Olskool Shivers Ill hold u n the middle of the nii. U dont hav to cry no more!
Linda Jones ALZHEIMERS IS A BITCH, u hate to see your love one go thru it
Anji Henson dear santa ( or god ) i only have one wish for christmas one prayer and that is to be with both of my boys for christmas. Life is way to short not to be happy and be with the ones u love and the two i love more than any one else in the world is my two boys Robert A. Martin who will be 18 in march and Lil Kendell Henson who will be 10 in may . They are my life and my reason ! And all i want is to be with them on christmas. Love always Anji
Blakberry Mckeel In the red velvet enjoying bring in my sister birthday happy birthday kettia love u
Gurvinder Singh Never blame anyone in ur lyf because gud people give happiness,bad people give experience,worst people give u a lesson nd best people give u memories......
Efren Ortiz Like if u still awake
Jamie Johnson Rage quit life! Time to do what i do n dat dnt involve u! Peace!!! <3
Labelledamsansmerci Xena Mentohurt'u Sum lùvs meh! Sum hate me!wateva u stl hv a plce in ma heart!!:-) gudaftanun frns
Amit Gavhane Hey people... JUST TRY IT....!!!!!!
Just Imagine, you broke up wit ur lover. After 10years you see him/ her.
If u say ♥... "HEY, I LOVE YOU" ♥... ... ...
what wud be his/her reply? To know,
♥ Copy ANY ONE of the the lines below paste in coment....
n remove (+) sign nd press enter n c da magic nd plz b honest,dont delete ur comment....: )
Olukoya Temi Great is thy faithfulness o Lord!i cant stop thanking u baba.kini mi,tanimoje,emi otosi elese,se mope,se moye lati wa lori iyepe?...........Anu ni mo ri gba o emi oni oun isogo.it is d GRACE of God that has kept me going from january~december and i strongly believe he will also c me tru 2012...........................,my phwends ponder over all he has done 4u and Exalt him.Beru ba mo nu'ro ni adupe.
Arinola Sakirat .........our lord! Make us not a trial for those who disbelieve and forgive us our lord.verily you are the mighty, the wise.(Q60:5) goodmorning to u all.
Stephaine May Stallings 1906.....wow this one is gonna be long....okay when i first met ya i thought u were okay then ya turned into a royal bitch but now i think ya kool not a close friend think i would hope one day...but i know now that u were nt tryin to be a royal...but u were just looking out for wat yours...n i thank u for ur gift to my husband n i...it really means alot to him...ya know wat i am meaning i hope if not please inbox me....
Oyewole Waheed Security Alart, be a security concious of ur self, boko harram looms every where, be vigilant, observant and report any cases of suspected issue to security or law enforcement agent. morning to u all my frend.
Pravin Sixfoot A mask is a mask.. But no matter hw much u show everyone ur smile.. At hme when ur alone u wont be able to show urself that same smile.. Your missed..
Emliy-Leanna Bonney I hate when ur man is hiding smething. Of u true
Abdul Ibn May d ryter of ol deeds be awaitin 2 ryt wat am about 2 say, u wil never make it in ur lyf and ur entire generation as wel, u wil work 2 d extent of selin ur self ol in d name of nufin, u wil sufa and at long last rout in hel. Ful
Riteish Sharma http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlZ6IrEwCLU&feature=related
Jairicia Rodgers In this world theres real and make belive....
and this seems reall to me. U love me but u dont know i am.
Im tore between this life i lead and where i stand .
and u love me but u dont know who i am. so jus let me go . ................let me go.
Eddie Moore Lms and I send u my number. I'm on my way home need someone 2 talk to
Pretty Coco I Have a lot on myy mind, too much qoinq on rite now but u live and you learn. it is what it is
Mark Mcdu i wnt 2 tel u da real story,but i dont want u 2 suffer 2 much pain/./.maybe i just hve 2 face da consequences.,.,.,im so sory!!!!.,but stiil i want u and i be frnds 4ever.,.,.,i don't want to lose u permanently!!!!!!!!!!!.,!
Damien Wheeler READ THIS:
Girl: Slow down, Im scared.
Guy: No, this is fun.
... Girl: No it's not. Please it's too scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
... ... ... ... ... Girl: Fine I love you. Slow down!
Guy: Now give me a BIG hug.
Girl : *hugs him*
Guy: Can you take my helmet off and put it on yourself? It's bugging me.
Girl: Alright, now slow down
Guy: I love you babe.
(in the paper the next day:(
A motorcycle had crashed into a building because of brake failure. Two
people were on it, but only 1 had survived.
The truth was that halfway down the road, the guy realized that his
brakes broke, but he didn't want to let the girl know. Instead, he had
her say she loved him and felt her hug one last time, then he had her
wear his helmet so that she would live even though it meant that he
would die.
If u love any one this much re-post this ....and....the love of your
life will realize they feel the same .... DONT BREAK THIS . 2morow
will be the best day of your life..
Danielle M Hoske Its official no longer 21. yowsers! thanks for the bday wishes already. :-) PS: I no longer have txting....so call me if u wanna talk or hang out. Muah!
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