woo Hoo!! I know where my vote is going!!
Paid Political Advertisement for the Campaign to Elect Michelle Alvarez Barakat for County Court Judge - Group 20Approved by Michelle Alvarez Barakat2701 Ponce de Leon Boulevard, Suite 202Coral Gables, FL 33134Phone: 786-309-2693
Taylor Roy soooo . this months so random. i just don't understand it.
n txt the phone. outtt
Karen Hennip I won the ugliest sweater contest!!!!!
Larry Teecee Eason Im not a player i just crush alot (;
Mitza Cel Mic cum crezi k noi 2 din atata lume/asta vine de la sine nu se spune...special...doar tu...o facem special...sti tu...stiu, stiu, asta-i tot ciudat ca n-ai de ce sa ma acuzi?/ pot sa spun in continuu tot ce vrei sa-auzi..ce vrei sa-auzi..ce vrei sa-auzi??!!!
Bree Chittim I appreciate those who have accepted my friend requests here on FB. I am starting to use FB as something like a TwitBook I guess... have a sunny day, B.
For Once in my Life
Valerie Guerra Actually having a good day at work..ha nobodys getting on my nerves..two more days
I got this :):):)
Kevin Cordonero I call her up and she doesn't pick up, so I leave a message.
She text me 4 mins later "Sorry Im swamp with work"
"Thats cool, keep at it! Good Luck!"
I go to Chipolte for a burrito, and there she is... with a friend.
Me-"Hey, whats up! Taking a break I see, Im starving too!"
Friend rushes in "The movie starts in 15 mins!"
Me-"Oh, you guys are going to watch a movie?"
Friend- "Yeah, Twilight its going to be great.. want to join us?"
Me-"Oh, no Im swamp with work.. Im just taking a break.. but you ladies have fun!"
Took my take-out and walked away... and bursted out in a tremendous laughter!! XD I mean... what are the chances, honestly! LMAO!
Karen Fishler I am so blessed today....God works in mysterious ways. I will forever and always be His follower. THANK YOU GOD, THANK YOU....always and forever,,,,AMEN <3
Linister Huni I dont wna be a player any more
Angel Sylvester I read drugs are bad for you.. I quit doing them, I read smoking is bad for you, I quit smoking, I read drinking and sex is bad for you.. I quit reading! This is hands down the absolutely cutest collection of baby animal photos I ever seen. If you love the AWWWWW factor, you have to go look at it.
Currently browsing 70 Cutie Baby Animals Bring You a Good Mood for your design inspiration
Luke Williams Had a great laugh after work today, those who ate pigs eyes, tongues, tails and other
things, fair play, great effort!! Put me down for £10 and i will pay Monday!!! Superb!
Liz George Christmas this month and going to Michigan this month then next month my little girl Emma will be 3 then in March my daddy and little brother Josh will be here for 2 weeks... I can't wait...
Nikki Byers Carson said his favorite days are fridays and tuesdays. Personally I could live without tuesdays. =)
Matthew Ennis is working ever so hard to keep a positive outlook on a negative situation. If you try hard enough, you can find a positive aspect to everything in life...that is what I keep telling myself!
Donna Tieties Lord Ur everthing i ever wnt now that i fnd u i wont let u go plz dnt leave me in this crazy world.
Nicole Casale LMS FOR; ♥
( ̲̅(̲̅C̲̅r̲̅a̲̅y̲̅o̲̅l̲̲̅̅a̲̅( ̲̅̅((>
[] Red: You Fine
... [] Pink: Your pretty:)
[] Green: You Alrite
[] Blue: I Want Ur #
[] Orange: You've Made Me Smile
[] Gray: We Should Talk More
[] Purple: I have a crush You
[] Gold: You're Important To Me
[] White: We Should Chill Soon
[] Black: You Should Post this on Your Status (:
[] Gold : Your a golden friend
[] Brown: I hate you
[] Silver : I Love you
Anna Arellano dam I'm so broed but its so cold outside. I need to go shopping getting last minutes things for my sons party. can't believe its been an year omg I love you. your wroth every minute!!!!
Sandy Chiy I wnt 2 feclilitate with my pastor friend, Pstr. Joel Isaac + his lovely wife, as they walk down d isles 2mrrw, 3rd Dec, 2011. Its gonna be gr8t n glamorous. Congrats!!!
Tiffany Torrence Davis I know people may think I'm nuts to say NO to some of the offers I get in life .......... just because a network calls me and says "we want you on TV just show up" ...doesn't mean I should JUMP!!! I'm TIFFANY TORRENCE DAVIS child of the most HIGH!!! When I did BGC I was at my lowest point in liFE did they think I would stay there???? Somebody better tell em' who I is!!!!
Marina Mack Im fat but im happy im ugly on the outside but I have a heart of gold on the inside im not tall but I can reach what I need ive done drugs and alcohol but learned the hard way ive been at rock bottom the only way now is up.Im happy the way I am if you cant accept me 4 that ooo well life goes on.
Ryan West So i dont see everyone going GAGA over her new video. I LOVE IT!!
Freddie Johnson I guess I'm going to be in Evansville tomorrow
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