Samethy Wiggins Hello fb how is every 1 to night me not good at all i miss carl and i got home and my kids r not here i have them to day and tommor but i did not git them y is there mom like that to me wen she no i git them today that hurt but no 1 care cause it me not her
Holly Buxton shooo I am tired going to bed....
Erica Ponder One more CarterIV or Waka Flocka song and in shootin this place up and I mean it! #slawjukebox
Krystal Shonte Its crazy how u try to help some people ..becuz u been there dne tht bt ...still they neva wanna listen smh kids these days o well im dne wit it an u ....let yo life fall lik it fall bt wen the end comes an u aint got nobody ...or everybody tired of yo shit ..then its goin to b a I told u sooooo ....talkin bout I dnt knw u girl bye stop actin lik u changed so much ....u still the same ...u jus b a somethin u nt... wanna b tht will neva b anything wit tht attitude an swag betta drop it quick so nt cute lmao...good nite cuz u dismissed ...cuz I aint these otha lil silly chicks..nite fb
Godfrey Makasani Nghonyama Moning al dat i luv including u ma babe
Stephanie Schwab Got my eulogy emailed out ohhhh god this is soooooooooooooooooo hard I don't know how I'll feel when I'm no longer drunk!!! It seems to be the only thing to cloud my mind for even a moment
Chris Brown lets see, I can make homemade: cheese, soap, lotion, candles, book binding, knitting, sewing, writing, oil painting, baking, gardening, ohhh and even though I dont drink I have some recipies for ginger beer and meed. All i need now is a cabin in big sur and im set. AHAHAHHAHAHAHA if anyone gets this hahahaha
Debbie Lightle Thanks to everyone for all the birthday wishes:p Spent a great day with family (I just with Abby didn't have to get her 2 month shots that day... it was tough to watch).
Ana Alvarez thnx bff ( Elvia Guerrero) kid's & I had fun! to bad we work 2morrow :( Well actually Im grateful for my job! <3 u!
Augusta Rest I am grateful
Angel Medina I am just saying, if someone would punch Bruno Mars in the throat and it would force him to permanently lose his voice, it would make for a really great Christmas.
Jon MorseCode LaVigne I do too much for my friends but in the end, I'll always be the one who will be taken advantage of.
Andrea Whitlow Q: What Can I Be To You
A: My friendd. yayyy!!
Matt Watson I tip em, squeeze ya nipples, squeeze nipples-GUCCI!
Ron Bremer Tom Brady, after living a full life, died. When he got to heaven, God was showing him around. They came to a modest little house with a faded Patriots flag in the window. "This house is yours for eternity Tom, said God. "This is very special; not everyone gets a house up here." Tom felt special, indeed, and walked up to his house. On his way up the porch, he noticed another house just around the c............orner.
It was a huge 3-story mansion with Orange and Blue sidewalks and drive ways, a 50 foot tall flagpole with an enormous Broncos logo flag waving, a swimming pool in shape of a horse, a Broncos logo in every window, and a Tim Tebow jersey on the front door.Tom looked at God and said "God, I'm not trying to be ungrateful, but I have a question. I was an all-pro QB, I won 3 Super Bowls, and I even went to the Hall of Fame."
God said "So what's your point Tom?"
"Well, why does Tim Tebow get a better house than me?"
God chuckled, and said "Tom, that's not Tim's house, it's mine."
Linzy Lee Feeling like I wanna run away & NEVER COME BACK
Cole Moore Not stoked to have an infected computer.... Good thing I own 2 iPods
Lindsey Jean Owens Sit down on the couch with my music, coffee, blanket, and homework and 10 seconds later I gotta pee. So I wait like 45 minutes until it's unbearable. I get to the bathroom and realize my zipper has been down for who knows how long. This is my life.
Felecia Hamilton Singing...all i hear is rain drops fallen down all over my luv...i want it soak and wet all over the bed...i want the rain to fall
Rose Lizzie McHowell lol heyyy guys. its bin like, foreeverr sincee i gott onnn fbb. <3
Aira Javier Baby you light up my world like nobody else, The way you to flip your hair gets me overwhelmed, But when you smile at the ground it aint hard to tell
You don’t know (oh oh). You don’t know you’re beautiful!
If only you saw what I can see. You’ll understand why I want you so desperately
Right now I’m looking at you and I can’t believe. :))
DAPAT ganyan ang LOVE :>D
Kristine Hunter GOing to try n sleep maybe when i wake up i will b better
Jamie Lee Today will be the day I won't have to feel this pain anymore. I'll fade away and you will all just think of me in your memories. This everyone will see is the best solution
Jessica Burroughs I def should have been in bed a long time ago...oh so much to do tomorrow and super early!!!
Britt M. Ferris is just layin' here with my better half(: even though we may argue & we have our ups and downs the love i have for you is soo much more than you can imagine, ily beh (Randall Morris Jr.)
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