Peyton Sonnefeld What a day...Chilled/studied all morning, finished my last final, chilled some more, got my car towed (with me in it), steak dinner at Texas Roadhouse, then ended the night checking out a super creepy/possibly haunted house in Dubois...I feel accomplished :)
Brenda Ball Repost if your DAD is in heaven for Christmas. If roses grow in heaven, Lord, then pick a bunch for me, place them in my DAD'S arms and tell him they're from me. Tell him that I love him, and when he turns and smiles, place a kiss on his cheek and hold him for a while. This goes out for all dads that have gone on before us. Just think how wonderful it must be to spend Christmas with Jesus. for my brother also, love u rob and dad, and friend peanut
Stephanie Ancona Funny how the table thinks your the victim.Grow up already. Be a man for once, own up for all the wrong's you did to us instead of making people feel sorry for you.
Armah Gideon Abam Me kra hyira Yehowa,me mu ade nyinaa nhyira ne din kra hyira Yehowa
mm wo were mmfi ne neyeepa nyinaa
Anka meye oyereba.owuo ahama kyekyeree Yesu Kristo mogya no nti ma de me ho.
Me kra hyira Yehowa,onnsusu yen bone so ne yen nni monna hene mu hene asee.efise N'adoye woho daa.
Me kra hyira Yehowa W'agye wo nkwa afi amana kra hyira Yehowa efise N'adoye woho daa
Jesus Christ the ultimate Revelation of God to Mankind is welcome all of u to The Apostolic Church-Ghana.La District Pre-Christmas Convention at the Trade Fair assembly.God is blessing His children from a different angle.Come and join the Pool of His manisfest Glory.
Montell Rogers Like for a head job
Bryce Percifield I don't JUST have a "gay best friend." I have a best friend. Just because they are gay doesn't mean we have to point it out. I don't say, "Oh, I'm going to visit my straight best friend" or "my white best friend" today. Even though you seem to think you are "all for gay rights", whining about "wanting to find a gay guy best friend" is pretty much just as judgmental as homophobes.
tl;dr: If I see "Gay Best Friend" one more fucking time in my newsfeed, I will delete and block you. Asshole.
Shailesh Vats dey fight about a lot of things ,
but they love all of the same music....
she’s immature , but he accepts her silliness......
tell them that they would make a good couple......
dey act like they’re nuthing more than frends......., but everyone knws otherwise.
wen people ask.......,
they say they are frends.....,
but knows that the other one is lying......
she’s more beautiful than she’ll ever know.....,
but he already knws......
they are completely different.....,
but they’re absolutely perfect for each other......... <3<3♥
James Matherly Finished updating my profile
Jenna Wilson 11:11 make a wish!!<3
Koti Imah ~~~Assalamua,laikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh~~
Ingin kumerangkai kata..
Ingin ku bercerita..
Ingin ku bisikkan sesuatu..
Inginku..Ingin Ingin Dan Ingin....
Bermacam keinginan dalam hati kita..
Namun tak sedikit keinginan itu selalu tertunda..
Namun banyak pula keinginan kita yg tercapai..
Bersyukurkah kita dengan tercapainya semua keinginan kita?
Berdukakah dengan semua keinginan yg tak tercapai?
Adakalanya yang tercapai keinginannya lupa diri..
Namun ada pula yang sujud syukur..
Adakalanya juga yang tak tercapai keinginannya selalu menyesalinya..
Namun tak sedikit pula ,dukanya ini dia jadikan penyemangat dalam hari selanjutnya..
Saudara dan sahabatku semuanya..
Mari kita jadikan semua peristiwa,dan kejadian dalam hidup ini..
Kita jadikan penyemangat..
Kita jadikan Motifasi menjalani hari selanjutnya..
Selamat menjemput Hidayah-Nya..
Dan semoga bahagia selalu bersama kalian semuanya.
aamiin ya Rabbal a,lamin.
~~Wassalamua,laikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh~~
Gabriel Olusanya Oguntayo I ve a big GOD that specialises in turning imposibility to posibility. He is doing it for me and He can do greater for u. Tell God u need help from Him, He is present help in times of trouble
Sahil Wadhwa I bet u'l Read Twice-
''If u think of sum1 2 share ur hapines,
U luv dat prsn a lot!
N if u think of sum1 in tears 2melt ur pain,
Dat persn luvs u a lot.
Nathan Johnson I feel i was a natural born leader.
Lindeni Mgobhozi Busakhumbula nje kuthi ngalenyanga sibusiseke kakhulu ngoba silethelwe umsindisi in other way singathi its a Christian fastive *ejabulile*
Sukesh Agarwal When time never stops for us, then why do we always wait for the right time ???
There is never A WRONG time to do the RIGHT thing.....
Jonathan Wilcoxon still a virgin never drank never smoked never skipped class never broke the law like my status if u think im lying
Robyn White ... I have the most amazing boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.... U 1 in a million... LOVE YOU SWEETYPIE...
Jordan Bevan So my wife and I are planning a cross country trip next year on summer vaca. My wife talked to her mom, who is a teacher and starts summer vaca the same day as me, and she said she would be to busy cleaning and relaxing to have us over.
Benjamin Silver It is nights like these that make for the best adventures; the crisp atmosphere, the promising and foreboding clouds, the light rain. There is a briskness to the nights that reflects the air of the committed wandered. It is a night like this that begets the fondest and most devastating of memories.
Lynette Brown is tired of having to act like a lady when she has to deal with jerks and assholes almost everyday :-[
Amanda Bonesteel Got a 90 on my med surg midterm now two more 12 hour clinical days left then 3 week break yay
Joseph King A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS & A GLORIOUS NEW YEAR FROM PRECIOUS AND I. You are delightfully invited to visit us @ where we have absolutely FREE, LOADED, & INSPIRING books for you including our latest work- A SEASON OF LIGHT: more to Christmas than meets the eye. Check it out, read it, download it, share the news with all your loved ones and friends.
All rights reserved under International Copyright Law. Contents and /or cover may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form without the express consent of Joseph King.
Jim Larrabee wow... this site best stress reliever EVER!
Do you like explosions? Of course you do. I feel stupid for even asking such a preposterous question. Here you go. Happy Holidays, The Old Spice Man
Chris Pritchard up in p town having a kick ass time....
Mary DeRosier All i want for Christmas is... a DALEK!!!! :D even though it would EXTERMINATE! me
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