Claudia Molina ME TOCO CONFESAR .
* Primer nombre : Claudia (y no preguntes el segundo)
* Sobrenombre: FLACA
* Medis: 1,55 (soy tamaño poket si.. te ries y te frito!)
* Sexo : a veces mucho, a veces poco (son rachas)
... * Animal favorito:perros!
* Equipos de futbol:el monterrey
* Un color favorito : Violeta-Rosa
* Una fruta: Si lo digo se me cagan de risa!
* Un postre: ARROZ CON LECHE
* Que te hace reir: La mediocridad, la estupidez y la vanidad (ajenas por supuesto)
* Que no te gusta: No es que no me gusta Lavar, sino que le doy uso al lavarropas para que el pobre señor que lo invento no se sienta mal..
* Blanco o negro: Negro a morir!
* Extrañas a alguien: Sip.... y mucho!
* Celoso/a: Quien?? yoo?? Lo tocas y te oiste... te mato!!! jajajajajajaja
WoWwwwwwww ('o')
Kenta Masaki 卒論、約四分の一を終えたので今日は寝たいと思います♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪
Patrick Paddy Kali Ba ne bale ka top ba tlaya ka dwn n ba ne ba le ka dwn batlaya ka top.,n wena o tloya kae? Yes u?
Dennis Cheruiyot Ng'etich best pal"A night card 4u"
*ö+ GOOD + ö*
*ö "+. 9T .+" ö*
*ö "+" & ö*
*swt dreams! ö* xoxo:-)
Tanner Sheppard my colour is; green
would you dye your hair this colour? firetrucking yah!
food this colour? Jell-O
animal this colour? Alligator
drink this colour? Epicest Juice Ever!
Like for a colour :) (Only if ur awesome thoe!)
John Chawawa O!guyz wht a day,tird,very hot and am very full,i eat 2 much nsima with usipa wafresh eish.Gud 9t ppo
Bashir Muideen Horlalekon December, ti de o abu ru, o ni kan wa...
Joice Veg São Paulo - Dentre os grandes , és o primeiro!
São Paulo Futebol Clube- Uma Paixão Sem Limites!
São paulo só pra quem pode não pra quem quer!
Para São Paulinos-Não existem títulos a se conquistarem..e sim títulos a se repetirem!
Clyde Butch Bailon CaÑete hahai....d japon ko ka2gon.....m out nlng ko ky boring nah,,,bag,o lng jud tawn ko nahuman downlod
Denisse Cerda So dam windyyy o noo
Darneshia Akemon A nurses prayer:
As I care
for my patients today,
Be there with me,
... O Lord, I pray.
Make my words kind
-it means so much-
And in my hands
place Your healing touch.
Let Your love shine
through all that I do,
so those in need
may hear and feel you. -Amen
See More
St Chinasa I will never leave unless u bless me o lord!
Sakoon Facts from sakoon-o-pedia : Chiken Tikka Masala is the national dish of U.K.
Deborah Ejikunle O lord i thank u 4 my day, gud9ty frd, hav a woundaful 9ty rest. A sun ji oo
Kristin Shipley Schmidt 10 LIKES and I'll do my ABC's (;
A- Available :
B- Birthday :
C- Crushing On :
D- Drink you last had :
... ... E- Easiest person to talk too :
F- Favorite song :
G- Grossest memory :
H- Hometown :
I- In love with :
J- Jealous of :
K- Killed someone :
L- Longest friendship :
M- Middle Name :
N- Number of siblings :
O- One wish :
P- Person who called you last :
Q- Question you're always asked :
R- Reason to smile :
S- Song you last sang :
T- Time you woke up :
U- Underwear color :
V- Violent moment you had :
W- Worst habit :
X- X-rays you had :
Y- Your last kiss :
Z- Zodiac sign:
Melinda Washington re-post:
When you’re a plus sized woman, people like to say "yeah, she's cute in the face", as if being full figured is such a disgrace. Honey, I’m cute in the face, and I’m thick in the waist. I look good whether I’m in cotton, leather, or lace. I’m beautiful, vibrant and above all, smart! And there's more to me than my weight, I also have a big heart. Yes my clothes maybe a bigger size, that just means you have access to a bigger prize. We all are not self-conscious about our weight, and we never have a problem getting a date. So don’t think your small frame gives you more pull, I’m a hot, sexy, curvy woman with a figure that's full :o) Re-post if your a curvy girl and proud to be!!!
Ionescu Mihai Riscul meseriei; Cand esti prea cunoscut,te asteapta dupa colt sau de la mari distante un aparat foto cu o mare luneta....tac,tac,te-am prins!
Dupa ce revista Spy a aruncat bomba publicand mai multe fotografii in care Adrian Enache o "traducea" pe Iuliana Marciuc cu o tanara, ziarul CANCAN va aduce in exclusivitate detalii despre ea. Andra Ioana Putanu este fata de comandor si jongleaza cu doua joburi: unul la banca si altul, de colaborato...
Jeff Kodisang Bare T-bose o superhot... #skeem sam#
Ramsely Moalosi Kante why batho ba rata dilo jaana....?? Motho o tla itera tsala le wena mara a lebela ko tlase, kana a go tsaya jaaka sematla..... Ppl tlogelang go pretendr....NXA..!!
Evans Joel Jazzy Guys I need xMaS gift o no. Matta wt it may b I dnt care!!!!!
Melisa Moore O:-)
Luiz Felipe Marchese Escolho o restaurante de uma forma muito simples: olho a mesa. Se não tem paliteiro, não posso pagar.
Stelios Steliou Επίττωσα με το mojito, θωρώ τον Freddy Chicharito..
Γύρνω τζιαι πίννω με τες ώρες, θωρώ τζιαι τον Rengifo Torres..
Βάρμου μια βότκα-ανανά, να δω τον Τζίμη Cantona..
Γύρνω τζιαι πίννω τζι’ εν με πιάννει, θωρώ τζιαι τον Εφραίμ για Nani..
Μεθκιώ με ούζο δανεικόν, θωρώ τον Spugin Maicon..
... ...Τραβώ τζιαι μια κουμανταρία, τζι’ ο Αβραάμ εγίνειν Di Maria..
Πίννω τζιαι κάμνω έτσι κκελλέ, θωρώ τον Νoel Makelele..
Άνοιξε μου τζιαι μια Sol, να δω τον Alabi Puyol..
Τσιλλώ ζιβάνα με μεζέδες, θωρώ τζιαι τον Da Silva Tevez..
Τσιλλώ πιννιές με σσιοιρομέρι, θωρώ τον Καρυπίδη Τerry..
Κάμε μου τζιαι καμιά «πάσα», να δω Evra τζειν’ τον Margaca..
Ποτάβρισμου τζιαι τζείν' το bong, να δω τον Salatic για Song..
Κάμνω εΐβα με τον Άντρο, βάρτους αλλόνα ρε Λεάντρο !!!
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