Vernon McFadden just throughing this out there... if your wondering what to get me for my bday or christmas i could use socks (preferably black anckle), underwere (eather boxers or briefs), plain white medium t-shirts, a wide an comfortabley padded bicycle seet, and/or if you want to combine bday and christmas or pool your money with others i REALY want a bicycle motor kit so i dont have to peddle everywere. that would be wonderful!
Adedapo Ajibola i am always tanx god 4 dis hajj (1432) ALLIAMDULILLAH.hapi nw mnth
Kenny Carelessboutchu Antoine I aint gone lie man.... Sometimes we get so worked up with new school rap that we forget the fundamentals of true hip hop.... To me honestly.... Hip hop is not dead but everybody now and days is doin it all wrong...
#Ole school.... No one can ever beat it
Zawmyo Thwin အိုဘားမား မွ အေမစု သို့ေပးစာ
Clinton hands Suu Kyi letter from Obama
Full tex...t: Obama letter to Aung San Suu Kyi
Yangon, Myanmar (CNN) -- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton personally delivered a letter from President Barack Obama to Myanmar's leading democracy campaigner Aung San Suu Kyi Thursday. Here is the letter in full as released by the State Department:
Aung San Suu Kyi
Rangoon, Burma
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi:
It was a pleasure and an honor to speak with you recently. As I said during our conversation, I have long admired your brave and unwavering struggle for democracy, and I consider our conversation a highlight of my recent visit to Asia.
I am pleased that the Burmese government has taken several encouraging steps in the direction of democracy and reform. Secretary of State Clinton's visit will explore how the United States can support efforts to foster political opening and respect for universal human rights, as well as demonstrate the seriousness of our commitment to helping the people of Burma achieve their democratic aspirations.
I thank you for your welcome of the Secretary's visit, and look forward to speaking to you again. Thank you for the inspiration you provide all of us around the world who share the values of democracy, human rights, and justice. We stand by you now and always.
Barack Obama
Kim Hyder Well its about that time to get up and shower and,go to that place that I dislike so much. Really wish I could just lay in bed and sleep..ugh
Scott Medley Kentucky church bans interracial couples. Wow, is about all I can say!!! Now theres you a church that practices real Christianity. I thought Christianity was living your life like that of Christ. I hardly think that Christ bans anyone. It's churches like this that turns people away from Christ's love.
Sara Greer it's december 1st and i offically hate christmas music already. it's going to be a long month.
Stephen Brown If I write "Stephen is smart" on a piece of paper and get two witnesses to sign it, isn't that pretty much the same thing as a degree?
Angela Adrianna Robles I really want to play indoor soccer again, who knows of some team that needs an extra player?
Reniqua Roberts Dunbar Elementary Girl scout get it crunk song.
I said a Boom Chicka Boom, I said a Boom Chicka Boom, I said a Boom Chicka Rocka Chicka Rocka Chicka Boom,Uh huh,Oh yeah.
Girl Scout Troop Leader: Ms. Nose..... killed it.
Sara Russ LMFAO .........yeS I do that!!!!! Don't like it than don't creep hahaha <3
Reece Taylor i love toberone
Joe Palacios I dnt do Cain cus I herd that birch killed able
Hahha life lesson
Raghu Rags So friends if i can't contact any of you then pls 4give me !!!!
All my contacts hav been lost !!! :(
Wagahta Tesfai So as everyone knows today is December 1, 2011. Today is a very special but difficult day for me. You might be asking why? Let me fill you in. Today is the day I plan to beginning changing my life. I'm going to take the first step today by entering a gym and actually exercising. As much as I love to sweat I am lacking motivation at this time. For the next 30 days I am going to publicly display my progress through FB. If you guys have any suggestion/ feedback for next 30 days feel free to make a comment on my page. It will be greatly appreciated!!! Thank You FB Family :)
Jaclyn Lee Uggg I love cold weather but not when it makes my entire body hurt :-(
Henry Michael Monahan Girls are less amused with snot rockets than I am, go figure.
Nav Chana Taiwo thats all i need to show you.
Real Madrid showing how strong he is! HALA MADRID!!!
Bryan Schaffrath For all of those who are addicted to Comcast and being overcharged and underserviced, I am here to tell you, "Move On!" There is life after Comcast. You have many options and i will be making the most satisfying call in a while tonight to tell Comcast to shove it!
Kurama Alexander Nightfall all matches request, have been accepted and decline as of now.
they who fail to do starters you matches request have been voided,
the one person who did send a starter. I welcome the battle.
Kandice Ballinger My horoscopes scare me... Lol... I they've been stocking me...
TaylorGang High Real shit I had iTunes on shuffle and ill be missing you by diddy came on and it reminded me of all the people that have passed on
Amasia Dupont Evry second it's Masia do this ,Masia do that
Blake Goodwin Plz don't giv up on me now u may not think I care bout u anymore but I do and I need u, I need ur lov to keep me up, I'm tryen but runnen out of strenth and help but I will never giv up on u so don't quit on me plz!
Sikkander Abdul Basheer I am leaving UAE on sunday .
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