Donna Nantais well i guess my friend is nt coming ova for my nightly dose of the good stuff so i guess ill go to sleep and of course all u pigs have to think dirty and its nt even like that so there jokes on u haha
Tumelo Ndamase mzansi sistaz hv taken da drug-dealing shit to anothr level, thy r making international headlines! ... I wondr wht da world is syng abwt our country? If u r a drug distributor, runawy as fast as u can, jst quit da game plz
Stephaine May Stallings 27.....u made fun of me in middle school n high school made my life hell but secretly i had a crush on u....but i for gave ya along time..hope that one day we could be good friends maybe u could be good friends with my am happly taken n dont feel tha way i did)
Oboh Smart NO body remain`s at the top 4 ever. we all ve a gift in us but we need to pray 4 God to show us the gift. I m born to win . What about U?
Jesska Smith I be rollin up my catnip & shittin in your litta so while u be look bitta I be lookin betta ♥ HI HATER
Hanna Buela good morning to all my fb friends....i miss u all friends advance Meri X-mas..,
Ras Aadi Frnds Do U have Any Reltv or Frnd in Denmark ??????? plz let me knw if yes........................
Nedz Den salam bbe ko musta na kau jan anak cge engat bbe see u soon insha allah i will b der on ur graduation mo
Aderonke Josephine It is sweet to do it, U can do it anywhere, on d bed, rug, mat, chair, outside or inside ur bedroom, do it well expecially in d night.WHAT IS IT?
Monique Nora Semaha Never allow anybodys actions or doings make u sad,for u hv every reason to be happy for the gift of life
Okolie Chuks Facebook i know u miss ur boy & i know u miss ur CHUKZ cuz am gone and am trying to giv u babe wat u never heard . . . . I can see u sad even when u smile even when u laugh , i can see it in ur eyes deep inside i know u wanna cry . . .dont be sacred CHUKZ IS BACK !!
Meraj Tushar Look! u wont believe! I dare you can watch this vide0 .
Lol Checkout this video its very embracing moments for her
Jayvenne Durhone Thank U Lord for this year, this month, this day, this hour, this minute and this second for keeping me alive and well. Shoe never thougt that I would get so young and beautifull...turning 15 on this God given day...
Kiti Dlamini Lord Jesus...Thank provider..continue Lord to show me d vision of wht i wnt....mrning my frnds.
Prince Sahni One day,Why did American
Commandos Killed Laden,
instead of catching Him alive ?
Because America doesn't have
Fund to provide
comforts to Laden
as India has for Kasab. Click"Like"
if u agree

A poor boy loved a rich girl.
One day the boy proposed her. Then the girl said, "listen! your monthly salary is my daily hand expenses. Should I be involved with you? How could you thought that? I will never love you. So, forget me 'n get engaged with someone else of your level."
But somehow the boy could not forget her so easily.
10 years later.
One day they became face to face in a shopping center. The lady said, "Hey! you! How are you? Now I'm married. Do you know how much is my husband's salary? Rs. 2 lac per month! Can you imagine? 'n he is also very smart."
The guy's eyes got wet with tear by hearing those words.
After few minutes her husband came before the lady could say something to the guy, her husband started to say by seeing the guy.
"Sir! You here? Meet my wife." Then he said to her wife, "I'm going to assist a project of sir, which is of Rs. 200 crore. 'n do u know a fact? Sir loved a girl but he didn't get her. That's why still he is unmarried. How much lucky the girl was. Isn't it? Now a days who can love like that way?"
Moral: Life is not so short. So, don't be so proud of yourself and damn others. Situations change with time. Every one should respect other's love.
Like 'n Share this If You Love This.. !

Thomas Hall Ok fellas i need ur help with cevin he scared to admit hes gay if u would take some time to point out we knew from the start he was gay and we except him
and we love him make it clear what kind of love .... This is for ur own good cevin dont fight it anymore
Andrew Cole Craig Every jorney u enbark in life,there is always a goal for it but dnt 4get that u must face challenges that will want to stop u and quench ur goal,it lys in u to decide to keep moving or to give uo ur goal and dream......but from me today i say to u.NEVER GIVE UP....................
Santa Claws I think I left my Berry beside my bed cause I was on rush hour, so if u see this do not wyne if I can't pick!!
Andisiwe Uhrn-deeh Njaca Do u knw hw t feels whn hv to dlt a very close frwndz number in yo fonebuk o keep calling hm hoping he'll pick up da fone nd call u by yo nicknym dat he gv 2 u
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