Kindness is your soul’s way of finding a place inside other people's hearts. It is a shelter fortified with gratitude.
Seboka Malefo Wa bona go tlhoka chelete go dira motho le kadi frday tsa month end a nne
Sabrina Knox My birthday treat was a Chinese and a glass if cider and a early night :)
Jayson Mccoy Chillin bored as hell. bout to buy me a burger or 2
Cindy Rimpela Chris and Laurene have the best seats in the house for Rock...break a leg cast!
Timothy Brochu A friend of mine's dog ate all his girlfriends birth control. He asked me what he should do. I of course said that there's never been a better time to have sex with it. I'm a bit sick I think.
Steve V got a bad yellow bitch to help me count up my money. Tell her stack all the 100s you can keep all the 20s
Garrison Sullivan I'm inventing a time machine so I can party like it's 1899.
Kyle Ervin A heads up to everybody, I wouldn't go to the Speedway off Taylorsville Road if I were you. Ever. This fuckhead behind the counter tried to quick change me and put the profit from it in his pocket as if I wasn't smart enough to realize what I had handed him. Then when I got pissed and called him out the supervisor defended his ass as if hadn't done anything wrong.
Donley Wriston At work messed an order and still made a 20 tip woot woot
Dru Hart i can respect a promiscuous woman if she's honest...
Josvany Diaz Y quien te dijo a ti q tu megustas y quien te dijo a ti q te deseo y quien carajo te dijo q tu estas rica???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Carley D Mccall ***This is a reminder** that Gracie Lynn's 1st birthday party is tomorrow. I hope everyone can make it. If I forgot to invite you please let me know. It at my moms house 403 griffen mill rd pickens sc 29671 from 1pm-3pm. Please come celebrate with us!!! If u have any questions please call me or message me at 423-8265
Shalema Lineberger Don't you hate it when it's a really good song on in the car and people start having a conversation? #ShutupAndListen damn it
Darren Jarihar just found out what "Sober" meant. Son Of a Bitch Everything's Real
Andrija Virijevic This song puts me in a place I never new I was but always wanted to be.
Videoclip to Underworld's "Dirty Epic", from the album "dubnobasswithmyheadman". I don't know if it's the "original" clip to the song, but the font overlays ...
Mark Hatcher Well its offical another student of the month and perfect attendance for my little jordan I am such a proud dad .
Brittany Lynn Burgess I have no problem being a bitch and I can promise you'll see nothing less :)
Fernando Aninha "Se a Terra não girasse, existiriam menos tontos no mundo?"
Palesa Lebotse A nice lady lyk me slpin any1 wo wana take me out pls inbox me
Shakira Coleman ,, if I wrote a book about us the title would be ..
LMS (;
Monique Dela Cruz ..its an0thr dAY..a great day to live...we must l0ve lifE,embrace lifE.n0 matTEr h0w sm0oth or r0ugH it fl0ws. rather than hate and h0pe teaChes us h0w to be str0ng en0ugH to stand stilL.n0 mtTEr h0w we bleEd and crave for lifE as its our last day of living.for lifE is so great..if u just kn0w h0w to live it.oN rigHT manNEr..^-^
Sarah Bernasor True, Janine Janine Dário . For me, there are two issues. One, there is so much homophobia in the air. In some countries, one can go to jail for homophobic statements and action. In the Philippines, we take pride in writing negative things about someone 'suspected' with a sexual orientation different from the mainstream. The other thing is the culture that blurs boundaries between personal and private spheres. Why do celebrities say - 'we owe it to the fans'? We only need a few trusted people to journey with us during tough times. We don't need a camera to unleash everything and for the whole country to know that we are in pain or what not. When people take the responsibility to make the public know of their private lives then they actually make themselves vulnerable to 'bullying' .
Samantha Cardenas today my baby boy turned 5 months but i had a bad day
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