Seth Fiifi Afful Girl: i am pregnant.
Mother: when and how?
Girl: it was an accident.
Mother: u mean to say, u were walking on the road suddenlly u fell on someone's dick
Rayjohn Sayson i love u all........ w/ feelings muahwwww :((
Jonalyn Adante Kontrabidang Bida Pasko na sinta ko hanap-hanap kita sana ngayong pasko ay makapiling kita huhuhuhuhu its christmas my someone i love its so far huhuhuhuhu daddy ko love u always mmuuaaawwwwhhhh:}
Chioma Chindo God is mighty & 1daful. Honour Him:ur dayz wil b long. Humble urself b/4 him:u wil b raised. Have faith in him:u wil move mountains. Praise Him:u wil perform miracles. Give him ur lyf:heaven wil b urs. Nice mornn frnds.
Michael-sizwe Vèrséóñè Madonsela Finally ma mumz allowd me to go bk to musik-biz i told u pta im cumin-sunday-
Micheal Anderson When you have ur mind made up on wat u want u dont stop till u get it... Then u keep the mind set so it wont leave...
Pempho Troxy Ed Hw u al doin. Had a nytmre,but t ended wel i fought wif te devil 'n' i kckd hz *** wif jus 1 wrd JESUS ...hw awesam iz he(clck lyk i u agre)
Nurain Rais This is the end of class.. thank u miss..:)
Don Auxtero i warned u. .!!!
Lacee Marie German U know what I made up my mind I'm happy with my life the. Way it is :) loving my life and everyone in it
Kanika Kumari Trust a person 2 dat extent he feels guilty 2 cheat u.care for person 2 dat extent dat he fears 2 loose u:)
Charles Sovraj i dont think of u still y everynite u buzz in my dreams plss i wan2 forget u leave me alone .........
Lerato Madikane Life is lyk a mirr0r, if u smile, y0r frndz wil smile ryt bck @u bc0z friendshp is a language of acti0ns &n0t speech. Gudm0rning lovely ppl
Sanjay Saini Hello! u wont believe! I dare you can watch this .
Lol Checkout this video its very embracing moments for her
Dimakatso Chauke good morning good people.i just wana say ,u may b disappointed if u fail, but u are doomed if u dont try. luv u guys take care .and please b safe this festive''''''''''''
Peaceful Enqsh Aimariin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu1wxaMbqAY
The newest and the hotest HipHop and Rnb Music and videos and news! Check www.viperial.com
Aondosen Ichull Hav u bin strugling wiv SIN? Pick up ur bible,study abt the HOLY SPIRIT and then ask God to fil u with his spirit.U wil begin to walk in victory.
Erica Johnson Dedicated to all my FBF whose Mothers have gotten their wings. Hold on to ur memories this holiday season. Luv u guys much.....
A great song, sad but great!!
Tanvi Aggarwal I lost my innocence bcoz u al added ur meanness in it!
Katira Begay Headed home now from Tohatchi... so tired!! Family meeting went swell... We will be thinking positive thoughts about u uncle john boy!!! All the good times!! COWBOY OPEN THE DOOR!! <3 Yah!!!!!
Crystian Mendez LMS IF U CANT SLEEP
Nor'Dre Brown u make me feel like im worth a6out 20 dollars/u 6rouGht my muufukkin life alot pro6lems/u are reason y all my niGhtmares come true/dats y i do dat thinGs dat i do/all of da shit dat u put me thru/ da shit dat u put me thru/da shit dat u put me thru/da shit dat u put me thru...... Future-Feelin I Get (PARODY) 6y ...... CroC a.k.a. EVIL WAYS
Mark Macuto miss nko ako mga classmates in college NA mgA MALDITA ug samukan pa jud...pero mga boutan diay( just look at them ryt now!am hapi to all of u..mis u classmates. Godspeed to all of us
KhaGen-draw Bhalanza Kali! Im realy realy realy sory 4 can't able 2 gib u missed call by my phone.....plz plz love u n :*:*:* muuumaahaah...
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