Gerald Cooper Got alot on my mind these days. Am tryin my hardest to find away n be the man everyone expects me to be. But am truly havin a hard time tryin to find away. Were supose to be gods childhern but yet i dt feel that i am. Dear god if am your child show me away be4 its tolate.
Kristalee Palacios A new bible is def. on my Christmas list...the one I have is still a childrens one!.. It's time for the one for young adults, cuz i can't even understand the regular one!! Lol I went to church a couple weeks ago & I was reading out of my childrens bible, they were like "I like what yours says better, plain & simple!" lol ((:
Niki Mitchell Some people are just plain crazy. I feel bad for them. :-/
Tracie Gabaldon ok the weather for this weekend is going to be perfect...but the boys are with their dad so i dont know what im going to do except clean!!! i might start reading this book that was given to me a month ago.oh! christmas shopping! yay!
- Common conditional:
"If I had known about that meeting, I would have participated in it."
- Omission of If:
"Had I known 'bout that meeting, I would have participated in it."
Jose Djzay Saldana December is Here! Working hard so I can get my people what they want this X mas!... Britt decorated the House yesterday, looks nice. Feeling good today! Woke up to Xavi's smile made the day alot better!
Beatriz Lafon I just wan't 2 Give Thanks 2 our precious lord. Thankyou 4all you do 4us & our love ones.friends neighbors.specially watch over the youth keep them safe.Amen
Lea Edwards I came from a small town in Oklahoma where everyone pulls over to let an ambulance or a funeral procession pass. We don't have fire flies; we got lightening bugs. Ya'll is a proper noun and ain't is definitely a word! Shoes ain't necessary & if we go outside, we get dirty & we ain't afraid... of it! Chicken is fried &... Sweet tea is the house wine. Shopping carts are "buggies" & wash cloths" are warsh rags." Oh & if you disrespect your mama.....your gonna get hit with something. :) Repost if you're proud you came from a small town in Oklahoma & won't ever forget where ur from
Adria McGill Dobson No one understands the true meaning of OCD, anxiety conditions, agoraphobia, panic attacks, social phobias, and depression until they live it. It will not go away. It is not stress, it is always there. It is chronic annoyance that sticks with you everyday of your life. It messes with your social life, your career or lack there of, and it makes you wonder will I make it today. I do thank people that are there for me though, especially my family and fellow sufferers. It does not let up, it is constant worries, constant compulsions, and you never know how tired you really get. If you know someone who suffers from any above or anything else chronic click like below.
Pholuso Maphul Motala hy frnds n family eix yestady n 2day i ws busy,eix nowadays my business keep me busy bt atleast m relaxd nw...nyt guys
Maggie Garris Don't need an angel on top of my tree, I already have one in heaven looking down on me ♥ .. Put this as your status if you have someone in heaven you wish could be here for Christmas
Kylie Sauruswrecks Wentzel some people take their gay pride a little too far. Theres no reason to throw it in EVERYONES face and create controversy and drama for yourself. I dont feel bad for you when you get gay bashed, because really, youre asking for it. It makes me embarassed to be a lesbian. Seriously.
Haley Marie Morrison I slept in and missed a few hours of work but i might as well head in before my doc appt even tho i feel like shit... can't shake this cough off :(
Lynette Rothman Whenever I tried 2 become wise and learn what goes on in the world, I realised that you could stay awake night and day, and never be able to understand what GOD,is doing.. However hard you try, you'll never find out, the wise may claim to know, but they don't.. I thought long and hard about all this and saw that GOD, controls the actions of wise and righteous people, even their love and their hate.. No one knows anything about what lies ahead, it makes no difference, the same fate comes to the righteous and the wicked, to the good or bad.. To those who're religious and those who're not, to those who offer sacrifices and those who don't.. A good person is no better off than a sinner, one who takes an oath is no better off than, one who doesn't.. One Fate comes to all alike, and this's as wrong as anything, that happens in this world.. As long as people live, their minds are full of evil and madness, and suddenly die.. But anyone who's alive in the world, of the living has some hope, a live dog's better off than a dead lion. I realised another thing, that in this world fast runners don't always win the race, and the brave don't always win the battle.. The wise don't always earn a living, Intelligent people don't always get rich, and Capable people don't always, rise to high positions.. Bad luck happens to everyone, You never know, when your time's coming.. Like birds suddenly caught, in a trap, like fish caught in a net, we're trapped @ some evil moment, when we least expect it...After all this, there's only one thing left to say: Have Reverence for GOD, and obey His Commands because, this's all that the human beings were created for.. GOD is going to Judge everything we do, whether good or bad, even things done in Secret !!!!
Stacy Thatbaby Robinson NO matter what u go thru,Just keep in mind that,that man up above got u covered.And if u got a good person beside u like i do,THEN all is WELL....
Amrita Das WHO R U TO JUDGE THE LIFE I LIVE????????.........I M NOT PERFRCT ND I DNT HAVE TO B,,,,,,,,,BFR U START POINTING FINGRS MAKE SURE DT UR HAND R CLEAN..........".............................................
Jessica Marie Nelson I hate when I get the "You're JUST a mom?" or "Do you ever work?" Um yes, I am a mom! That makes me an alarm clock, cook, maid, waitress, teacher, nurse, handyman, security officer, photographer, counselor, event planner, personal assistant, ATM & I scare away the boogie man. I don't get holidays, sick pay or days off. I work through the DAY & NIGHT. I am on call 24/7 for the rest of my life. And that's just with my first job... BEING A MOM!! I may not be anything to you but I am everything to someone! Re-post if you are a PROUD MOM!!!
Heiðar Ingi Marinósson Þetta veður kallar nú á sleða í jólapakkann ;)
Renee Celeste Ammirata Offically get ready time, cannot put it off any longer! Hopefully 1 or all of the possible 9 admissions that is supposed to be coming today is cancelled!! Ugh!! Well, I hope that everyone has a fabulous Thursday! Almost the weekend!! yey! Happy Christmas Month!!! =)
170 days til I marry my best friend<3
Mike Harper shall i play along? yesssss!
Ras Jaguar What a 'DECEMBER' to 'REMEMBER'.....we still kicking alive, Glory be onto de Creator...RASTAFAR I.
Cec Brown Coto de caza california is so am going on a tour of tha
City....sht I got wasted str8 off the air plane lol first class was tha Sht!!!! I miss my son so much:(
But mommy got to Handel some things... I love Cali (in my wiz voice)
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