What's the reason for opposing this again?
CWSN x�ì½`TUÖ8~ßôI 0T!@è5!B(IH QÀ8ÉLÉÌ03!EKDÄVT¬¨«â** vT°]TìèZvÕÏùsî}mJw¿ß?4óÞ»åÜsO¿í½UÌäf,qc=%ghnnÎNêÊIJï©qî:G¿Æéd[cïAת¯&çÔìØ?!53å_³Ý¿F×ìvÉÏȦ¹+µÞpH0)ÒxlAAQù2wExúª°Ûòø}Xtd¡Ál…
Parents Magazine "As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December's bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same." - Donald E. Westlake [Just a friendly reminder for the entire month. Happy December, everybody!]
Amanda Long Guys are just as fake as women. Why cant people be real? Everyone have a good day!!
Naomie Saintvil It may be december but today feels just like yesterday#its all the same just a different name -_-
A blog to discuss current events from a Social Sciences perspective
Amy Nichole Getting a brand new bed today! (:
Merry Christmas to me(: im overly happy abt it....lmfao
Shawn Thompson Lmt Anyone out there work at a business that might be interested in hosting a day of chair massage at their office? This is a great way to treat your employees during the Holiday Season (or anytime of the year)! If you are an owner or employee and would like me to stop into your business to discuss a wonderful day of stress-relieving chair massage, message me, email me (, or call/text me 585.230.7794!
The Streets of Brentwood We are so thankful that Duncan Design did an excellent job installing our beautiful Holiday tree. It lost a few ornaments from the winds last night. But it is still standing and not going anywhere! One more day and night of high winds. Be safe!
Cody James Williams "I'm failing psychopharmicology, I thought I was taking a class on crazy farm animals!" - Troy Barnes

Sam Sexton ALL GUYS NEED TO READ THIS ~ When she pulls away pull her back ~ When you see her start crying just hold her and don't say a word ~ When you see her walking sneak up and hug her waist from behind ~ When she's scared protect her ~ When she steals your favorite hoodie Let her wear it. -When she says that she loves you She really does mean it. ~ When she grabs at your hands Hold her's and play with fingers :) ~ When she tells you a secret Keep it safe and untold ~ When she looks at you in your eyes Dont look away until she does ~ When she reposts this bulletin She wants you to read it ♥ ~ When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go -When she says she's ok don't believe it. ~ Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her ~ Treat her like she's all that matters to you ~ Watch her favorite movie with her even if you think it's stupid. ~ Don't talk about other girls around her ~ Kiss her in the pouring rain ~ When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is: "Whose butt am I kicking baby?" Guys; repost this if you would do it ~ Girls; repost this if you would love a guy like this. ~

Saturday, December 3 at 7:00pm, The Center SF
Matthew Colon theres a thin line between friends & snakes; hell or the pearly gates; 9milly and 38s
Jael Comfort Simeon December:
D-distinction n all
e-enlightenment of d heart
e-excellence n life
m-migrate to d next year
b-brightness among d rest
e-effective promotion
r-rising to d next level.
Dis month is surely mine n all of ya..a month of abundant favour.
Anterrio Hall "I stick to the script.....i memorize the lines....cause life is a movie that i seen to many times"- Weezy
Elizabeth Deleon Vargas I,I love you like a love song baby, a I, I love you like a love song baby, and I keep hittin re-peat,peat, peat,peat peat...;)
Lori McLamb Oh well, gotta go to class and sit for three hours and listen to the teacher lecture about politics, which I can't stand. I choose to live in a very remote town for a reason. Less people, less building, less talk about politics, and a whole lot more trees.
Keith Robinson yoooo that jag drives like a mfing boat or something, i need one for self asap lol
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