Shardul Shanker Mom: Son, get up its time to go to College.
Son: No mom. I dont want to go to College.
Mom: Give me 2 reason why dont u want to go to college.
1. All students hate me.
2. The whole staff hates me.
Mom: Ooh! Thats not a reason. Come on.U must go to college.
Son: Give me 2 reasons why i should go 2 college.
1. U are 57 years old.
2. U are the PRINCIPAL of the college........!
Mpume Thobeka (Once upon a time thy ws a man n hs son) Man: boy w8t here i wnt 2 ask u smthng(a man brings a donky n ask hs son) son wt is ds da son rply it a donky...(thn a man brngz a zebra n ask again) son wt is dz dan a son laugh n said, dad even if dt a donky is wearng pjams i can c it a donky.
Thulani Zabi Mgidi Morning friendz and girlfriend hope u enjoyd ur 9t and enjoy ur thursday
Seyi-kolawole Oluwadairo Mc-Crystal Baba i thank you for al u av done, i remove head dressing ajuwaya praise da lord!!!
Annie Maka 28 yrs ago I was blessed with this handsome child weigh 9lbs 5oz 21" long a real good baby so good that no one knows theres a baby in the house cos he never cries until he was almost a yr old.he never change has many talents one of my fav is he makes me laugh n the only one knows how to make me happy I thank my h/f for lending me his son to bring sunshine to my life.i love u son I will miss wen you leave but I know all things n this life is only temporary thank u for being part of me.i love you thank u 4 your sense of humor your love n respect...
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તમને તો બાજરા નો રોટલો ભાવે છે ને ?
- પારસ પટેલ
Sarah Dougall Everyone back home going on christmas holiday...I envy u all lol how about sending those laws to dubai?? I feel the need to skip the country nd go on an exotic holiday sumwer!!
Micah Ofields You never know what u gots until its long gone...
Akpaka Peter Hw strange d ways of luv?she melted ma heart wt luv! Break tru ma heart wt ha sweet presence nd shaked out d fever in ma heart wt ha inocent smiles! I dnt want out of dis. Wat do u tink ma dear frnds?
Priceless Starr The last Harry Potter just did the 1's, simply OVAH.... Well off 2bed, good night every 1 & may U all have a good night!
Keven Trust Nun Like if u would cry if i died,repost nd see how many true frewnds u have
Jose Maldonado You were there all the way even when my father died...u were there. And ur house will b a house of prayer and worship, not a house of hatered and angryness..........i pray that u change everything negative going on.
Levicee Malatse Tjo! Letsapa la maabane! I feel like staying indoors the whole day nd that is so not possible. Enjoy ur day bookers, Levey loves u all
Deborah Okere I got a brand new day 4rm d lord.thk u lord.
Esha Brown im so in luv with u, i'll give it all away jus don't tell nobody 2moro..I love you Robert R. Williams & I want the whole world to know!!!--wit that being said goodnite fb,
Zoe Precious Hlatshwayo Zoe is not in her good moods today so if u want to talk 2 me u got 2 pick ur words
Ângelica Grâce Milla Ang CÜTE CÜTE CÜTE tälägä ng Crush Kö !!! Ü :"> MISS NA KITA .Promise :">
Long Lội Trong Lầy I wash my hands everyday,everytime after touch sumthing dirty.Maybe,im not sure that can make my hands clean,but its mean i remove the dirty thing from my body.
Sum guys,i noe they alway wash hands like me,but they'll never got the thing we called "
Cuz u noe ?they touch shit and it alway appear on their hands.The hands with shit on it will never call "Cleaned".
For sumone who touch"...." everyday
Zenat Fatma Swtest xprsn of Luv-A girl
askd a boy"Is there any
festival which can b celebrated
evry day?d boy replied-"wait
till u fall in luv wid me..!"m
Kaytie Ditlow If i could help u forget, would u take my regrets
Mary Quatina Durkwa Musa Thank u all my frnds. I had a fulfilled day cos i have u all.
Rohit Birle Nice Lines :
"Never care more abt ppl who dont care abt u...
instead of care abt those ppl, who cares abt u. . .otherwise u wil loose those caring ppl also". . .
Tonya Pippens Ladies! A real woman will never ABANDON her standard's 4 a temporary soulution and Money CAN'T buy u real LOVE, because it's OVER PRICED!!!!!!!!
In a strong, loving relationship, when one succeeds both succeeds! There is no I, only WE,,,,,,,,
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