Luisa Alejandra Cordova yuh cannot have the honor of being a female unless yuh have self respect pride dignity and some sort of independence. if yuh exposing yuhr body to the world yuh aint no female yuh a smut a worthless nothing desperate for attention.
Rafneil Sediarin My 3 relation status. Bitter. Better. Butter. Hope u could be a butter
David TheCarter Marshall Do not fear the reproach of men or be terrified by their insults.For the month will eat them up like a garment..
WOOOO YEAHH MATHCORE!! Lyrics: [SR. SGT. LAWRENCE T. KAUFMAN:] THIS JUST IN! The oracle has done the unthinkable. They killed them! We are the last survivors...
Jennice Garcia ♪ y hoy la vida me sonrie y ya veo que no te a ido muy bien <3
'Saurav Jain A SAD Love Story:
There Were Two Lovers Who Decided To End Their Relationship.
After Many Years When The Boy Got Married,
His Ex G.F Approached Him 'n Said:
"How Dare You Use My Favorite Color As The ThemeOf Your Wedding ..!
How Dare You Use My Favorite Flowers As Youe Decoration!
How Dare You Set The Date I Proposed You As Your Wedding Day
How Dare You Use Our Song For The Ceremony ??
The Boy Cried
'n Said
"Because This Is The Only Way
I Could Pretend To My Heart That I'm Getting Married To YOU. ;(
Sam Angus February hurry the fuck up so i can start a new life!
Zile Bianca TShabangu Eix i jst nid a weekend away alone.maybe in a hotel jst b my self.* thnkng*
Nicole Love Carroll I know what I want for Christmas..I want people to feel love and give love this year and be so thankful they have family, friends and health. It is my wish all my facebook friends and family have the spirit of Christmas and feel the wonderful love thats comes with the season. If you need to think of me while your not feeling it..Im ok with that, in fact think of me giving you a BIG HUG!! Be safe and kind to one another and watch it spread to others around you..I see it all the time around Christmas.
Robbie Haywood bout to take a hot bath then hit the sheets good nite fb peeps
Bundle Acu
Acemark O Bernal It's a lifestyle - train like there's no finish line
Tyrica Imafighter Cox-Shaw Big shout out to my big brother Charles happy Bray have a great day
Justin Ivey Okay check this out! I like this girl right.......well guess wat??? So I tell her I like her! She says she not ready for a boyfriend.......But 2 days later she gets with sum dude!!!!!! Now ain't tht some bullshit!!!!! I swear to god dude!!!! Every girl just treats me like an option.....:\
Got a nigga pissed!!!!
Chris Polston It is facebook crush night!
whoever pokes you has a crush on you(:
ssh we won't tell ..
put as your status & see how much pokes you get
Courthouse Deli Bench Life's a bench.
Caroline Price Our 4 moko girls Nivek. Halen, Chyna and Cheyenne left for OZ today. First time flying and out of NZ. Have a great holiday u all and take care of each other. We love you's heaps. BIG HUGGLES to you Peggy, Hayden and whanau for making this special dream for them come true and To you Ria. You are an awesome daughter and a great mum. NOW...... what to do now they've my own coffee for starter's.
Gee Chanchai Supasagee I drink too much. The last time I gave a urine sample it had an olive in it.
-- Rodney Dangerfield
Umesh Ranabhat Got a rebirth 1nce again in this world...Excessive love of (esp. my family) + frens & relatives didn't let me 2 push in the ditch of death ! Heartly grateful to Dr.Binaya Thakur 4 his incredible work,who saved my life & grateful to almighty God as well !! :)
Sarah Pardoe-Matthews Leaving on a jet 25 hours...
Chase Mccartney And all the friends that i have gone through, and how much i deserve the pain, its a shame, so hold your head, hold it up high, heres to the friends the were alibis, keep this close, by your side, when i come home we will have our night
Steve Scoles Call me a nerd but if the matrix is on I can't turn it off lol I remember when It came out an me an Kevin Phillips couldn't stop watching it lol
Edison Dean Trammel Graduation is on the horizon, and I all could do was pull a 90% an "A-" in one class and an "A" in independent study. Disappointed to say the least. Guess I am getting picky with my grades. Contrary to my academia performance my final study, next semester is going to be a BEAR... AHHHHHHH!!!
Heath Foster Free lil peewee we miss yu nigga no play play shit aint been the same wit out yu aint got no body too ack a ass wit when get out dis time big cuz dont hang wit no fuck nigga i learn dat from yu R.i.p. bay bay & justin
Thato Nanu Moroosele we liv in da generation of werby luv dsnt matter n ppl dnt gv a fcuk!!!!
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