Tony Udaku Karma karma karma karma ! sick tune #Tarrus Riley ! I ♥ this tune 2 sana! #realitycheck !
Owen K Excel Wat a day? Jst finished workin, i missd glorywave 2day. EPC mewba, abeg make una gist me hw 2day prgrm b...i'm waitin.
Tyania Freeney Jesus is the sweetest name that i know. And he's just the same as his holy name.
Tristan Powers Dasani water doesn't belong in the dr.pepper slot wasted my last dollar on water I don't drink
Ryan Lyle i guess crunchy black is back ahaha hes soo shit
Crunchy Black - Big Bruh Be Robbin [Music Video] Crunchy Black 'Big Bruh Be Robbin'
Brenton Martinez Today I was called a disgusting peice of crap...#LivingTheDream Lmfaoooo!
Sabari Elango Soon I will let you all know the date of "Nanban's" audio launch. - Harris Jayaraj
Its like a teacher saying on Monday you will have a surprise test !! :)
J Derek Summey Ooooh, dropping kids off at the pool! Now I get it.
Adam Swensen If you are looking for a fantastic way to get involved in ministry this summer, I encourage you to apply to Lake Ann Camp. Applications opened today! I love the place and vouch for it hardcore.. If you are interested let me know and I can get you more info (or check out their page.)
Siyabonga Dumakude after wat i have done am so proud of myself..... *eqhiyame embhedeni ephuza i minute maid*
Rachael-Lorraine Iles oh my god, i had forgotten about the Chemical onnnn
Eldotjetson Datrendsetta Dear God,
U no how u made me and at this point, I feel u owe ME! Holla @ ya boi. I'll be waiting...
Clyde Centino rockin out too hard to daft punk. for a minute there i thought the whole school could hear the music. turns out i just look like im being possessed lol
Hays Stegall I listened to Occupy Oakland for 15 minutes or so... "representatives" from "groups" were just asking for donations the whole time. To be fair they did say that they were going to hand out flyers for plans but its been over 7 weeks people, and you're now just starting to make plans for your plans? I guess no one just gave them a plan and this is how long it takes them to find an ounce of initiative.
Sharon Dark It's pretty bad when you have to pop a Xanax just to do a little Xmas shopping. But if I don't I'm going to end up killing some stupid crazy people out here!
Brianna Nicole Patterson (1/2) DMA boringg as hell! haha(: not really that happy aboutt leavingg school wont gett too see my babyy.. :( hopingg i can see himm this weekendd... I lovee
Ubaldo Orosco Q:Have you ever been in love?
A:Ha wow nice question and yes i have
Rabia Rasheed am a woman i nid 2 b touchd i nid 2 b lvd
Rashard Haynesworth I'm faced with yet another dilemma, eat an apple or a nestle drumstick.....I think we all know how this one will end though lol
Cindy Memnook perfect timing..just as i expected..12 bells n we pulling in ppl.
Denasia Quick - I Want Sum Chinese Food :(
Latyra Malone I need happiness in my life tired of stressing about everything it is reall time for a change.....mood: finna make it happen right damn now......
Teeana Watson Just got finished completing my Future Soldier Courses so I can get my promotion!!. Now only thing I have to focus on is working out... :)
Jake RedFox Hornbeck Sometimes, I ask myself "What if I was a box of Fruit Loops"? I never get many answers.
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