Crystal Jay Babie Some bitches can sure talk A LOT of shit on facebook lmao
Christopher Lyman In Kansas City a woman's innocent gentle demure gestures are the sleight of hand for your bill fold.
Abhishek Arya "Life is not a music player to listen ur favourite songs.. It is a Radio...!
U must adjust urself to every frequency !
Enjoy watever comes in it".
Aniruddha Deo 2 seasons of dexter in a day...hope i dont turn into a copycat:)
Jackie Lee On a "deleting spree" once again! Hahaha. & once again, if you get deleted... Do NOT try to re-add me. I'm deletin ppl for a reason. Either I don't like you, we never talk... Or I don't know you. Kbye. (:
Jazmin Claudia Escarzaga Soooo if anyone knows a cute paiza they can refer me to please let me know;) lol noone over twenty though not my thing!>.<
RoseMary Kelly went to see The Sitter. it was pretty good. now gonna call it a night.
Leatha Lane Most people have a harder time letting themselves love than finding someone to love them.
-Bill Russell
Sandi Schmitt chuck norris once wrote a book by peeing in snow.
Bethany Basler So Excited about school tomorrow. Contest on either holiday updo or FANTASY HOLIDAY HAIR. Got a great plan hope it turns out how I picture it. Photos will be available tomorrow night on my Beauty of BethanyAnn Page. So keep a lookout for that.
Christina Boelter I soooo love this fool. He has no clue that I would go to the end of the world for him. Everything he does and says I adore. What the fuck is really goin on?! To love someone this much is terrifying. I have never out of all my years wanted to be as down for a guy as this one and I've had a handful of em that I genuinely loved. I hope this turns out someday the way I want to sleep
Nithin Jain Never make a constant image of anyone!!
because every saint has a past and every sinner has a future...!!
Tyrell Vernon Hall The great debaters is a powerful movie!! One of Denzel's best work!
Glen Foucault Heard three words said to me tonight that I havent heard in a long time. Not sure what it means or what it might lead too. But for once in a very long time, things are ok. Exited about my future with new or past friends... Sigh of relief... Thats whats up...
Kabelo Sebolai why do people always say "grow some balls"? balls r weak and sensitive, they should rather say, "grow a vagina" now those things take a beating, morning peeps.
Dylan Glover I put that six string down, and captivate like a hypnotist
you pass a mic around I'll spit a riff so meticulous
girls flare their bods around you call me a ventriloquist... nittty nite kids...
Brigitte Laurent In a controversy the instant we feel anger we have already ceased striving for the truth, and have begun striving for ourselves.
-- Buddha
Laura Alcoser
1. Zomboy – Organ Donor
2. Dodge & Fuski – Aerophobia
3. Benny Benassi – Cinema (Skrillex Remix)
4. Dj Fresh – Louder (Flux Pavilion & Doctor P Remix)
5. Zomboy – Pirate Hooker
6. Trolly Snatcha – Rocco’s Revenge
7. Flux Pavilion – Got 2 Know
8. I-Square – Sexy Lady (Skrillex Remix)
9. Doctor P – Watch Out
10. Torqux & Twist – H.E.L.L
11. Noisia – Friendly Adventures (Zomboy Remix)
12. Coven – 3 Words
13. Foreign Beggars & Noisia – No Holds Barred (Excision Remix)
14. Bare Noize – Twilight
15. Trolly Snatcha & Funtcase Ft. Rod Azian – The Title
16. Skism – Power
17. Foreign Beggars – Get A Bit More (Skism Remix)
18. Medison Ft. Skrein – Harry (Bare Noize Remix)
19. Zomboy – Pump It Up
20. Skrillex Ft. 12th Planet – Needed Change
21. Dodge & Fuski – Filth
22. Foreign Beggars & Noisia 0 Contact (Trolly Snatcha Remix)
23. FuntCase – So Vexed V.I.P
24. Bare Noize – Prepare To Die
25. Skrillex – Ruffneck Bss (Full Flex)
26. Reso – Beast In The Basement
27. Skrillex & Bare Noize Ft. Foreign Beggars – Scatta
28. DEVolution – Good Love (Dodge & Fuski Remix)
29. Defunct Ft. Whiskey Pete – Goodyear (FuntCase Remix)
30. Zomboy – Dirty Disco
31. 16bit – Skullcrack V.I.P
32. Skrillex & Foreign Beggars – Still Gettin It (Zomboy Remix)
33. Coven – Let It All Out
34. Dodge & Fuski – Come Again
35. Emalkay – Fabrication
36. Roksonix – C’mon Now
37. Flux Pavilion – Bass Cannon (Zomboy Remix)
38. Skism – Rise Of The Idiot (FuntCase Remi)
39. FuntCase & South Bound Hangers – Wizard Sleeve Ft. MCRaff-Nice Noiz
40. Teknian – Ruff (Coven Remix)
41. Zomboy – P.A.R.T.Y
42. 501 – Black & Blue
43. Roksonix – Bad
44. Zomboy – Game Time
Free download - Support Never Say Die records - Support Zomboy - Tracklist - htt...
Josh Ellison Will all of you, please be willing to donate your status for just a few minutes to HONOR a fallen Marine who's just passed away while serving our country? Cpl. Derek Wyatt (USMC) died Dec 6 while serving in Afghanistan. He leaves behind a wife and a newborn son named in his honor, who was born approx 24 hours after news of his death. Repost to honor this Hero and his family
Thaiz Carvalho Obg a todos q foram na festinha do Sammuel!! Apreciamos sua presenca!!! Agora mimir q amanha e dia de trabalhar duro! Boa noite!!!
LaGente Ahora Life = Rock Against Hunger drive, and remembering to give love as well.
"Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat." ~Mother Teresa
Friday, December 16 at 9:00pm
Brandon Lee Man i hate a dumb bitch!
Jessica Cornette Tryin to wake the bestie up to go for a ride. I miss your face girl! Wake up Miss Deanna Ash!
Kiara Jackson . . If you a friend to me , we qot the same enemies. Straiqht up. .
Teteki Maloka Lux Jonas Wat a morning! my sis left a house e le jwalo a sa cleana o re nna ke e etsen nxa /Angry/ mxm!.!.!.!.!.! lil bro dnt want to splash le yena ka tla ka lekea MODIMO
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