Muriel Nihill My heart goes out for Brad's children and his family; ~
I am so sorry and shocked ! We are especially sad for you and Michael--You've lost a very dear friend ! He was a good man ~ God be with him-forever !~
'Kemmy' Chepkem Willys Is this ma destiny??i lost da taste of livin hata
Olumide Micheal Restore on2 me my joy n my salvtn i renew my spirit within me.freds Ao is urs days?
Laura Christine its a good thing i got my tetanus shot yesterday :)
Donna Dion You and I are at a Christmas party and there is only one glass of alcohol left. Using only 4 words, what would you say to me? Note: If you comment, you must copy and post this to your status, so I may comment on yours as well. Be a good sport play along...4 words is hard!
The-Infamous KaiPeí I need a videographer ASAP for a major event! Major exposure!!! Please inbox me if you are or know one!! *@InfamousKaiPei*
Kerri Jones FML........ My gosh dang car won't start WTF any mechanics know what it could be!?! It will start and run as long as I give it gas but as soon as I let off the gas it dies :/ I DONT NEED THIS RIGHT B4 CHRISTMAS! :(
Avinash Vecharla Plz dont watch bezawada. I am just watched that movie in chennai. It missed the realty
Hilario Aguilar Road trip just my Dad and I on our fishing trip 12hrs north. Ya buddy.
Teboho Lekholokoe Teboho Guyz m performing kaosane gowsh! God ngiphe i strength coz a cnt proceed without u!
Allen Piaña Verse 2:
Instead of piecing it together
I finally found a girl that made me sleep a little better
she know me so well as if she read through all the letters of my heart
I kept it locked up but I guess I've been robbed
you took a part of me and you never gave it back
but now I found somebody that'll fill the missing half
when she came around, she brought along "hope"
and my heart that followed you came back home
I'm giving her my trust, I ain't scared of being hurt
cause what she does for me is speaking louder than her words
and even though the past ain't erased
she's the one that takes it all away
she's my escape
she gives me reasons to believe again
I ain't thinkin about the "woulda", "coulda", "might of been's"
'cause when you left I lost myself in the past
but I met a girl that brought me back
She made it easier to love
she's the reason why I left my past in the dust
so long love, you ain't gotta worry 'bout me
I'm ready to let you be and let you free
She made it easier to go
she's the reason why that I finally got control
so long love, she has something that was never in you
I finally found a girl that's better than you
Yung Toon R.I.P to lil doodie dhat waz mi ace yall knw I miss him he taught me how thug wen I waz muthafuckn lil
Nqaba Qamata I am in ma own little world and i like it. *A do not disturb sign*
JeneeLee BeKind ToMee I got my first two white hairs today.. =]
Sammy named them Thunder and Lightening..
life is good guys..
live it in love..
Emy Ba' because of this song I could lose my life today
I really don't know why you all fucking hater just piss of if you don't even like it and don't listen too
huf grow up sluts!
Brokencyde "Tipsy" (new music song 2009) + Download link brokencyde tipsy new music song 2009 download hip hop rap pop jonas br...
Johnathan Acord Everytime i walk around campus, and see the city of Youngstown, all i can think about is the Chrysler 300 commercial and i start hearing the music. Imported from Youngstown
Alicia Jackson uuuggghhh!I NEED A NEW FUCKIN CAREER!!!!
Penny Taylor I love Fridays...Christmas dinner at Bella Cucina tonight...I love love love love love love...Have a LOVE weekend...
Mwawi Mhlabah when i look into my future_all i see iz success_success_success!
i see
_no worries
_no dissapointments
_no darkness
Dhamo Patel My boyfriend came home drunk. As he got home he asked me to marry him, I was going to say yes until he said,"Oh wait, wrong woman."
Rhea Mitchell A 4 year old boy got shot by his step Dad He was trying to protect his little 2 yr old sister,who about to be abused by this poor excuse of a man,The little girl did not get hurt thanks to her brave older brother,there mum was at work wen all this happend.Now this Brave young man is fighting for his life,but doctors say he will not survie unless he gets and operation wich is very costly and wich mum can not pay.All Blackberry Compaines have agreed to donate 45p for every time someone posts this to there wall,so please paste and pass this on so that together we can help save this little boys life...I passed this message down and so should you.This Boy will die if u dont
This is a true story,Please please pass it on,Many Thanks :( xxxx
Santhosh Panicker all...friends...!?????
Sondra Marlow sitting here on day off watching my babies ride their bikes i luv them so much
LuiZz EfFinn JerRkzz Pratically I Hate My Life Right Know>:( >:O...No Valgo Shit Pa Nada, Y No Sirvo Pa Nada! :(
Kenny Ritter I like a a women with a future and a past
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