Hélio Saldanha Charles Araújo, Jonathan Laverde e Daia Laverde pra vcs que são GRAJAU SOLDIER!
Criolo é o destaque do Estúdio Showlivre (www.showlivre.com) transmitido ao vivo no dia 2 de agosto de 2011. Após 23 anos de carreira como MC, Kleber Gomes, ...
Tatenda Nhunhama I wil luv u anywy mo than my wrds wil neva show bby i wil alwys luv u so coz yo mo than a lover n i wil luv u til e end..
Danius Kgaabi A re thekgeng bana ba borena le rena re e poloke kgahlano le mathatha a le fase
Ra Paov Wat a good day start drinking e&j already...
Felipe Ruskowski A tu tá brincando comigo que fizeram uma "coletiva" pra uma âncora de um jornal que relê a pauta da BBC e mistura com a do Brasil Urgente dizer que está saindo do programa.
Emma Yeboah When we pray 4 miracle, God dont give us miracle. He gives us instructions n when we obey, den we get our miracle. Our miracles, healings etc, lies in è obedience of God's wrd. Dats why its very important 2 obey dan sacrifice!
Raju Rahaman One night a man dreamed, that he was walking along the beach with the lord, across the sky flashed scenes from his life, for each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints , one belonging to him and the other to the lord….
When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints , he noticed, that many times along the path of life, there was only one set of footprints , he also noticed that it happened at the very lowed and saddest times of his life….
This bothered him, and he questioned the lord about it:
"Lord, you said, that once I decided to follow you, you had walk with me all the way, but I have noticed, during the most troublesom e times in my life, there is only one set of footprints , I don't understand why, when I needed you most, you would leave me."
The lord replied:
"My son, I love you and I would never leave you, during your times of trial, when you have seen only one set of footprints , it was then that I carried you."
Vasco Macedo PT Bluestation 'Percebi então o ofício das palavras.
E como um poeta a sê-lo
É um coleccionador de búzios.'
Romzan Ali Sawom বাংলাদেশ ক্রিকেট দল এটা কি করলো ? বিজয়ের মাসে হারলো ! তাও আবার এমন একদল প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বীর কাছে, যাদের আমরা '৭১ এ এই বিজয়ের মাসেই হারিয়ে ছিলাম। ধিক ! চট্টগ্রাম এর টেস্ট এ যদি হারে... তাহলে স্টেডিয়াম থেকে বের হতে দেব না।
Collie RollUp Buddz Who think they fuckin wit me n E...on this madden 12
Sú Baldan Hoje é 21 de dezembro de 2012? :O
São Pedro, vc ta errando nas contas do fim do mundo po!
Taha Tariq mouj-E-sarSar Say DaraTa Ha UssAY Tu BekAR,,,
Phuk ChukA ha JO nAseeB-e-SehRi saY SooW Baaar...
Gabriel Salvador http://www.facebook.com/pages/300-Likes-e-o-Armando-e-o-Guto-rapam-o-cabelo/237055576355546
Nikos Tteralis Η μαμά στο γιο της :
- Μέτρα Λάκη μου να δει ο θείος μέχρι πού ξέρεις να μετράς .
Ένα , δύο , τρία , τέσσερα , πέντε ..
Μπράβο αγοράκι μου συνέχισε ..
Έξι , εφτά , οχτώ , εννιά ..
Παρακάτω .
Δέκα , βαλές , ντάμα , ρήγας.
Shaff Uka Lakas ni Paul magdota inubos kaming 5. Patalo TUSKAR e! Hehehe :D
Kiki Dudović Dobro došla tugo,gdje si bila ti do sad,
reci mi šta ima novog,i ja bi volio znat,
ko ju grli,ko ju ljubi,s kime sada sretna je,
dal se sijeti,dal me želi ili za nju,nema me,
ko što vidiš ja spremam se,odlazim od tebe,
i od nje,i od sebe,pa sve nek se sjebe,
oprosti što psujem,al sudbina je ukleta,
meni fali ona,e da bar me čuje sad,
pa reci tugo di je,s kim je,kako je,
pa reci čije srce ima,sad kad moje puklo,
ko staklo je,i ne trebam zavoje,pusti nek iskrvarim,
reci samo zašto me svaki puta udariš....?! :((
Kido Kenny Ninja sartuday arnd e corner
Sueli Duca Toc, toc! Quem é? Ken! Quem? Ken! Quem? Ken! Quem? Ken!...", então a Barbie ficou confusa e morreu.fim .x@....
Renato Rotelli Junior É a vivo que ta uma bosta ou é só meu celular mesmo???
Syed Farhat Qadri Mery Hatho Or Honton Sy khushbu Jati Nahi K
Main Ne Ism-e-Muhammad Likha Bohat Or Chuma Bohat ...
Blessing Elsy Hlongwane I Knw Wat 2 Do,ther E Is Plan B.woza De Cember.
Thomas Robles Enjoying my day off in the booth. got some new heat comming soon, we ready for war featureing B wess. New member to the family qd the fast wast. welcome to trap money records. If you aint hear it or get it live free or die hard the mix tape is in a hood near you for 5$ with the bonus DVD video. or you can reach me via e mail trobles031@gmail.com, or on twiter. its on murderville va, DE, NY, stand the fuck up.
Nguyễn Minh Phương -Oggi fa freddo, éh, tesoro?
-Sì, è l'inverno.
-Il vento è cambiato, ora è pìu forte.
-Si, certamento, adesso sono 20:30 pm.
-Ma le tue braccia sono pìu lunghe, vero?
-Sì, ogni giorno, pratico gym.
-Sì, scherzo :p, Ti abbracio. >:D<
È sempre un amore dolcissimo...
Manuel Santoro Bersani: "Con Monti ma non sia sordo alle idee del PD".
Caro Bersani, Monti è un liberista conservatore. Forse non hai ben capito chi è, da dove viene e cosa vuole fare il tuo interlocutore. E,a sinistra, non sei il solo. Purtroppo.
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