Jolakes Dawethe This time of the year, I wish I were a child.
Mike McClain I think im your biggest fan. . . .
Nathan Lee Wallace 1 am im still at work and looks like ive got at least another hour to go i think im might work just alittle to much
Chris Nova-Lopez LMS
Rate 1-10:
If we were in a room we would:
I love your:
This song you remind me of is:
I think your:[]cute []sexy []okay []ugly
If i woke LMS
Rate 1-10:
If we were in a room we would:
I love your:
This song you remind me of is:
I think your:[]cute []sexy []okay []ugly
If i woke up next to you
Should you put this as your status
Aaron Brown i am out of the closet...its official
Kelsey May I am thinning out my facebook friends, i know who to keep. But all people who play farmville will be deleted except for people i have known for a long time. People i do not reconize will be deleted so if i delete you and you want to still be friends please send request. :D
HEARTS, I am glad we have spent this time together but I must lay me down to sleep and I pray the LORD my/you/us/them souls to keep.LORD, Please put a shield of Protection, a Garment of Praise, a Mantlr of Love over us and never let us go.Keep us day by day in a beautiful and special way. Father, as I lay me down to sleep, please keep Your Angels abiding over me. Good night my Fellow HEARTS and know that God's Heart is forever with us.LORD,place a Covering over our families, my family and birth family, friends, enemies, foes, and all the ones who have come to me in "Secret Prayer," please answer their requests and save us one by one.I leave a anointing over this my profile/group page, I leave God in the seat as the "Spreme Commander fo it all." IJMN!! this I pray, Amen.
Edwin Leepile I gotta wash the dishes then shoot off to Weterfall mall-we doing shopping baby....
Terence Nyika she sayz she luvs me, bt she dont mean it. i can see it when we kiss, she feels so far. im trapped in her luv n lost in her words, still i look 4ward 2 very other day im wt her. luv hurts....
Hannah Ng I seriously should learn to take care of my phone and my car!
Nicole Baughman is now going to bed. eh. know i am going to be tired in the morning, ah. crappy weather. and a longg day. praying that phone rings, getting interview. :-] if not, filled out app online last night and see how that goes. my boys are asleep. i love my boys.
Vivian Iyo Gud morning friends........i woke up dis morning tanking God for a new day dat so many hav prayed to many died yesterday and today but luke at me and my family we all are strong...........friends wat did u pray wen u woke up?
Anthony Marine Nderi Just saw something that has made me feel like am on top of the world.. This is the best news I have had in a long, long time.. Its all because of you.. You have made me believe once again..!
Tiffany Johnson Chad has a very big, important day tomorrow and i need everybody to send as many prayers and well wishes our way as humanely possible. It means alot to him and will be a great positive change in our lives. Those of you who know chad know he is an incredibly giving person who would do anything for anyone, he deserves all the happiness in the world. so please take a second andsay a silent prayer that tomorrow goes well! thanks friends! It sure does mean alot.
Rick Montes LMS: For 20 questions♥ - Date or pass: - Cute or uqly: - Real or fake: - Love or Hate: - Friend or stranqer: - Marry on Fb .?: - Chill or ditch: - Huq or kiss: - Best Feature: - Last time we talked: - I reqret meetinq you?: - Rate 1-10: - Do I want to qet to know you?: - Wife/Husband/Family/Bestie/Fb friend/friend: - Smash or pass: - Want your #?: - Tbh: - Dislike: - Like: -i want you to: -Put this as your status so i can like it?:
Melody Ndawana My little angel is two today!! Ndakura askana! i thank GOD for the love, care and protection he is giving to my little boy!
Denisse Gonzalez I'm callin you daddy; daddy can u be my daddy?; daddy I need a daddy; daddy would you be my daddy; come and make it rain down on mee_
Sushanti Arolkar I may Not be The One You Dreamed Of
But This Is True That
You Are The One I Dreamed Of
I May Not be The One You're Waiting For
But This Is True That
I Will Wait For You Till I Die
I May Not be The One You Loved
“The Most”,
But This Is True That
You're The One Whom i Love
“The Most”'♥
.`•.¸.•´ ★
¸.•´.•´¨) ¸.•¨)
(¸.•´(¸.•´ (¸.•¨¯`* ♥
Normalis Mz'Thickk Muniz Wana have the same dream i had last night! I wana feel that same feeling i felt!!
Sebastian Fortino says, "I am having an bank account is overdrafted; my new website wants to pay me via a paypal account linked to a Visa/Mastercard; I cut those up when I moved here; if I give them my partner's PayPal account will they be any the wiser it is going to another PayPal account? I need to start making money to pay off the debt to my credit card...but need the cash I am earning tomorrow ASAP. Anyone know if they will be the wiser if I just give the email associated with Jorge's PayPal?"
Bryan Joseph Flynn "ohhh she's so good with kids blahblahblah" BORING. what the hell kind of worldly skill is "being good with kids?" that's a NEGATIVE evolutionary adaptation. go fuck yourselves, you lazy college student, part-time nannies. i'd like to hear JUST ONCE "she's a part-time abortionist" instead of "part-time nanny" like it's some noble career. MATERNAL INSTINCTS?! wtf is this shit. kids raise their god-damned selves through trial and error. parents are an interference. here's another thing: LADIES, STOP posting pictures of your droopy-eyed, shit-eating grins with OTHER PEOPLES' BABIES on Facebook like you can't wait to create little shitbags like yourself who the world will have to grow to hate like they've already done with you. STOP DOING IT. we get it. having kids is a big "fuck you" to the world, too bad we don't take you seriously (and our tax code has your family and friends marked to be drafted into the next world war, est. 2020 (WW3 already began)). i guess reducing the rates of death during childbirth in the last 100 years has led to a higher population in portable fertility clinics thinking their opinions matter just because they aren't dead (yet). Well, fuck, your bitchass husband's probably gonna kill either your physical self or your intellectual credibility with your child through mockery and infidelity, thereby negating your intellectual existence in the spawn you so proudly grunted out of your cleft-sacrum, so why bother?
Shawn Brooks OMG I laughed so hard!
ha ha ha, listen to the squeaker at 28 seconds!! Poor hippo must have had too much Tapatio sauce, the same thing happens to me!
Young Reach i dont spit no game she just bones me then i treat her like a ATM slut lol
Gulagha Fridoon miss queen i love u so much?
He Had a Dark Side
This isn't my story, but my daughter's. She was wealthy, and had a tolerable life. She met someone on the internet, fell in love and divorced her first husband. The young man seemed to be everything. But he had a dark side. Now my daughter isn't wealthy anymore. She had to go back to work, because this slob helped her spend 200,000 in a year. Now she has nothing, not even health insurance. This man seemed to have everything, but is nothinh, has nothing and lives on his father's reputation.
How many disastrous stories like this do you hear?
We women will do anything to be loved:-((
Tashaya Johnson i am on Twitter Literally in TEARS right now cdfu !!!
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