Courtney Garcia Thought I was going to go home early but got to work my second job today . 12 hrs :(
Peter Njoroge Bobby Thank you Lord for everything You have done me as i prepare to celebrate over 11,573,200 minutes.
Charles Rienne Am I Gonna call lets see 3ird.........
Nikolai Martin I don't worry, and y'all shouldn't either
Karen Killgore Crouch got scary last night! I thought the wind was going to blow us plum over last rocked us real out New Mexico...heading your way!!!
Mark Lubinsky God is great! As with most people today, it seem the bills are more then the income. I called our Insurace company to see what the minimum payment they would except would be. I was told $370.00 but she would call thier main office to see if we had any credits due. I had just told Kelly, "We need a Christmas miracle". I no sooner said that when the phone rang. It was the insurance company calling back. She told me we did have credits due us and that the new bill would be $69.00....All Praise be to the LORD!!
Omar Carbajal Bring BACK shows from the PAST!!!!!!
"Elimidate" was hilarious, especially when it was a guy choosing and it got down to the top two. Whoever he didn't pick was instantly like, "Fuck you, man! You're a scum-sucker and I didn't want you anyways!" - LOL
Kristin Assman Looking forward for the weekend. I need to get out!
ALuna Verse i love this perspective (the whole series), and that he looks like he just rolled out of bed. [charles eisenstein] ftw <3
AniTa Katona I don't have to try to be happy when i'm with you ... it just happens! :) Novák Ádám <3
Das lied ist von Taichi und Boogieman in diesem lied geht es viel um gefühle usw. also ein trauriges lied ...
Simphiwe Cynthia Mkhize Sweetest story mom & i went to th chemist cos of th rash on her neck,th nurse(family pal) sez its a luv bite,mom luks worried & asks how do i treat it.No wonder i got away wth 1 of those '@ tht tym',lol.Luv u mommy!
Lacey Zabotti where all the frigging jobs been looking most of the dat and nothing :( i want a job....
Chaneshia BuddaNbadnews Howard Hahahaha lmfao sko erine gone cum to ma houske thinkin he doin skum10 talkin bout ol sko yu gotta nigga huh hahahaha lmfao skumbody jjuskt told him that ha leave it up to him it hisk 2nd momma lmfao yeayea lol it aint like i wassk fuccin around yu with noi moe anyskway dassk ova been long ttime ago
Kaylee Ann Keeton ive tried so hard to get my son to pottyy train n he wont even try wat do i do uuuuggggg
Ariel Breana Mcloven I want to be a forensic pathologist now. The person that performs autopsys on the deceased to determine time or causes of death.
Helen Hughes One more day in work and then I have 16 days off,let the partying commence!!
Nick Schermbeck think u know some1 until they fuck u over... i feel like i dnt have friends i just have acqaintances.. after being fucked by some1 very close 2 me. i feel like my ablilty to judge ppl is all fucked up...makes me not wanna give any1 els a chance...
Robert Turner Dear girl I hate: Hrmm... well you made grade 12 a nightmare and I moved to get away from the drama... long story short? couldnt care less if your still kicking or not really..
Keisha Loyaltybound Williams Oh yeah, didn't i tell you? ....MUST HAVE BEEN NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS AYE LMAO...Thats for you hear say mafucka now run and tell that
Julie Reed I love you.......just because.
Ibn Suge Curry If I could star in any movie remake, it would be....
Loko Tonio i need a t-mobile phone.
Esgar Perez I will give you the rose that's been burn by the sun
Mavreen Clark IF YOU'RE NOT CHICKEN !!!! PUT THIS ON YOUR STATUS AND SEE WHAT PEOPLE RATE YOU !!!! (1) Crazy . (2) I'd marry you . (3) I'd date you . (4) Sarcastic . (5) I miss you . (6) I'd kiss you . (7) Beautiful . (8) Smart . (9) Imaginative . (10) Random . (11) Jerk . (12) Funny . (13) Funny as crap . (14) Amazing. (15) Tough . (16) Cute . (17) I'd hit you with a bus . (18) I love you . (19) Weirdo . (20) Friends forever
Larry Wilson Damn its cold. Ive worked out doors all my life. I dont think im getting that old
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